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№ 4(112) 31 july 2024 year
Rubric: Data protection
Authors: Konyavskiy V., Ross G.

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The article discusses the tasks of modernizing the information security system of a distributed computing system. In an increasingly aggressive environment, objects whose security was previously considered sufficient now require additional protection measures. Examples include significant objects of critical information infrastructure, which are currently subject to government regulation. To solve the problem of synthesizing the component composition of information security systems, the article proposes a complex algorithm that includes steps in which various mathematical tools are used. Using this approach allows to select an acceptable option for a set of software and hardware tools that provide the ability to block attacks at a given level of protection. The problem is supposed to be solved based on the basis of the functionality of software and hardware components, their parameters and functional relationships. The novelty of the research results lies in the presentation of a discrete model of an information security system in the form of a simulation model (a special case of stochastic programming), which makes it possible to take into account the functional features of hardware and software when modernizing the information security system. A simulation algorithm is proposed that takes into account the characteristics of the information security system, which can take on both deterministic and probabilistic values. At the same time, the necessary definitions are introduced, the provisions of which are illustrated with numerical examples. A simulation algorithm is proposed that takes into account the characteristics of the information security system, which can take on both deterministic and probabilistic values. Also the necessary definitions are introduced, the provisions of which are illustrated with numerical examples. Calculations make it possible to identify the most scarce resources, establish how successful the specialization and structure of the information security system are, evaluate the results of changes in the information security system, redistribution of its functions and material resources. Continue...