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№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Dudarev V. A., Brykina G., Filoretova O. A.

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Currently an enormous number of databases on inorganic substances and materials properties exist that contains multidirectional information. The article is devoted to questions of accumulated data usage to find out regularities by means of pattern recognition methods that allow predicting formation of not synthesized substances and estimating its properties.
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Volkov А., Reingold L.

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This article deals with problems and solutions related to open data, which can be used without any legal limitations (owner’s rights, patents, etc.). There is a lot of analytical research of correct definition and reality, advantages and most effective ways of using an open data. In conclusion mentioned the most important questions, related to open data, which will define the effectiveness of future development of information technology.
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Business information systems
The author: ZHdanovich O. A.

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The task of business process management system formation of research-production enterprise with the consumption materials provide are formulated. It is built on the private cloud base of type IaaS with the cloud brokerage the information system architecture proposed that the support of man- agement in information influence ensured conditions and make possible in a conditions of consumption materials market managerial decision to take.
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Bugorskij V. N., Stelmashonok E. V., Stelmashonok V.

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The present paper is dedicated to application of the grapho-analytical methods and economic-mathematical models in order to ensure optimal configuration (from the economical point of view) of the structure of corporate information system. Methods of the graph theory are used in order to build indexes of topology and interaction of the structure. A complex index of quality of structure of corporate information system is proposed. It is demonstrated that it is necessary to use both technical and economical approaches in order to correctly assess the structure of information system. Continue...
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Kultygin O.

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Rail transport is one of the most important sectors of the Russian economy. At present of particular relevance is the creation and introduction into commercial operation on railways distributed information systems that can provide staff of any management level with comprehensive information on the state of the control object. One system of this kind is an integrated information system processing mashinists’ routes developed by the author for the Moscow railway enterprises.
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Project management
Authors: Volkova V., Mikeladze B.

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An approach to the development of information infrastructure for control the project of multifunctional complexes based on a multidimensional representation space design using methods and models for system analysis.