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№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Information sequrity
Authors: Reingold L., Kopaygorodsky A., Pustozerov E., Volkov А.

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The article discusses issues related to the solution of the problem providing semantic interoperability in the financial organization. Interoperability is an ability of the joint operation of automated systems and consists of technical and information. Problems associated with the technical interoperability in modern IT systems generally are solved. Technical interoperability studies related to problems solution of performance, reliability, cryptographic data protection, cost optimization and etc. Automated systems must use the information in compatible manner, in a certain sense, must exist a «same understanding » the content of the interaction between them. It must be formed common semantic field. Financial organizations use the semantics to harmonize their data by available government public information to interact with each other. Automatic integration method is a qualitative development expert method. One of the important indicators of integration is the proportion of incompatible semantically mapped information sources. Such an assessment may be obtained in two ways: automatically or expert. Automatically obtained estimate can be computed by embedding the special algorithms, which record discrepancies in information (rejected transactions). Another indicator of interoperability is a number of attributes (tags, facts and etc.) that can be obtained from this information block. Means of semantic interoperability in demand at all stages of the life cycle of the automated systems. The article suggests some approaches to quantitative and qualitative assessment of effectiveness of existing integration technologies. Attempt to understand how quantitative estimates and qualitative aspects of this phenomenon is made.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
The author: Sedyakin V.

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Actual questions of the learning philosophy and methodology informatics in univercities is consider. The rewiev of the philosophy and methodology of the technical sciences and informatics how scientific direction and educational subject to postgraduates and students is provided. For example of the modern textbook problems of the lag behind educational subject from modern Russian scientific works to methodology informatics is consider. The association of the philosophy and methodology informatics subject with informatics history in «common informatics» boards to propose. Modern Russian textbook to philosophy and methodology of the technical sciences and informatics by professor V. A. Kanke is is consider. It’s very useful and interesting textbook, however, it’s not free from large defects. Author give original classification sciences, original review of the history and development philosophy and methodology science. Also author introduce very original definition «tekhnicologies» sciences instead of technical sciences. That and other new and original proposals is very useful and interesting, however, without serious discussion that proposals cannot be maintenance of any the universities manuals. That wistful resume must to very useful and interesting book. That book now must name only scientific monograph. Any question of the methodology of informatics in that article also is consider.
№ 5(65) 31 october 2016 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Shorikov A. F., Bucenko E. V., Krylov V.

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The article discusses the problem of optimizing the implementation of the business planning process, corresponding with specific technical and economic conditions and constraints. To solve this problem, we propose to use the intellectual information decision support system that allows to optimize the formation of a specific business plan. Development and creation of such a system is based on network models and methods of economic-mathematical modeling and computer expert systems technology. The results obtained may serve as a basis for the development of appropriate systems of intellectual support management decision making in the implementation of the business planning process.
№ 5(65) 31 october 2016 year
Rubric: Business information systems
The author: Fiodorov I.

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One of the actual problems of applied informatics is the issue of a good decomposition of a business process model. Almost any applied project in the field of IT development includes modeling of a business processes, so that their success depends significantly on the quality of the models used for the analysis, re-engineering and automation. The decomposition of business process model is a key problem in the development of IT enterprise architecture. While this problem is not yet solved, the work of an analyst remain a craft, while engineering approach is required. The purpose of this article is to analyze the theoretical basis and in the context of the Bunge-Wanda Weber ontologicy, develop the principles of a decomposition, which can be considered as a «good» one, suggest criterion which will help to achieve a proper model decomposition. It is wrong to understand decomposition as an identification of components of a system. One should take into consideration the links between its modules — if the connections are complex, their analysis may negate the advantage of decomposition. Strongly connected components cannot be considered separately, but only jointly. The reason for the strong connection is the intersection of an information objects and sub-processes, resulting decomposition. The peculiarity of this research is that we consider a coordinated decomposition of data objects, process operations and external events.
№ 5(65) 31 october 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Bulygina O. V., Emelyanov A., Emelyanova N.

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The concept of «risk» was quite developed as economic category. The theory of risk is actively developing. Partly for that reason, the term risk of different authors may have a different interpretation. In connection with the above, the notion of «risk» is often used in everyday speech. This word is used more often than the word «cat» according to the frequency dictionary of the Russian language. «The classical risk theory» of Daniel Bernoulli may be chosen as the basic concept of system analysis. But the «neoclassical theory» of Lawrence Galitz can also be applied. Risk analysis with the help of the special theory is reduced to the analysis of the stability of the automated control system. Mathematical methods of operational calculus applied. Sustainability criteria by using the theory of functions of a complex variable are used. The dynamics of the control system is investigated by means of special software — simulation model. Graphic illustration of the dynamics of stability displayed by means of «locus» — special figure is automatically created on the complex plane. This indicator means used is provided by software developed by the authors. The structure of the research simulation software provides. Numerical examples illustrate the application of a special simulation system — the software package Actor Pilgrim. Below we consider the systematic analysis of risky management processes by means of the special scales that are using in the decision-making support system DSS (for example, investment projects).
№ 5(65) 31 october 2016 year
Rubric: Automated control systems
Authors: Berman A., Nikolaychuk O., Pavlov A., Yurin A.

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The paper presents the models and methods for creation and application of hybrid intelligent systems, providing solvingthe unformalized multidisciplinary problems in the field of the reliability and safety of chemical and petrochemical manufactures in terms of processing large volumes of information. The self-organizing algorithm and simulation gives opportunity to solve inter-and multidisciplinary problems on the basis of aggregation of goals and objectives of specialists of different scientific fields, and an adequate exchange of information among them on the decisions made and the results achieved in various stages of investigation. Integration of knowledge and increased the effectiveness of decision making in the field of the failure risk reduction are the main result of the joint application of the self-organizing algorithm and simulation.