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№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Resource management
Authors: Yulyugin E., Rechistov G.

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Hardware transactional memory is finally becoming available in products from major vendors. Intel announced that a set of transactional synchronization extensions (TSX) is available in it new processor microarchitecture, codenamed Haswell. The benefits of software simulation of this technology will remain significant even after processors that support new instructions become available on the market. The reason for this is that a simulation often provides more flexibility during debugging and architecture exploration. Transactional memory support in functional simulator is not trivial because it requires explicit cache simulation, which may dramatically affect performance. It was necessary to create a flexible reconfigurable model, as public documentation for TSX omits implementation details. In this paper we describe our implementation of Intel® restricted transactional memory (RTM) instructions, which are a part of the Intel® TSX, in the full system functional simulator Wind River® Simics. Our goal was to ensure correct execution of these new instructions while maintaining high simulation speed that Simics is able to demonstrate.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Kucherov B.

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Issues of notification specialists of planning authority of the occurrence of events to be response timely are considered. The program of visual and sound notification for specialists of writing information to database is developed to increase the efficiency of distribution of control facilities for spacecrafts. Description of process of generation messages of the occurrence of events is resulted. It is shown that messages propagates by Oracle Advanced Queuing. Application of this feature to solve the task is considered. Description of client part of developed program to listen queue and to display received messages with sound signal is given. It is noted that under the conditions of increasing spacecraft constellation, which leading to rising load on specialists of planning authority, timely response to various events influence on the efficiency of the constellation control. Distinctive features of task to notification specialists of such structures as scheduling and planning authorities involved in the control of spacecraft constellation singled out. So targeting of solving task with a small number of persons notifies are noted. It is shown that event the receipt of information in the database can be considered as completion of a one operation and beginning of another. It is noted that an indication of the presence of raw data exists in the previously developed programs. Description of developed program of visual and sound notification for specialists of writing information to database is adduced. The implementation of program is considered. Issues of generation messages of writing information in the database and enqueuing them by the Oracle Advanced Queuing is covered. The process of dequeuing message is described. Displaying data from received messages is considered. The possibility of transition to the processing received data directly from the notification is noted. The tools to implement these features are adduced. The possibility of notification settings for each user is noted.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Yurkov D.

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The article deals with characteristics of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) — high-quality distance education resources with free access published by leading universities in the world — as an attribute and a factor of their competitiveness. Trends in the world of higher education will definitely show that the widespread use of modern information technology in education and research is an important factor in ensuring and improving the competitiveness of the leading universities, in particular the introduction of massive open online courses. Today the leading universities in the world de facto made MOOC an integral part of its educational system. To create such courses one should solve a number of complex problems ranging from creating a modern industrial and technological base up to organization of educational process guaranteeing high quality of education within specific conditions of distance learning designed for the mass consumer. Consequently, MOOC become a factor increasing the competitiveness of the university through the effective use of modern information technologies for expanding the market of educational services without losing the quality of education, which is characteristic for the world-class university. World’s leading universities develop and publish MOOC, both independently and as part of prestigious international projects. Thus, MOOC is an attribute of world-class university.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Training technologies
Authors: Marcenyuk M. A., Polyakov V., Seletkov I.

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Presently estimating students rating envolves a lot of different factors which have to be taken into account. The rating mark has to follow some regulating documents which enclose recommendations that are formulated as complex of inference rules that are formulated in wordy («linguistic») form like «if… then». It is evidently that in these conditions experts are needed for student estimation. As a result the mark is far from having a single meaning. To overcome this difficulty we propose to use the methods of fuzzy logic. It was found that for implementation of fuzzy inference algorithms the matrix representation of fuzzy variables [1] is most effective. In this representation the usage of logic rules like modus ponens is equivalent to solving of some system of linear equations with the usual existing conditions of their solution. The comparison of matrix and traditional approaches on different software and hardware platforms (including embedded and mobile systems) was also realized. Main advantages of matrix method for are low memory requirements, shorter and easier development. As a result the proposed algorithm enables automate the procedure of student rating estimation which sufficiently taking into account expert opinion. In other hand, it makes the student mark transparent in difficult cases.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Semin L., Golubev A. S., Zvyagin M. Y.

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In the publication we discuss the enhancements of image recognition algorithms in two directions. First, we define the binary descriptors of images as a second-lever features for image recognition algorithm. They are constructed by a set of feature extraction functions together with an auxiliary set of «quasi-etalon» image samples. Second, we use a novel prior-learning procedure named «Correction by Noise Orthogonal Projection». By means of building special subspace of image features this method leads to considerable decrease of intra-class distance while inter-class distance is practically unchanged. Thus the probability of valid class partitioning is highly increased. The subspace is built in two steps: 1) localize a feature space partition which contains the majority of intra-class differences; 2) construct an orthogonal complement for the partition. This complement is a target («noise») subspace. To enhance recognition, an input feature descriptor should be projected to the subspace to reduce noise components. The article provides the method’s mathematical formalization and experimental implementation. The implementation is built upon a custom facial recognition system. We compare results of recognition for several image sets, including well-known open face databases along with our own databases captured from security video cameras located at places with high rate of people flow.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
Authors: Salamatin I., Salamatin K.

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The purpose of this work is to significantly reduce the time of development and modification of experiments automation systems (EAS) software. The article presents the analysis and classification of the composition and the mode of interaction of software components in the EAS used for a number of research projects. In such systems, the experimental method, represented with the conditions and manner of registration data, repeatedly changed. It is shown that the traditional way of the experimental procedure presentation in the form of a list of procedure calls leads to a significant loss of time to modify the software (SW) when changing the experimental procedure. The reason for this — hard coupling of components and the need to attract programmers to complete the software modification. 
A concept of software of distributed SAE which is integrated automatically of standardized components in an executable format, which can be used in different experiments without changing of other parts of the system, is presented. To implement this concept it is needed to develop and standardize
• program of experiment management,
• subsystem for descriptions of experimental procedure and making reference to the experiment,
• means to ensure the interaction of components — search, system integration, dynamic binding to the remote execution of procedures.
The methods to deal with these problems with the use of advanced network technologies are proposed. The means of inter-component communication use the unique identifiers of components instead of network addresses. This method of dynamic components binding takes into account the specificity of the EAS and provides a number of advantages in comparison with that used in the popular technologies DCOM, CORBA, and others. Proposed methods, algorithms, programs are tested in real experiments with neutron sources IBR-2 and IREN.