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№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Information economy
Authors: Matveeva L., Chernova О., Nikitaeva A., Streltsova E.

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The paper reveals the essence, features, and characteristics of the information economy. The tendencies toward transformation in the economic development within industrial enterprises in the area of information and communication are demonstrated on the basis of this analysis. The specific features of the current state of industrial development in Russia are shown and the role of institutions in enabling innovative activity by enterprises in the real sector of the economy is described. Tools are proposed for the information economy, permitting the elimination of current limitations and enabling the functions of institutions of innovative industrial development in the conditions of considerable regional variation. Particular attention is paid to the potential for electronic government in the industrial development of the economy.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Quality management
The author: Romanova E.

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To improve the quality information support for state management, a lot of specially integrated information systems are being developed to the control of the Russian Federation specific departments and ministries. This systems purpose is complex automation of all levels activities of government and providing information interaction with each other and external objects. The research urgency is due to the complexity of state information systems performance, the increasing necessity in data reliability, the widening range of audits carried out to ensure control at all stages of the data flow. This is especially true of data coming from different sources that have an ambiguous degree of verification. Note that the developed system is constantly expanding, in the new services forms and mobile versions. This process is aimed at increasing level of data openness, their availability to the population and processes transparency for obtaining them. Conducting an analytical study of the use of various parameters for state information systems data quality assessment will allow us to identify proposals for data quality control. In this article, author presents the parameters to specify the data quality in Ishikawa diagram, and the aspects formalization of state information systems data quality assurance processes. Recommendations have been given for further usage by system analysts, IT specialists in the development of complex information systems.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Virtual reality
The author: Reingold L.

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The article suggests an approach for complex analysis of the processes of appearance and application of metaphors in the introduction of new technologies. A metaphor is a generalized image of a phenomenon that reflects its basic features. This concept is not yet quite consciously used for the complex description of information technology. Metaphor is an indispensable element in the process of constructing a new phenomenon, allowing one to combine the views of parties interested in information technologies: end users, the state, business, science, technology makers. Metaphors allow to think out and develop specific representations of interested persons about an object of interest. This is understandable for the basis of the semantic «skeleton», the concept of the phenomenon. Successful metaphors are assimilated by all stakeholders and become drivers for the development of technologies and the entire infrastructure of society. The purpose of the metaphor is a holistic and understandable display of phenomena. This is the center of crystallization of the system of meanings of society in the direction of technological development. From this point of view metaphors are considered digitalization, digital economy, IoT, Industry 4.0 and others. Areas for a comprehensive study of metaphors, possible approaches to formalizing the description of their content. In general, metaphors set the direction of development of modern society, helps to form mechanisms for effective management. It is a tool for constructing and introducing new needs, a universal tool for a clear understanding of changing reality.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Nefedov Y.

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According to grouth of Coursera popularity in Russia it’s interesting to analyse the educational methods used on the platform. In 2016 the grouth was more than 50% thanks to globalization. So the courses placed on Coursera are now competititors of Russian courses and Russian educational providers need to study good practice. An important specificity of Coursera courses is their adult orientation. That means students motivation for learning, their life experience and time management skills. So educational methods have preconditions for use and sometimes couldn’t be applicable. Organization of learning process as a hierarchy «specializations — courses — weeks» is not a standard approach in Russia and it could require to adapt existing learning programs. So, key leaning methods and techniques that could be good practice are: Executed assignment as public portfolio could grow leaning motivation and responsibility of a student; surely this method assumes to change assignments systematically; Рееr assesement is an interesting method that force a student to see other ways of task decisions and to get informative feedback without a teacher; Interactive simulators could rapidly accelerate learning process especially with several levels of hints for a student. As a remark we don’t recommend to implement all the methods without adaptation. Perhaps, Coursera courses originally intended to be autonomous but teacher involvement could be value-added for a student.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Shilova O., Yurkov A.

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The article confirms that the leading world-class universities focus special attention on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in their educational and research activities. Multifunctional and effective use of ICT is perceived by the world-class universities as a major factor which provides their global competitiveness. The leading Russian universities in their development programs also pay special attention to this problem. The article presents an attempt to analyze, think over and single out the principal qualities of the world-class leading universities in terms of the ICT use in education and the peculiar features of their educational systems. The J. Salmi1 model is used as the analyses’ basis which describes the interrelation of the factors providing global competitiveness and successful functioning of the leading world-class universities. The conclusion is that the key factors of provision for the university competitiveness in terms of strategic development are the modern information and communication technologies as well as the educational resources created with the use of the ICT and the innovational education system answering the demands of the digital future.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Roshchin D.

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The article discusses the prospects of creation of systems of automatic control of UAVS implement the computer vision. Describes the method of using computer vision is aimed at improving the accuracy of measurements of deviations from the flight path of the UAV and providing the ability to automatically generate photomontages in real time during the aerial. Check this method for performance and assessment of its methodological error. If necessary, create photomontages on a large scale, aerial photographs have to at low altitude or when a large focal length of the lens. The required values of the overlapping frames is reduced so that the navigation equipment of UAV are no longer able to provide the specified route of flight within the required tolerances. As a result, the photomontage may be gaps. To address this problem, a method was developed that implements the possibility to build automatic control system for UAVS. This method allows to increase the accuracy of determining deviations from the flight path of the UAV and provides automatic generation of photomontages in real time. This gives you the ability to carry out aerial works at low altitudes and create photomontages on a large scale in compliance with the required overlapping frames.