PhD in Physics & Mathematics, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy» |
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Moscow |
Problem of creating software management development effectiveness of airport infrastructureDevelopment of information systems, implementing performance management is a relevant area of activity for all sectors of the real sector. In terms of active development of transport infrastructure in general and airport infrastructure in particular, the use of an approach to designing an information system on the basis of management practices related logistics flow reveals reserves improved performance. Read more...Concept of air ticets rates monitoring information system architectureIt is shown in the article that the architecture of the information system is primarily determined by
the specifics of the current state of the object of research. Practice development and functioning of
information systems suggests that the transformation of the object change and methods of its study,
therefore, the construction of the processing rules necessary to determine the most likely forecast
the state of the object.
It is shown that more objective data have the reservation system, so how can on-line to determine the number in the sale of tickets of each type of tariff. Therefore, the presentation layer information system can be based on the appeal to the reservation systems and established by government agencies bets ground service. Layer the business logic of the conceptual architecture of the information system should be data-handling procedures. Including them can make such indicators as the weighted average cost of the air ticket of economic class, the comparison of the weighted average price of air tickets for the flight with the same indicators in a comparable number of passengers and the distance of the internal and external transportation, mapping the dynamics of changes in the weighted average ticket prices, changes in the weighted average price of the air ticket for a flight before and after the arrival of new airlines or after exit from the market competitors. Thus the application architecture, allowing the use of a system based on collecting, storing and processing information simultaneously to multiple Federal agencies with the development of forms of representation data in accordance with the objectives of the authority, allows to significantly reduce the cost of their implementation. Automation of efficiency estimation of airport infrastructure developmentAnalysis of models for the development of airport infrastructure and ground service of civil aviation
of Russia suggests that the most significant indicators of the effectiveness of airport operations
from the perspective of a choice of methods of industrial policy, are the levels of fees.
Evaluation of the establishment of the cost of ground maintenance indicates that some charges
may vary as every few years (for example, the towing fee for take-off and landing), and others several
times a month (fees for aviation kerosene). Therefore, the evaluation of the effectiveness of regulation
for the development of airport infrastructure must be conducted no less than once a month,
if industrial policies should include the creation of a new business model and at least once per year
in the case of improving the institutional environment for the implementation of airport activity. Thus,
the algorithmic evaluation of the effectiveness of the model for the development of airport infrastructure
should include the possibility of permanent (at least once per month) revaluation mapping of
airports on the level of charges.
Also it is shown that for a more precise definition of change is measured using a multi-dimensional
classification is not only based on the totality of data on fees in the Federal airports, but also within
individual clusters, while using a wider list of analyzed indicators.
Design of distributed information systems management of air transport route network developmentThe main goal of this article if analyze possibilities of implication of distributed information systems
in government regulation multifaceted phenomena, the impact of which can only be done by indirect
methods. This is an important field for further research the integration of monitoring systems, algorithmic
computational problems in the individual subsystems and their integration. In particular, the
necessity of using such systems for the analysis of the impact of instruments of state control development
of the route network of regular air transport the analysis of civil aviation activities, the results
of which indicated that the directions constituting more than 40% of passenger traffic route network
2007, currently not served. All of this suggests the need to evaluate specific directions from a position
in accessibility to the population. Thus, when designing distributed systems, it is necessary not
only to identify subtasks research, but also to determine the particular objects of study. As a result
of the application of multivariate classification algorithm with training it was revealed that Russian
airlines use 4 types of business models in the choice of the route network and only 3 of them can
have a substantial impact on the state route network that must be taken into account in the selection
of monitoring sites.
System management formation in government regulation of airport network development
The article analyzes the approaches to the formation of information system of knowledge management
in public administration of this important branch of transport civil aviation. In particular, it is
shown that the application of algorithmic elements of knowledge management, including lifecycle
management of knowledge — use of existing concepts and the creation of new knowledge, allows
to increase the objectivity and transparency when making decisions regarding the regulation of development
of the airport network.
For example, data analysis of the dynamics of passenger flows using the tools of analysis of principal
components and discriminant analysis, and also applications in public administration such
concepts as creating an airport network on the basis of a system of airports-hubs shown that existing
approaches of choice has a significant limitation. Therefore, the information of a knowledge
management system should include information about how theoretical modeling and algorithm data
mining tools.