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№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: ZHdanovich O. A., Ivanchuk I., Kornyushko V., Kostrov A. V.

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The task of the business process management system readiness level to informatization are proposed. It is proposed the verbal description of stages maturity with the multitude of partial quantitative criteria to reflect for this it propose the multicriterial examination by experts to take. The generalized methodics on base of multicriterial expert estimate are proposed that make possible the business process management system elements readiness level uniform to estimate.
№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Artyuhin V., Chiasnavichius J.

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In this article considered the application of methods of qualitative data analysis for creation of a research conceptual framework, specification of research purposes, tasks and questions, which it has to answer. This approach is applicable for a wide range of researches, well proves to be in the conditions of indeterminacy, capable to help with communication of scientists and customers, to plan the purposes of further researches.
№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Project management
The author: Mikheev A.

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The article discusses the application of process management to financial management. The decentralized management of financial institution financial resources with the help of process approach is described. Traditionally, process management and financial management were considered as the independent areas of research. In this paper the recently appeared kind of process management which involves direct execution of business processes in a computer environment is applied to financial management area.
№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Moshev E., Romashkin M.

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The article presents the results of development of models and algorithms of calculation of technical devices intended to reduce the vibration impact of the working medium on the piping of reciprocating compressor units. Models differ in that they contain the information structure of a piston compressor, the working medium, the physical properties of gases and allow via algorithms presented in this article automate the calculation of the design characteristics buffer capacities and diaphragms smoothing the pulsation of the working medium. Using the developed models and algorithms will allow to reduce expenses on designing systems for pipeline binding of reciprocating compressor units and will contribute to improving the quality of their expert assessment in the period of operation.
№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Atovmyan I. O., Berezkin E., Kovalevskiy S., SHuvalov V. B.

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The basic principles for combining test checks of individual modules constituting the digital device into a single test program are described. Association of checks is conducted under incomplete information concerning reactions of the faulty device. Properties of optimum ordered sequence of checks in the test are formulated. Heuristic checks ordering algorithms are offered.
№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Dudarev V. A., Brykina G., Filoretova O. A.

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Currently an enormous number of databases on inorganic substances and materials properties exist that contains multidirectional information. The article is devoted to questions of accumulated data usage to find out regularities by means of pattern recognition methods that allow predicting formation of not synthesized substances and estimating its properties.