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Afanasiev M.

PhD in Economics Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Knowledge management in the modern neurobiology paradigm

The article deals with issues of knowledge management disciplines development, related with their scientific framework development. Lack of proved framework during study leads to low readiness of integration team members to manage with social risks in projects. There are arguments for active usage of neuroscience as an exact scince that will prove the disciplines thesis and will upgrade the quality of IT-specialties education. Exact knowledge will make specialists able to identify main domains of social risks and to build strategies for their prevention. First, evolution of neurosience is shown, and attention is given to the matter of neuroeconomics and social neurobiology. The areas study decision making and communications using qualitative models. Some of the newest popularized neurobiology models are listed which can be used by lecturers without additional trainings. Specifically, «Chimp» model of Dr. S. Peters deals with necessity of balance between such brain areas as limbic system and frontal lobe. Others argue to the issues of neuroplasticity and cerebral hemispheres role in social functions. Special practices give potential for a person to develop his own mind and to became a leader in particular situations — i. e. in knowledge management projects.

Methods and information system for automated selection of a decision-maker

The effectiveness of management activities is largely determined by the degree of reasonableness and efficiency of selecting a decision-maker and delegating the necessary powers to him. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use mathematical methods and information technologies that ensure the specified selection in an automated mode. This approach involves the creation of a DSS using unpopulated decision-making technologies. This allows you to identify employees or groups of employees who are most suitable for the implementation of managerial functions in terms of certain quality indicators. The use of unpopulated decision-making technologies in the interests of economic entities makes it possible to reduce the time and cost of their adoption by automating the transit management level. The purpose of the study considered in this article is to solve the problem of organizing the effective selection of a decision maker (DPR), or a group of people, as well as transferring the task to be performed automatically. To achieve this goal, the mathematical modeling of the LPR selection algorithm (LPR group) was carried out by performing operations on sets containing significant indicators and solving a mathematical programming problem. The proposed mathematical apparatus makes it possible to create a subsystem of the DSS responsible for the selection of a DSS (group of DSS) capable of making a high-quality management decision under given constraints, and transferring tasks to it for execution. The specified restrictions contain the type of task to be solved, the possibility of its implementation with the help of unpopulated decision-making technologies, competence limitations of LPR (groups of LPR), time constraints. The DSS subsystem, created on the basis of the proposed mathematical apparatus containing the task of optimizing the selection of LPR (LPR group) according to the cost criterion, makes it possible to minimize the cost of decision-making. Read more...