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№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Lyubimov E. V.

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Formation of centralized uniform department of information technology is not always cost-effective in large structured geographically distributed enterprises. The objective of the article is to develop recommendations for organization of effective technical and reasonable cost management system IT services for large institutions. Is generally recommended to use ITIL for IT management. The model of IT services catalog is simple, it ignores technical and system aspects of IT services. It has been observed, the idea of centralization and systematization IT services through service catalog is failing in practice. The article proposes algorithm of distribution IT services by the organizational structure. The algorithm considers the budget management, technical and system aspects. Reasons for and consequences of the transfer IT services to not specialized subdivisions were research. As a result, the new distribution IT services allows creating more efficient organizational structure of IT department. IT department focuses on infrastructure and system-wide problems, it permits to decrease information technology costs. The article presents examples of the distribution IT services for University and Network of State Institutions.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Prokimnov N.

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Comprehensive, accurate and qualitative information is the basis of research, decision-making and management activities at different levels and applications. The non-trivial cases to obtain data related to the solution of complex problems and requires establishing special data collection or monitor system, the traditional approach to the construction is based on pre-formed requirements derived from system analysis stage. However, the actually observed processes due to their unpredictable character are typically different from expected ones having highly variability of their parameters’ values and behavior styles thus reducing the originally built monitoring system efficiency because of ever-growing discrepancy between the initial objectives and actually observed environment. The solution may exist in creating a system of adaptive monitoring, featuring flexibility to change its structure and behavior depending on changing conditions. The paper describes the fundamental concepts for building systems in an adaptive manner taking into account and generalizing the accumulated experience of implementing this approach. We indicate the possible adaptation areas, describe the main system components and objects, such as triggers and indicators, enumerate the requirements they should meet and enlist the recommendations for their design. In addition, the possible IT technologies, platforms and application systems examples that implement an adaptive monitoring approach are highlighted.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Quality management
The author: Korableva G.

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The problem of quality management system automation of the Russian enterprises and organizations is actual in connection with the raising quality requirements of the made production and services caused by the entry of Russia into the WTO and EurAsEC. The analysis of the Russian software market showed lack of prototype software solutions in the field of automation of quality management systems of the organizations. Some functions on quality control of productions/services are implemented only in the ERP system «Galaxy». On the other hand, the foreign market is saturated with the software for the system quality management automation. In the course of research, the problems of the automation of the systems of quality management connected with specifics of quality management document turnover, registration procedures, the assessment and the analysis of quality of raw materials and finished goods, staffing of such systems were revealed. By the results of the research the basic provisions of the methodology of designing of the automated quality management systems have been formulated, including some basic principles structural and object-oriented approaches, which include: the principle of functional decomposition, the principle of consistency, the principle of access to the end user, the principle of encapsulation, the principle of structuring data with the use of relational data model, the principle of feedback (interaction with the consumers), the principle of visualization of processes, the principle of process identification, the principle of process controllability, the principle of controlling with the implementation of 8D method, the principle of integration of electronic forms of documentation, the principle of adaptability of electronic forms of documentation, the principle of a flexible configuration, the principle of the automated assessment, the principle of group clustering. All considered theoretical principles are discussed in detail in this article. The formulated concepts have been tested in the design of the automated systems of quality management of the specific businesses.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Quality management
Authors: Burljaeva E., Razlivinskaya S. V., Tregubov A.

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One of the approaches of chemical manufacturing information support is model-driven engineering which focuses on the abstract representation of the knowledge as the domain model. From one side, domain models are intuitive and user-friendly for the expert. From the other side, such models are formal and can be translated to software constructions. The IDEF specifications are used for the model definitions creating. First, we provide the generalized functional model on the basis of informal descriptions of one-step chemical manufacturing. We begin with top-level context diagram to specify the main inputs, outputs, controls and mechanisms of the chemical manufacturing. From this diagram the derived diagram is generated. The derived diagram describes the sequence of base technological steps such as row materials preparation, chemical transformation, product refinement and condensate separation. The quality inspection is added to the end of the sequence. Feedback arrows present recycles of raw materials. Then the implementation of this model for the production of methyl tertiary butyl ether is described. The detailing of the generalized model means naming of functional blocks and arrows while the model structure does not change. So the generalized model can be treated as a template for any chemical one-stage manufacturing model.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Romanova E., Davletkireeva L., Maslennikova O., Nazarova O.

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In the conditions of informatization of all fields of activity the improvement of processes of life cycle of the automated systems defines functioning of any enterprise in general. In this regard the importance of the university graduates competence formation increases. Professional competences define the degree of IT specialists in information systems readiness to carry out different types of tasks. The requirements of employers were analysed according to which the model of future expert in the field of information systems is developed. The article is focused on the continuity principle that is realized though the chain «competence — subject — competence — subject». The complex of methods, forms and techniques is used for conducting classes and organizing extra class activities and studying. A certain competence formation of university students within an educational curricular is carried out through a number of disciplines and their close interrelation on the basis of continuity is assumed that is realized though curricular, in the principles of statements of design tasks, application-oriented tasks, including laboratory and course papers, educational and work practice, etc. Continuity principle in subjects curricular planning defines completeness of formation as one of significant factors of increase of efficiency both the process of formation of competences, and educational process in general. The materials of the research can be used for IT-specialists training at higher education institution.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
The author: Sliva M.

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The article discusses the international standard of education Computer Science Curricula 2013 and provides an analysis of its substantial aspect. Currently information technology is one of the fastest growing fields of knowledge, that iswhy it is urgent of what and how to teach. So there is a need to analyze the accumulated international experience in this area. For computer science this international experience is concentrated in the document entitled Computer Science Curricula. Current version of this document is Computer Science Curricula 2013 (CS2013). The most interesting is the analysis of requirements for graduates in the field of Computer Science, such as Technical understanding of computer science, Familiarity with common themes and principles, Appreciation of the interplay between theory and practice, System-level perspective, Problem solving skills, Project experience, Commitment to lifelong learning, Commitment to professional responsibility, Communication and organizational skills, Awareness of the broad applicability of computing, Appreciation of domain-specific knowledge. Another side of CS2013 are Knowledge Areas of Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity, Architecture and Organization, Computational Science, Discrete Structures, Graphics and Visualization, Human- Computer Interaction, Information Assurance and Security, Information Management, Intelligent Systems, Networking and Communications, Operating Systems, Platform-based Development, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Programming Languages, Software Development Fundamentals, Software Engineering, Systems Fundamentals, Social Issues and Professional Practice. CS2013 and Russian standard of higher education in IT have much in common, but also there are some differences in courses, ways of teaching and graduation requirements.