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№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Project management
The author: Dolzhenko R.

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The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the agile methodology, to describe the possibilities of its use in the banking industry, to specify the content of procedures, roles, artifacts envisaged in this approach, which allow synchronizing the goals of IT and other business units of the company. The paper considers the content of the agile software development (agile), analyzed the example of its implementation in the activities of the Sberbank, as this organization was one of the first in the domestic practice to implement agile methodology in its activity, was able to organize the work of the employees of the Retail and IT-blocks in a new way. The roles of participants in agile projects are specified, and the key procedures that are used in this approach to synchronize the activities of all employees involved in agile are described. Evaluation of the experience of the Sberbank shows that at present, despite the partial cross-functional nature of the participants’ activities, their work is extremely formalized in terms of interaction with each other; all agile procedures are qualitatively worked out and clearly spelled out. On the one hand, this ensures the coherence of interaction, on the other hand, renders the activities of participants. In addition, this approach uses fundamentally different approaches to the organization of labor.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Virtual reality
Authors: Entina A., Entina E.

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The paper is devoted to the study of the wide possibilities of modern computer technologies in creating of a virtual museum of the future. The stages of creating and implementing are described in the article. The authors created an original innovative indie game «Virtual Museum of the Future», allowing the viewer to get into the interactive 3D museum. The program is written in the multi-platform Java language, which allows it to be used on various mobile and stationary devices. The program is a hybrid of the drawn virtual 3‑dimensional museum space and 2‑dimensional artifacts (digitized real compositions of art), using as exhibits. The user travels through the halls of the 3D gallery, which completely reproduces the real museum halls and allows looking through the compositions of painting and graphics, to enjoy the various convenient options and to use an audio guide. Various special effects are used to arise an interest to the game. The test is recommended for the curious visitors of the museum. The authors used only the original content to create the program, in particular, the paintings exhibited in the museum are painted by a young Moscow artist Alice Entina. This program will allow to attract the population to the study the masterpieces of painting and graphics and to enhance its cultural and educational level.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Savelyev I.

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The article describes the general architecture of the distributed registry system based on Blockchain technologies and Smart contracts in the field of higher vocational education. The work presents current implementations of systems with similar functionality, presents the scheme of integration interaction of various nodes of the system, as well as the proposed structure and functional of the smart contract. Also, the article highlighted the main business processes and entities, assessed the growth of the database of the system and described open questions to the architecture being developed. The article proposes to use a decentralized system with smart-contracts to monitor the activities of the university in terms of enrolling entrants and issuing diplomas. At the moment, Blockchain technologies and Smart contracts allow building systems that are resistant to changes in recorded information, and automating the accounting of the main business processes of many spheres of public administration and economy. The considered architecture of the distributed register allows to solve problems of the account of entrants and increase of a transparency of receipt in educational institutions, and as to lower turnover of counterfeit documents about formation. But the methods presented in the work can also be used in other spheres of the economy.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
The author: Lavrenkov Y.

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The article deals with application of spiking neural network for solving the problem of optimal frequency redistribution within the group of wireless communication systems. Large number of communication electronics and complicated methods of their interacting to jointly operate cause the complexity of the optimal frequency distribution. Solving this problem using Monte Carlo methods and global search algorithms leads to the elaboration of many possible frequency assignment options. When designing the algorithms for operational frequency readjustment, it is necessary to take into account both intermodulation effects and group interference effects. Multilayer neural network is composed of spiking neural elements, which architecture is based on interacting reverberative loops. Examined electro- optic commutation system is the base for architecting of communication system between neurons, enabling mixing of neural element signals. Application of optical communication and liquid crystal modulators simplifies the signal propagation process to multitude of neurons and chaning of its settings, enabling data processing not only in neurons, but also in pulse transmission systems. The optical switching system is used not only as a communication system, but also as snooping mechanism for neural network rhythmicity changes. Application of electrochemical analog integrating element enables to acquire data about activity of neuronal groups over a long time interval. Obtained activity values are used to improve the efficiency of applied learning algorithm. Data are encoded into spike pulse sequences within groups of 5 neurons based on pulsed phase modulation. This enables to adapt the learning algorithm for networking within the set of interacting neural populations. Designed neural network structure is used to solve the task of frequency dynamic assigning and defining the transmitter activity intervals under changable electromagnetic environment.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Potapov D.

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The work is dedicated to methods of multidimensional data storages construction. This questions is actual because of the growing demand of these containers in different areas. Containers can be used for working with multidimensional vectors in such fields of knowledge as biology (e. g. to search for incomplete coincidences in protein and DNA sequences), physics (e. g. computational hydrodynamics, electromagnetism), economics, political science, medicine and technology, for solving various tasks in computer graphics, multimedia databases and animation, for working with spatial data. Hierarchical containers, such as R-like trees (R-tree, R+-tree, R*-tree, X-tree, M-tree, SS-tree, SRtree, VAMSplit R-tree) and BSP-like trees (BSP-tree, k-d tree, BD-tree, k-d-b tree, hb-tree, LSD-tree, BIH/SKD-tree, quadtree, octree, VP tree) are analyzed in the paper. The article also reviews hashed containers such as Gridfile and its modifications (Twin Grid file, Two-layer Grid file, Multilevel Grid file), EXCELL, R-file, MOLHE and PLOP. Other methods of constructing multidimensional data containers, such as space-filling curves («row by row» curve, «snake» curve, spiral curve, Cantor curve, Peano curve, U-index curve, Z-mirror curve, Gray curve and Hilbert curve) and high-dimensional containers (VA- File, VA+-File, LPC-File, A-Tree, GC-Tree, RA-Blocks, IQ-tree, SA-tree, A-tree, iDistance) are examined in this paper. The article also identifies the main fields of application for the analyzed structures which can be used in adaptive storage implementation.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Osavelyuk P.

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Discusses the approach to displaying the file system structure as a cognitive network. File system Folders represent as keywords (attributes) associated with each other. Each folder in the file path is associated with this file. By abolishing strict adherence to folder names in the file path. You can access a file from different directories without using shortcuts. You can access the file on a path that is not complete. Provides a way to implement this approach based on the existing hierarchical directory structure. In the General case, actual in this moment filesystem (NTFS, ext4) is not hierarchical. Symbolic and hard links to make the structure of this filesystem as network with cyclic paths. Describes the mechanics of working with files in the cognitive file browser prototype. Indicates trends in the user interface of file browsers. A development forecast is offered in the custom view of the file Explorer. An alternative approach suggests to use the structure of the file system. This approach requires advanced features file browser of the operating system. This browser will store the attributes (keywords) of files in the database or the registry. The experience of implementing this approach is available in some browsers developed for Android.