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№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
The author: Keyno P.

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The main line of work is developing of specific low-level software for synchronizing data structures between file system and clients. The data represents the logic of BML that also developed by author. The language stores their logic in the XML-like structure that has elements and properties. One of the elements is «Set» that associates with a table in a relational database. And element «Block» associates with a field of some data. The main difference is in the extended nature of elements. So, Block can have specific data type and Set can have relations between other sets. When BML developer modifies the source code it causes problems with database rebuilding. The modified project can produce a high load in the system. So, that process should be distributed by the child process. On the other hand, there is second problem related with constant reading of filesystem data. So, synchronizer should perform also file caching function. Synchronizer through the specified interval checks any modified properties like date or checksum of files in the working directory with BML and totally reloads logic structure data when such changes will be. Author also proposes using of non-blocking sockets for interaction with clients. Necessary data transmits through BSON (Binary JSON) and they should be interpreted by each client that receives it. In the article author made a complex architecture of low-level software and proposes some non-standard solutions.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Palto V., Frolov P., Frolov S.

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During a Unity3D-based application development arose a problem of the best approach to a modular architecture. Main requirements were extensibility of a system via plugin mechanism, good performance within single main loop, aggressive garbage collection tolerance, low memory footprint and minimal amount of allocations. Event-driven architecture has been chosen as the one fitting the bill. This paper describes three different approaches to a message exchange within such an architecture, their relative ease of use, ease of maintenance and performance. Message exchange mechanisms being reviewed are: C# native events, event manager with event and publisher types tracking, static events lists with responsibility demarcation and tight IDE integration. All three methods are supposed to be used inside Unity3D version 4 hence being single-threaded and .NET 3.5 compatible. In the end static events lists approach has proven itself although a little bit more verbose than the two other methods, however the best one in terms of performance and IDE integration. The best thing about the selected approach is the fact that it shifts considerable part of an abstraction overhead into an application compile phase rather than runtime. Considering all being said static events lists approach is the best one to use within Unity3D applications.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Researching of processes and systems
The author: Fomin I.

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In an article written based on the report on the X-th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Object Systems — 2015» (Rostov-on-Don) describing the approach to design database structures and reflection the computational models in the ‘’meter-to-cash systems’’. In this article to presenting a new definition of the concept of «calculation model». In an article, describe the basic properties of object-relational of computational models, and proposing a model of the database structure meter-tocash systems in power retail companies. The hierarchy is based on a relationships makes it easy to describe such a model mathematically to form the terms of reference for the development of meter-to-cash systems. The proposed approach of the author of the structural and parametric synthesis of technical systems power supply to consumers in the retail electricity market allows formalizing the various functional elements according to this system. This approach shows how the various of connection, the catalogs and tables, to form the computational model, which describes the electric power system in the physical sense. Presented in the article the way of formalizing the concept of «calculation model» provides the theoretical foundations of the development of methodology for the design, development and maintenance of information systems of the subjects of the retail electricity market.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
The author: Novikov A.

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In article it is offered to divide a set of the problems of representation of knowledge (PRK) in computer systems into the tasks which are put forward to the decision from knowledge engineers and the tasks which are put forward from developers of covers of the systems founded on knowledge (SFK). Then for the researches of PRK which are put forward from developers of covers of PRK systematization is offered and realized. Isolation of the selected researches to the scientific direction (SD) is applied to systematization. That is, the main characteristics of new SD are created and formalized: object, subject, purpose, methods and research problems. For each characteristic the definition is formulated. At the identification and the description of methods of researches of new SD it wasn’t succeeded to reach necessary specification. However consideration in article of the concrete practical works which are already executed within new SD allows successfully (but intuitively) to realize the applied methods of researches. The isolation of SD is executed and described in the article «Representation of knowledges in computer systems» can and has to become the activator of conscious and purposeful researches on creation of sound theoretical basis for the solution of PRK. The material statement in the article is constructed in the form of dialogue with the opponent. And versatility of consideration of a problem on article subject is provided to these. The opponent chose some earlier not studied essence, corresponding it is offered to them to call concept «the virtual admirer ». On each of the stream of sophisms which is put forward by the virtual admirer in the article the explanations opening purposely wrong selection of starting positions are given.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Prokimnov N.

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Comprehensive, accurate and qualitative information is the basis of research, decision-making and management activities at different levels and applications. The non-trivial cases to obtain data related to the solution of complex problems and requires establishing special data collection or monitor system, the traditional approach to the construction is based on pre-formed requirements derived from system analysis stage. However, the actually observed processes due to their unpredictable character are typically different from expected ones having highly variability of their parameters’ values and behavior styles thus reducing the originally built monitoring system efficiency because of ever-growing discrepancy between the initial objectives and actually observed environment. The solution may exist in creating a system of adaptive monitoring, featuring flexibility to change its structure and behavior depending on changing conditions. The paper describes the fundamental concepts for building systems in an adaptive manner taking into account and generalizing the accumulated experience of implementing this approach. We indicate the possible adaptation areas, describe the main system components and objects, such as triggers and indicators, enumerate the requirements they should meet and enlist the recommendations for their design. In addition, the possible IT technologies, platforms and application systems examples that implement an adaptive monitoring approach are highlighted.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Kuchuganov V., Korolev S.

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This article is about efficiency assessments and decision support tools for geographical information systems. In this article described new suggestion and solutions of the decision support problem in the sphere of applying geographic informational systems and the way they used in busyness-process management. Authors suggest using busyness-processes models with a GIS tools in order to provide information about result forecasts and resource use efficiency to the one who make a decision. Prototype of the system, which implements all of these suggestions, were developed by the authors and described in the end of this article. Key feature of this system is represented by idea, that planning in terms of tasks and operations can’t clearly show the real situation, where all actions are connected and use the one single scope of resources (human resources, technical resources, materials, documents, e.t.c). In other words, planning should be performed in terms of business processes and business process resources. In that way, experts and planning-tool users could be provided with enough information about resource using efficiency and predicted results (forecast) in order to achieve higher level of the decision support for users. In this article authors describe an example of the agriculture planning using business-process models and ontological knowledge base.