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№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
The author: Yuriev V. N.

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Information security risk management includes periodic evaluation of the quality of practice giving reduce to risks and returning risks for an acceptable level. Generally quantitative and qualitative indicators of detected risks are used in forming enterprise information security budget. It is suggested to solve the problem of forming information security budget by evaluation of the enterprise information assets and using game theory and strategic approach. The probabilities of reflection of unauthorized access to enterprise information resources became the elements of the payoff matrix of two-player antagonistic game. The probability of reflection of the attacks to information assets is described by the function with two arguments: 1) average probability of attack in a certain economic field; 2) value of invested funds to improve the information asset security. This approach allows distributing the total amount of funds allocated to provide enterprise information security in selected information assets areas. It is offered to find the solution of the antagonistic game with the use of linear optimization methods. The mixed strategies obtained by solving the antagonistic game are used to determine the amount of funds invested in security of different information assets. The model developed in this paper represents the combination of strategic two-player antagonistic game and a game of a single player against nature in terms of risk, which is solved by using the Bayesian information criterion.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Mathematical methods
The author: Lyubomudrov A.

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For the construction of the calculating machines full functional sets of logic functions are used. In the full functional sets even thought one of the functions is to be a nonmonotonic function. So the aim of the article is to construct the effective approach to the definition of the belonging algebra logical functions to the class of the monotonic functions. The approach is suggested proposes using groups of logical variables as numbers where the digits of numbers are the mentioned logical variables. Then the values of the functions are examined at the fixed positions with the fixed numbers. If all function meanings are true then the function is a monotonic one. In the other case we have a nonmonotonic function. This approach enables us to check the belonging of the algebra logical functions to the class of the monotonic functions without commensurable checkings of the groups of logical variables. The quantity of the commensurable chekings may be equal to N = 22n – 1 where n is the quantity of the variables in one group. So the approach is proposed is rather effective.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Mathematical methods
Authors: German Y., German O.

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Аn original approach to find a maximum-size independent set in a fuzzy graph is presented together with the necessary formalization technique. The approach is oriented at practical usage in applied artificial intelligent systems using fuzzy logic and modal logic concepts. The problem may be encountered in face recognition with some possible distortions. The vertices stand for the points in the face image with approximately similar color and brightness. Obviously, in the case of image distortion the arcs in the graph may be assigned with the values in 0,1‑diapason. A fuzzy graph contains some nodes (arcs) with indefinite measure of their belonging to the graph. The situation may appear when no constrict classifying rules exist as explained in the paper. One can use a measure of 0.5 to interpret indefiniteness. This an interpretation enables one to apply modal logic for problem formalization and solving. The modality of the type «possible» is interpreted by the 3‑valued formula with truth value not less than 0.5; the modality of the type «necessary» is interpreted by the 3‑valued formula with the truth value equal to 1. The approach represented in the paper may be interesting for the researchers engaged in the recognition and classifying problems.
№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
Rubric: Internet-marketing
The author: Orlova N.

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Methods of analysis by the criterion of functional completeness long been successfully applied in various domains. However, never before this technology is not used for comparison sites of searching for wholesale suppliers. These investigations have produced unique results and make evidencebased conclusions very useful for market participants of wholesale deliveries. The solution to the problem of selecting the best from the variety of Internet sites search wholesale suppliers is a difficult task. In article on the basis of real evidence about the realized functional operations analysis and the choice of optimal business solutions. Compiled a list of the functions available on the market sites search wholesale suppliers. Systematic information on the composition and functional completeness of existing sites search wholesale suppliers and their projects. It is possible to quantify the degree of conformity of a particular system requirements to functional completeness. Ranked sites search wholesale suppliers according to the criterion of functional completeness. Excluded from the scope of software products, which are not implemented the required functions. There are groups of software systems, such as ongoing functions. Provided support to select the desired component sites search wholesale suppliers or its design and development. Studying of experience of effective achievement of the purposes of research at minimum cost will definitely help it professionals to optimize its activity in the sphere of analysis of complex systems.
№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Beliatskaya T., Amelin M.

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This article explores the differences of traditional CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems from their network analog — cCRM (Cloud Customer Relationship Management). It considers features of the «cloud solutions» related to the traditional management systems of interactions with customers. The history of marketing relationship with customers was also considered in it. The article was focused on solving the following tasks. The demarcation of the concepts CRM and cCRM was realized. The specificity of the cloud customer relationship management was investigated. Trends in the use of network CRM-systems were analyzed. Deploying activity on the use of cCRM — system in enterprises was conducted. The life cycle of the cCRM concept realization process on the enterprises was considered. Elements of the cloud customer relationship management strategy were highlighted. VCRM (virtual customer relationship management) features were analyzed. The levels of cCRM systems’ implementation in enterprises were taken into account. The steps and factors for a successful integration of cCRM-system were considered. The estimation algorithm of CRM — system and the way of cCRM integration were proposed by the authors. Also this article carries out the analysis of ERP systems (enterprise resource planning systems) and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of their integration with business entities. The authors consider the transformation of enterprises’ business models, which related to the growth of business processes’ electronization.
№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
The author: Drogobyckaya K. S.

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Integration of information and production technology has reached such a level that it is often impossible to understand where one ends and another begins. In many organizations, the scale and pace of investment growth in the IT consistently higher than investments in all other spheres of life, with the result that not infrequently the IT assets of organizations are beginning to dominate the productive assets. This scale and dynamics of development of information technologies requires proper organization of management. Process development, adoption and implementation of administrative decisions in the field of information technology have a certain specificity, due to a high degree of virtual object management, multi-stakeholder in the implementation of administrative procedures, which are used at the same time their professional languages. As a result of management decisions produced in this industry are highly subject variability, uncertainty and unforeseeable consequences. This article discusses the features of IT in modern conditions, and proposes an approach to the assessment of the level of organization and management processes in the context of the latest achievements of economic science in organizational management.