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№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Tikhanychev O.

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One of the conditions for the effective management of complex systems — monitoring and forecasting of changes in their status. Simple monitoring does not always provide adequate control, especially for dynamic systems: in most cases, it is necessary not just to monitor the system state, but also to obtain information about possible changes in advance, that is to use the state of the forecast. Forecasting can be divided into «active», evaluating the possible consequences of the decisions made, and «passive», providing a forecast change of state in the prevailing conditions. It is proposed to use the prediction of the behavior of the control system under the so-called «active monitoring» by replacing this notion of what is now referred to as «passive forecasting». The proposed approach allows to generate control actions in advance, taking into account the forecast of the situation development. To ensure the possibility of implementing the proposed approach, the article analyzes the requirements for modeling tools in the active monitoring loop and the conformity of existing prediction technologies. Keywords: decision-making support system, mathematical simulation, management of large systems, forecasting situation, active monitoring, proactive management.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Gavrishev A., Osipov D., Zhuk A.

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A comparative analysis of methods for assessing the security of wireless fire alarm systems based on the analysis of numerical samples representing the assessment of security, using the apparatus of mathematical statistics. Using a variety of nonparametric tests (criterion of signs, the Wilcoxon test) in the program Statistica the average and confidence intervals of sample means (graphic diagram «box and whiskers») that are close enough to each other. The average and confidence intervals that show the security assessment based on fuzzy logic, is slightly higher than the average and confidence intervals that show the security assessment based on the matrix of fuzzy rules. This is interpreted as a higher quantitative evaluation of security based on fuzzy logic in comparison with a quantitative evaluation of security based on the matrix of fuzzy rules and, consequently, more accurate identification protection. Also the proposed approach the comparative analysis of quantitative indicators potentially can be extended to a wider class of problems of information security, such as comparative analysis of various «related» methods of assessment.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Mathematical tools
Authors: Vygodchikova I., Gusyatnikov V.

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Decision-making process when carrying out transactions with securities is based on the use of mathematical models that create competitive advantage in the game of trading robots. When using well-known methods and models for making trading decisions with securities, initial data are subject to smoothing, as result of which important properties of simulated process can be lost, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the decision taken by trading system. Taking into account interval data in mathematical formulation of the problem of decision-making in the stock market allows you to take into account the amplitude of the change in the price of shares for each day of trading and justify the indicator to improve the quality of the generated solutions. Authors of the article design a trading system using as the primary method of decision-making indicator based on the calculation of minimax criterion. Is executed the implementation of trading robot, which allowed to improve decision-making method based on moving average and to increase profitability of operations with shares. To demonstrate tools of decision-making developed in article, computational experiments were carried out on stock market based at results of trading shares of company «Rossiiskie seti». Investor, using author’s tools of trade, increased its capital by 5% per annum compared with method of trading based on the moving average.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Information sistems
Authors: Volkova V., Efremov A., Kozlov V.

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This article describes the main contribution of the school «System Analysis in Engineeromg and Control» to the development of informatics, the theory of information systems and technologies. The following results are briefly characterized: clarification of the notion of «information», the application of the definition of a system, which based on the system-target approach, to justify the multilevel structure of the information complex; the proposed classifications of information systems and technologies, the concept of virtual information system. The state of development of the theory of information systems and processes is analyzed. It is concluded that further research is needed on the development of the structure, patterns and principles of the creation and organization of the functioning of information systems based on the use of information technologies of the third and fourth industrial revolutions, improving the methods of information retrieval based on the semantic analysis of textual information on the basis of mathematical logic and mathematical linguistics in order to increase relevance.
№ 3(75) 29 june 2018 year
Rubric: Project management
Authors: Halin V., Chernovalova M., Shmanev S.

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The article presents the features of innovative projects of industrial enterprises that complicate the process of their management. The main groups of mathematical methods used to manage innovative projects are identified. The possible directions of further developing mathematical methods in the field of managing the complex innovative projects at industrial enterprises are determined. Algorithms of accounting the influence of uncertainty factors on the duration and costs that associate with implementing the innovation project works are presented. A distinctive feature of these algorithms is the usage of fuzzy production rules. These rules formulate recommendations for managing these projects based on the distribution of resources available in the organization depending on the results of each stage. It allows minimizing the execution time, both individual stages, and the entire innovation project as a whole. The variant of information support formation is offered that is presented in the form of a physical model of the database. This model allows storing all the information available in the industrial organization that necessary to manage these projects. A distinctive feature of this database is the ability to store information on the impact of uncertainties on the implementation effectiveness in a formalized form. This information is necessary for the implementing the developed algorithms.
№ 3(75) 29 june 2018 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
The author: Bulygina O. V.

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The optimization task solution of promoting innovative projects into the regions with using of a complex simulation model and included modules of bacterial optimization is considered below. As the object of research, the process of forming an innovative cluster was chosen. The complex model is implemented in the modeling system «Actor Pilgrim» with the implementation of the common virtual time, spatial and financial dynamics (money, financial instruments). The simulation results are tied to topographic information of different scales.