Postgraduate Student, Institute of Physics and Technology |
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Moscow |
Open data: problems and solutionsThis article deals with problems and solutions related to open data, which can be used without any legal limitations (owner’s rights, patents, etc.). There is a lot of analytical research of correct definition and reality, advantages and most effective ways of using an open data. In conclusion mentioned the most important questions, related to open data, which will define the effectiveness of future development of information technology.
Using ontologies for creation and operation of financial data warehousesThis article is dedicated to analytical review of data warehouses technology and loading of heterogeneous data into it. Article describes how OWL ontologies could be used to facilitate operations with heterogeneous data. Our approach extensively uses ontology during loading external data phase and during obtaining analytical data phase.
Professional standards in the field of IT as a factor in technological and social developmentThe paper discusses the issues associated with the design and development of professional standards
in Russia. Describes the creation of professional standards, the main directions of their development,
practical application, the automation status of this activity. It is noted that in modern society
are changing the main structural components of professional identity — the content of activities, processes,
experience, strategies for professional advancement. «Professional resistance» is replaced
professional mobility. Therefore, the role of professional standards that describe the requirements
for knowledge, skills and specialist skills. In professional standards in the it sector must take into account
peculiarities of this sector is the rapid development, virtuality and the multilevel character of
the objects of it professionals, the presence of other groups of standards affecting the use of information
technology — it standards, educational standards and other Necessary monitoring changes
in the it and timely revision of professional requirements. Requires additional structuring elements of
the content of professional standards. In particular: development of standardized classifications of
skills-based typing of objects and subjects of employment; submission of professional standards in
the form of information modules model characterizing the competence of the specialist, and the use
of the principle of «modularity» of the content of professional standards which allow reuse information
elements, in various professional standards. The content of professional standards will become
more uniform due to the standardization of semantic elements. It will form a «professional vertical
control of the integrating mechanism of the modern state.
Integration of data warehouses with open and big data for solving problems of financial institutions: problems and approaches to solving
The article considers the issues related to the integration of information from various sources for
complex application in solving problems of financial institutions. Approaches are suggested for use
in data warehouses organize information from external sources: open data, Internet, state of automation
systems, etc. emphasizes the importance of using financial institutions structural beginning,
shared meanings, redistributable formed in the present state automation. An example of such a system
is the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction that enables the financial institution to
get automated information from state and municipal agencies. Another example is also introduced
in Russia a unified system of identification and authentication, providing a legally confirmed authorization
of users of automated systems. It is noted that in a society based on such systems form some
external to the financial organization master data management environment, which must be effectively
used by financial organizations to obtain new functionality automation and additional structuring
information in their data warehouses. Discusses the potential use of financial organizations open
data generated in the present time, various organizations in the initiative order, and published various
state and municipal agencies of Russia. The article also considers the interaction of financial institutions
and service it service it company, including the use of the process approach to develop,
support, and development of automation for financial institutions.
Semantic interoperability in solving financial problems and ways of measuring itThe article discusses issues related to the solution of the problem providing semantic interoperability
in the financial organization. Interoperability is an ability of the joint operation of automated systems
and consists of technical and information. Problems associated with the technical interoperability in
modern IT systems generally are solved. Technical interoperability studies related to problems solution
of performance, reliability, cryptographic data protection, cost optimization and etc. Automated
systems must use the information in compatible manner, in a certain sense, must exist a «same understanding
» the content of the interaction between them. It must be formed common semantic field.
Financial organizations use the semantics to harmonize their data by available government public information
to interact with each other. Automatic integration method is a qualitative development expert
method. One of the important indicators of integration is the proportion of incompatible semantically
mapped information sources. Such an assessment may be obtained in two ways: automatically or
expert. Automatically obtained estimate can be computed by embedding the special algorithms, which
record discrepancies in information (rejected transactions). Another indicator of interoperability is a
number of attributes (tags, facts and etc.) that can be obtained from this information block. Means of
semantic interoperability in demand at all stages of the life cycle of the automated systems. The article
suggests some approaches to quantitative and qualitative assessment of effectiveness of existing
integration technologies. Attempt to understand how quantitative estimates and qualitative aspects of
this phenomenon is made.