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№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Roshchin D.

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The article describes the upgraded software and mathematical complex for processing the results of measurements from the receivers of signals of space navigation systems. This work was conducted with the aim of developing technical means for fundamental support of the GLONASS system, in particular, for comparisons of time scales of remote standards of time and frequency using time and frequency signals transmitted by global navigation satellite systems. In the process of modernization of the complex were carried out works on improvement of methodology for comparison of time scales of geographically remote from each other standards of time and frequency using signals of global navigation satellite systems. Also we developed new software allowing automated downloading of data from FTP servers, added ability to compare the time scales of ground-based time and frequency standard with the European satellite navigation system GALILEO, software’s algorithm was improved for mutual comparisons of time scales of time and frequency standards at the expense of rejecting incorrect measurements. The obtained unbiased estimator of the mathematical expectation by the sample results of comparisons of time scales of standards of time and frequency using signals of global navigation satellite systems. During the operation of the program in the State metrological centre of the State service of time, frequency and definition of parameters of rotation of the Earth, it was found that the use of an unbiased estimator of the mathematical expectation calculated for the sample of measurement results, differences of the time scale of the standard of time and frequency with the GNSS time scale, can significantly reduce the error in determining the average evaluation of these measurements on the time interval of observations.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Models and methods
The author: Maksimov K.

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Though for the last years «cloudy» services gained popularity at the enterprise. Providers offers many various models of cloud computing, for example IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, but often don’t give proof why cloud services implementation in the company make more effectiveness business. Today we have many methods or models for assessing the effectiveness for traditional IT. The idea of cloud computing is not actually new but existing approaches to the use of cloud computing resources is not efficient. In this article systemized basic traditional methods and models for assessing the effectiveness of the use of IT in the company. The revealed a positive and negative effects traditional methods and models for assessing the effectiveness cloud computing. Discusses the various models of cloud computing which could enable businesses to face market volatility in an agile and cost-efficient manner. This article discusses different approaches assessing the effectiveness of the use of cloud computingin the company using the parameters of price elasticity, models Stone and Slutsky equation. Also discusses approaches to raising customer value of cloud system integration services designed for the needs service providers. Research how customer income impact on price cloud service for providers. The system of indicators for assessing the value of the transition to cloud computing to businesses are offered. Steps for company which want to implementing cloud services in your infrastructure are offered. Study results of the obtained model sand methods are discussed.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Halin V., Chernova G., Yurkov A.

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The aim of the research is to analyze the methodological aspects of the decision support systems (DSS) processing and the DSS substantial classification. The novelty of the results lies in the fact that classification features and their possible values, being the subject and the goal of such a system, are suitable to the designed managerial decisions, as well as the classification can be used to create a specific DSS. Hypothesis: it is possible to allocate classification features of DSS, the list and the contents of which will determine the substantial (enlarged) DSS classification suitable to the construction of concrete DSS. Also, the selected classification features and their values can be used to construct DSS content, i. e. to design a block structure of created DSS. Method of research: systematic and logical analysis on the base of the subordination of the created DSS to aims and content of the generated managerial solutions. Results: based on the reasonable classification features and their values the substantial classification of decision support systems is built, as well as the block structure of the DSS, considered in the wide, and in the narrow sense as well. The research is supported by the grant RFBR
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Researching of processes and systems
Authors: Tolok A. V., Loktev M. A.

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One of the pressing problems arising at experts in the field of voxel modeling is development of algorithms of a voxelization of the polygonal models, synthesized in modern CAD systems. Similar tasks arise in process of development of systems of layer-by-layer synthesis where the formed image represents layer-by-layer obtaining raster images. In the late nineties the beginning receives the direction of the functional voxel modeling (FVM) allowing to consider a voxel image as some characteristic of functional space (M-image). The paper considers the principles of construction functional voxel geometrical objects on the closed contour on the basis of the R-functional description. The analysis of the graphic images received by different ways of the description of the closed contour is provided. Problems of obtaining monotony of the received functional space are considered. The provided analysis confirms that the advanced piecewise-analytical method of obtaining the description of a contour of object most conforms to requirements of smoothness and monotony. These requirements and the received analytical description of a functional surface allow to expand considerably application of such models in functional voxel modeling at automation of a wide class of problems for CAD and automation technologies.
№ 1(61) 28 february 2016 year
Rubric: Knowledge management
Authors: Nefedov Y., Afanasiev M.

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The article deals with issues of knowledge management disciplines development, related with their scientific framework development. Lack of proved framework during study leads to low readiness of integration team members to manage with social risks in projects. There are arguments for active usage of neuroscience as an exact scince that will prove the disciplines thesis and will upgrade the quality of IT-specialties education. Exact knowledge will make specialists able to identify main domains of social risks and to build strategies for their prevention. First, evolution of neurosience is shown, and attention is given to the matter of neuroeconomics and social neurobiology. The areas study decision making and communications using qualitative models. Some of the newest popularized neurobiology models are listed which can be used by lecturers without additional trainings. Specifically, «Chimp» model of Dr. S. Peters deals with necessity of balance between such brain areas as limbic system and frontal lobe. Others argue to the issues of neuroplasticity and cerebral hemispheres role in social functions. Special practices give potential for a person to develop his own mind and to became a leader in particular situations — i. e. in knowledge management projects.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: For the anniversary of the scientist
Authors: Emelyanov A., Meshalkin V. P.

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The publication is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of professor Yuri B. Rubin, the famous Russian scientist, Rector of Moscow University of Industry and Finance «Synergy» and co-chairman of editorial board of our edition entitled «The Journal of Applied Informatics». Professor Yuri B. Rubin is a Doctor of Economics, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, Rector of Synergy University, Head of Theory and Competition Practice Chair. He is a Winner of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences; Member of Directors Board in the European Foundation for Quality Assurance «E-learning», Honored Worker of the Russian Federation — the Higher School. Yuri B. Rubin was among the initiators of new professions and academic disciplines such as «Applied Informatics» and «Software and administration of information systems». He is a main founder of «The Journal of Applied Informatics» which is published thanks to his support. All his colleagues and the editorial board congratulate Professor Yuri B. Rubin on the 60th anniversary and wish him all the best!