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Authors: Prokimnov N., Kirillova E.     Published in № 3(111) 20 june 2024 year
Rubric: Educational environment

Digital technologies in science and education (achievements, trends and effects)

The current period of technological progress is characterized by a significant penetration of digital technologies into all spheres of life and society. At the moment, a fairly extensive material has been accumulated with the results of research aimed at recognizing the effects, mostly implicit or weakly exposed, which are inherent in digital technologies, as well as to disclose the mechanisms producing them. However, work in which the task of creating a holistic representation would be solved, reflecting the most important effects in their entire entirety, have not yet been published. The article attempted to analyze all the main features of the application of such technologies in an academic environment, closely related to information processes and where the introduction of digital technologies is especially active. In order to summarize theoretically and practically proven strengths of digital technologies, to identify the most successful applications built on their base, to identify negative manifestations and effective steps taken to neutralize threats, a fairly representative set of research results on identifying individual factors and the study of the effects due to them, specific for digital technologies for a certain applied orientation. Based on the basic concepts, taking into account the experience of the implementation of organizational and administrative measures, focused on achieving the most positive effect of the introduction of digital technologies and elimination of sources of undesirable consequences, a set of key objects of comprehensive analysis is proposed, which should precede decision-making to integrate technologies into the practical activities of the academic structures and serve as the basis for the formation of general policy and strategic plan.

Key words

education, science, automation, digital technology, artificial intelligence, scientific periodicals, mobile devices

The author:

Prokimnov N.


Moscow University of Industry and Science «Synergy»



The author:

Kirillova E.


Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Information Technologies in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk


Smolensk, Russia