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№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Kashinskaya I., Korovkina N., Levochkina G.

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The article highlights the importance of personnel training for digital economy. A list of the most demanded soft skills necessary for future jobs in industrial sector has been formed according to the results of foreign and Russian research. The list includes complex problem-solving, social, process and systems skills, and cognitive abilities. The research conducted by the authors is focused on the soft skills formation and development, which is relevant both for employers and universities which train specialists. For training of the skills mentioned above such interactive forms of learning as case study, round table and computer business simulator are suggested. The article studies the experience of practical usage of each of these forms in the discipline of «Business Informatics» in bachelor’s and master’s degrees programs, gives some examples and specifics of application. By modeling the processes of interactive classes, the link has been established between the activities performed by students and certain skills formation. The specification of interactive activities has made it possible to work out a differentiated approach for formation of soft skills of the future and recommend such interactive forms of training students for their further development. In this case soft skills are formed in line with acquisition by students of competences stipulated by the educational standards of higher professional education.
№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Kasatkina E.

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When building a logistics system of any organizational structure, the problem of determining the optimal routes for cargo transportation is solved. The paper presents the formulation of the logistics routing problem, which as a criterion of optimization is considered to minimize transport costs included in the cost of the final product. A complex routing algorithm based on the application of a genetic algorithm in which the formation of the initial population is carried out using a modified A-star algorithm and the Yen method is developed. As a result of testing the developed algorithm, the optimal values of the algorithm parameters are obtained, at which the performance and high computational efficiency are achieved. The developed algorithm is implemented in the program «Information and analytical control system of fuel supply of the region with alternative fuels». The routing algorithm was used in the construction of the optimal logistics system of fuel supply of the Udmurt Republic to transfer the distributed heat supply system to renewable energy sources. With the help of this algorithm, the optimal routes of transportation of wood raw materials from the points of accumulation of raw materials to the points of fuel preparation and the optimal routes of transportation of fuel from the points of fuel preparation to heat sources for the distributed heat supply system of the Udmurt Republic are constructed.
№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Kondrashov M., Kondrashova А.

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The actual voltage steady-state load characteristics are necessary for effective and reliable operational management of electric power systems. The actual voltage steady-state load characteristics for connection allow to calculate the values of active and reactive power from the applied voltage in a steady-state mode at a constant frequency. This will allow accurately predicting consumption schedule of electricity, increasing the static stability and loading power lines. One of the main difficulties in updating the voltage steady-state load characteristics is the lack of tools for processing voltage and power measurements. The author’s algorithm and the architecture of its software implementation are proposed in the article, allowing to automate the process of obtaining actual voltage steady-state load characteristics. The developed algorithm is based on data mining methods such as cluster analysis, filtering, regression analysis and others. The software product is designed in accordance with the provisions of the service-oriented architecture and has a decomposition by layers, where each layer has its own functionality. The results of the software calculations can be used in any software products that support the CIM standard. In addition, the possibilities of integrating the developed software with corporate applications used by SO UРS are discussed. Preliminary considerations on this issue were addressed in the report [1]. This report is devoted to the description of the software.
№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Information infrastructure
Authors: Dli M. I., Bulygina O. V., Kozlov P., Ross G.

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The study of tasks and methods of automated text rubrication was conducted and their prospects for the analysis of unstructured electronic text documents were evaluated taking into account the peculiarities of appeals received from citizens to the authorities. The architecture of the information system of automated analysis of such documents is developed. It implements the proposed multi-model approach to the rubrication based on the integrated use of intelligent and probabilistic-statistical methods. The procedure of processing citizens’appeals received by the authorities using the document management system and the developed information system is given.
№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Information infrastructure
The author: Lipuntsov Y.

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Information exchange is the basis for the development of the digital economy. It is based on infrastructure that will be a provider of up-to-date data on basic objects and dictionaries for transactions with these objects. Currently, a large number of projects and initiatives are being implemented in the digital economy. Information assets are a key factor of development in all spheres of social and economic activity of the digital economy. The digital economy requires a purposeful work with data where all information exchange participants should be involved: ministries, departments, companies and other organizations. The paper shows the principles by which you can build an agreed policy in the data field, in particular by using data model templates. This article is based on the Russian and international experience in creating an information eGov infrastructure for delivery of government and corporate e-services. The article uses the experience of creating a such infrastructure in the public sector of the European Union, the United States, and the corporate sector. The article describes the main approaches to creating data templates in a digital economy. The use of templates will allow you to quickly create models, easily read them, avoid global errors at the operational level of management. The templates will allow the coordinate policy in the goal-setting level, linking the individual strategies at the upper level management.
№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Data protection
Authors: Semenov V., Lebedev I., Sukhoparov M.

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The task of determining information security state of objects using the information of signals of electromagnetic emissions of individual elements of devices of cyber-physical systems was investigated. We consider the main side channels of information with which it is possible to monitor the state of the system and analyze the software and hardware environment. Such «independent» methods of monitoring allow analyzing the state of the system based on external behavioral characteristics within the framework of conceptual models of autonomous agents. The statistical characteristics of signals allowing to identify changes in the state of local devices of systems are considered. Was described an experiment aimed at obtaining statistical information on the operation of individual elements of cyberphysical systems. The efficiency of the neural networks approach for solving the described classification problem, in particular, two-layer feed-forward neural networks with sigmoid hidden neurons was investigated. The results of the experiments showed that the proposed approach is superior to the quality of detection of anomalous states by classification based on internal indicators of the functioning of the system. With minimal time of accumulation of statistical information using the proposed approach based on neural networks, it becomes possible to identify the required state of the system with a probability close to 0.85. The proposed approach of the analysis of the statistical data based on neural networks can be used for definition of states of information safety of independent devices of cyber-physical systems.