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Authors: Zainchkovsky A., Lazarev A., Ledneva O., Prokimnov N.     Published in № 6(108) 25 december 2023 year
Rubric: Defense software

Analysis and testing of neural network TCP/IP packet routing algorithms in private virtual tunnels

One of the most important components of the global Internet are traffic control and management systems. In order to achieve uninterrupted information and communication interaction, the organization of the process is constantly changing, covering not only individual subnets, but also p2p network architectures. The dominant areas for improving the network structure include 5G, IoT and SDN technologies, but their implementation in practice leaves the issue of ensuring the information security of networks built on their basis without a satisfactory solution. Current virtual tunnel deployment topologies and intelligent traffic distribution components provide only partial solutions, particularly in the form of access control based on user traffic and security through dedicated user certificates. The deployment of a tunnel is of particular importance in cases where it is necessary to ensure consistency and coordination of the work of complex socio-economic systems, an example of which is the information and communication exchange between participants in scientific and industrial clusters formed to implement projects for the creation of innovative products. However, existing solutions have disadvantages such as the need to purchase a license for full-featured access to the software product and specialized configuration of client-server authentication that provides secure access to a remote network route. The approach proposed by the authors, based on neural network distribution of traffic between clients of a private dedicated network, allows us to eliminate the noted shortcomings. Based on this principle, a multi-module system for intelligent packet routing was created and tested through unit testing. An analysis of the effectiveness of using a trained network address distribution model is presented in comparison with the use of a DHCP server based on the isc-dhcp-server package, distributed as the dhcpd service.

Key words

security, private virtual networks, deep models, scientific and industrial clusters

The author:

Zainchkovsky A.


r. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Information Technology in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk


Smolensk, Russia

The author:

Lazarev A.


Assistant, Information Technologies in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk


Smolensk, Russia

The author:

Ledneva O.


Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Business Statistics, Synergy University


Moscow, Russia

The author:

Prokimnov N.


Moscow University of Industry and Science «Synergy»

