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№ 3(27) 11 may 2010 year
Rubric: Information theory
The author: Kozlov V.

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The article is devoted to the memory of outstanding Russian scientist Anatoly Denisov (1934-2010). Denisov made a considerable contribution to the development of systems theory and systems analysis, information theory and applied computer science. The theory of the information field and information approach developed by Denisov provides a unified management processes description in economy, politics, science, and education. He elaborated the concept of a system macroeconomic modeling and contributed to the development of a new information analysis trend with respect to physical systems and, in particular, gravity systems.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Competitiveness of graduates
The author: Polichka A. E.

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While modern society is developing information technologies (IT) used more and more which influ¬ences the way education is reforming. The important direction of that reforming is perfection of the content and technologies of education that is closely linked to preparation of the future specialists for usage of informational and communication technologies in professional work. The research of techniques for IT's training allows to select a number of education¬al principles for preparation of specialists in public relations.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Granichin O. N., Kiyaev V. I., Nemnyugin S. A.

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Traditional university «science oriented» method¬ology is directed to train of skilled specialists in the research fields. But the most of IT companies are in need of engineers who are fine orientated in modern technologies and are capable to create quality ap¬proaches on the basis of program and technological components. These specialists may be trained only in close partnership of university and company on the basis of special corporative university laboratories.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Training technologies
Authors: Sofronova S. V., Akpulatova S. A.

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This article focuses on the use of interactive games in the learning process and after-hour ac¬tivities and influence of these games on the development of cognitive interests of junior schoolchil¬dren. The authors share their application experi¬ence of interactive games not only for checking the level of acquired knowledge, encouraging self-study material, but also enhancing the work with gifted children.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Electronic communications
Authors: Abramov S. M., Ivanov E. S., Kotomin A. V., Stepanov D. N., Titova E. V., YUmaguzhina V. N., ZHivchikova N. S., Znamenskij S. V.

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Collaborative research activities often meet the barest necessity of deep unpredicable changes to be made on the base of the whole its history. It is usual for highly innovative projects. The problem of proper information support for such an activity has neither standard nor simple solution. Proposed system architecture and the first practical steps related to innovational educational technologies are described.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Electronic communications
Authors: Kulikova D. M., Artyuhin V.

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The press-release is a short message for press. Any important event which is expected to induce a reaction of mass media can't occur without it. It is originating from the development of the print media and the expansion of information field. In that times the necessity of structured presentation of the information for mass media appeared. At present, with the development of new communication environ¬ment, Internet, the press-release have gotten new possibilities for expression and spreading. Today Skype, FaceBook, ICQ, RSS became the important part of this PR instrument.
