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№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Madera A., Kandalov P.

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Temperature fields in real technical systems are interval and stochastic, that caused by interval stochastic uncertain parameters. However existing methods for modeling of temperature fields in technical system are based on the assumption that parameters determining the thermal regimes are deterministic, meanwhile, an actual practice shows that such assumption is very far from the reality and leads to low adequacy of modeling. An interval stochastic nature of temperature fields in technical system is due to such random factors as: manufacturing tolerances; environmental characteristics; external environment of operation; design parameters of system (contact gap, sizes, shape, distance between elements, etc). All random factors determining thermal regimes of systems are changed within intervals of their random tolerance values. Therefore uncertainty of these factors as well as uncertainty of temperature distribution are interval stochastic too. But in the meantime at present there are no adequate and effective mathematical and computer simulation methods for modeling of interval stochastic temperature fields in complex technical systems. In this paper the mathematical and computer simulation method for modeling of interval-stochastic temperature fields in technical (electronic) systems, are developed. The temperature fields depend on interval character of thermal input parameters of technical system and operational conditions. The modeling computer simulation algorithm realized by computer program (STF-ElectronMod). Applying of these methods and algorithm to an electronic system, are shown.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
Authors: Bolotova L. S., Nikishina A., Novikov A., Surkhaev M.

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This article is devoted to a problem of formation of criteria for allocation from a set of the program systems of the life imitating machines, which are received as result of modeling of intellect, but not intellectual behavior of the subject. The main attention is paid to that fact that not all characteristics of live essence but only some (not less than one) have to be inherent in the life imitating machine. And also we can easily distinguish live essence not only from a stone, but also from the lifeless machine gun. The variant of the architect program systems is revealed, which are reasonably classified in the status of results of modeling of several sides multilaterally interpreted intellect of the subject. In article the example of improvement of concrete program system on giving of the characteristics corresponding to the status of the life imitating machine to it figures prominently. Thereby reader can form unambiguity for distinction of processes of intellectual modeling and intellectual behavior of the subject. Also it is noted that the lack of accurate distinction of components of triune essence (subject, its intellect and intellectual behavior) completely brought out now questions of intellectual modeling from the area of researches. Scale of a problem of research and intellectual modeling, its relevance, the theoretical and practical importance are shown. It is emphasized that a long-term demand of the solution of questions of research and intellectual modeling in a combination to complexity of their decision led to conscious or unconscious substitution in scientific literature of the concept «modeling of intellect» by the concept «modeling of intellectual behavior». Some standard cases in which program systems obviously are in a false manner declared in the status of the imitating machines are given in the conclusion.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Čyras G., Sabaitytė J.

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Effective development of nowadays business must be based on scientific knowledge and sciencebased solutions, which are designed to properly integrate electronic and mobile business models into enterprises current traditional activities. IT-based development should be followed by rightly identified characteristics of electronic, mobile business and participants in this area, analysed strategy aspects and identified the role and importance of business model in this context. The aim of this article is to analyze the effective electronic and mobile business integration to traditional business aspects from the strategic point of view. To achieve this goal, the main characteristics of e- and m-business were identified, information technology-based business strategies and business model classification were analyzed. Research methodology employed: systematic literature analysis and synthesis, grouping, graphic information visualization techniques.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Internet marketing
Authors: Činčikaitė R., Kurojedova D.

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Advertising spreads very fast on social networks, forums and similar communication sites. In 2013, the online social media tools were used by 38.3 per cent of companies, and this number is constantly growing. This article deals with the online marketing, social networking and brand concepts. It analyses specific characteristics of a brand and social networking as well as their significance. Based on the example of the brand Vytautas, the success factors of the brand on social networks are set. Consumer opinions on the importance of social networks for promoting the brand are assessed. The analysis employs the following methods: the biometric Eye Tracking analysis and multiple criteria assessment method.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Smirnov O. A., Haritonov S.

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The main goal of this article if analyze possibilities of implication of distributed information systems in government regulation multifaceted phenomena, the impact of which can only be done by indirect methods. This is an important field for further research the integration of monitoring systems, algorithmic computational problems in the individual subsystems and their integration. In particular, the necessity of using such systems for the analysis of the impact of instruments of state control development of the route network of regular air transport the analysis of civil aviation activities, the results of which indicated that the directions constituting more than 40% of passenger traffic route network 2007, currently not served. All of this suggests the need to evaluate specific directions from a position in accessibility to the population. Thus, when designing distributed systems, it is necessary not only to identify subtasks research, but also to determine the particular objects of study. As a result of the application of multivariate classification algorithm with training it was revealed that Russian airlines use 4 types of business models in the choice of the route network and only 3 of them can have a substantial impact on the state route network that must be taken into account in the selection of monitoring sites.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Volkov А., Reingold L., Reinhold E.

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The paper discusses the issues associated with the design and development of professional standards in Russia. Describes the creation of professional standards, the main directions of their development, practical application, the automation status of this activity. It is noted that in modern society are changing the main structural components of professional identity — the content of activities, processes, experience, strategies for professional advancement. «Professional resistance» is replaced professional mobility. Therefore, the role of professional standards that describe the requirements for knowledge, skills and specialist skills. In professional standards in the it sector must take into account peculiarities of this sector is the rapid development, virtuality and the multilevel character of the objects of it professionals, the presence of other groups of standards affecting the use of information technology — it standards, educational standards and other Necessary monitoring changes in the it and timely revision of professional requirements. Requires additional structuring elements of the content of professional standards. In particular: development of standardized classifications of skills-based typing of objects and subjects of employment; submission of professional standards in the form of information modules model characterizing the competence of the specialist, and the use of the principle of «modularity» of the content of professional standards which allow reuse information elements, in various professional standards. The content of professional standards will become more uniform due to the standardization of semantic elements. It will form a «professional vertical control of the integrating mechanism of the modern state.