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№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
The author: Lavrenkov Y.

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The transmission of data in multichannel systems with many carriers is implemented in order to increase the reliability of delivery of data messages. The article is dedicated to the solution of problem of optimal use of the available frequency band (limitations on power capability of the transmitter and complexity of the receiver should be taken into account). The construction of the adaptive system, which can be used for the determination of optimal set of frequencies for data distribution, requires the usage of cellular neural networks. These networks can be used for the analysis of signal environment and selection of set of carrier frequencies. Characteristics of cellular networks correspond to principles of fast tunable transformations, which can be effectively implemented at the hardware level. The reduction of the number of synaptic connections increases the computational efficiency and makes it possible to use such networks for processing of high-dimensional data. The article considers the structural synthesis of the cellular network, which has optical connections between neurons and has a high efficiency in data processing. The proposed connections can be used as a basis for the construction of modular intellectual structures, which consist of homogeneous fragments. The neural network learning is implemented with the help of methods of local learning (with elements of the swarm intelligence). The presence of 32‑bit microcontroller in every neuron core justifies the use of this strategy (despite high memory requirements). The proposed modular structure effectively combines the local learning of neural structures and global learning of the whole network. The evaluation of the obtained set of frequencies at specific moments of time proved the effectiveness of the use of reconfigurable cellular neural networks. The structure of such network can be optimized for a specific computational task. The unitization of the structure allows you to simultaneously construct a large number of networks. Such approach makes it possible to form a large number of carriers within the predefined frequency band.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
Authors: Bulygina O. V., Emelyanov A., Emelyanova N.

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The tasks of priorities assignment to applications, work, actions and simply objects of activity are decided long ago and in different ways. In purely technical systems, including computer and communication systems, where serving processes can be programmed explicitly, such tasks are considered to be practically solved, because: first, two counterprocesses are analyzed (the service process and the waiting process), If the serving node is busy, and secondly, the time parameters are taked into account mainly. In this case, as a rule, the waiting time for some classes of applications is minimized. However, in schemes of multi-nomenclature productions, especially high technology products, the efficiency of production or the production site depends not only on the direct losses of time, since delays can be evaluated in a different way, taking into account the funding resources, urgency resources and even the administrative resource. Therefore, clear rules and algorithms can become fuzzy, and the task of minimizing losses is complicated. This article is devoted to the joint application of simulation modeling and fuzzy logic algorithms in the tasks of priorities operational assignment for application in technological hubs. Particular attention is paid to the development of a unified program function for fuzzy priorities assignment in models created through the licensed software package Actor Pilgrim. The information links of this program function with the internal atomic data structures of simulation model are also considered. The considered models are intended for use in two-scale adaptive fuzzy control systems.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Geida A., Lysenko I.

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The article states an overview of some current problems in operational properties of agile systems and their functioning and their relation to information technologies usage. Operational properties defined as properties characterizing the adaptability of systems required for achieving the possible targets during their operation. Reaching the possible targets means getting the possible effects (major results) of the operation, complying with targets, and while under possible conditions. A conclusion on the prospects of the analytical estimation of the operational properties is provided. The operational properties of agile systems analytical research concept provided. The main features of the research conducted on the operational properties in the view of the current tasks of their research are provided as well as the analytical modeling concept and invariants for analytical estimation of the operational properties applicable to the problems discussed. Example of modeling for effects of agile systems functioning provided. The obtained results should lead to a solution for the contemporary problems of the operational properties of agile systems research using mathematical models.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Roshchin D.

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The continuous development of computer technology opens more opportunities for its application in creating smart and effective computer vision systems (VS), aimed at solving problems related to digital image processing and object recognition. VS is especially needed in the areas of science and technology requiring the use of contactless methods for measuring various parameters of the objects. The main task for the improvement of VS is the improvement of existing and development of new methods for facilitating the expansion of functionality of these systems. The urgency and relevance of VS are considered on the example, which presents a model of conducting aerial reconnaissance. Tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft makes for the departure shot of a certain area. The shooting is done at height and with the resolution necessary for confident recognition of targets like «tank» or «car». The area of goals that you want to detect and recognize then on the received intelligence, is very small compared to the whole area of the earth’s surface, entering the frame. It was found that on analysis of the entire survey, by visual inspection of time you will need many times more than it spent on its implementation. Thus, the main problem lies in the fact that the volume of intelligence information obtained through imagery intelligence is huge and it requires considerable time for processing. Expediting the processing of intelligence information is only possible by parallelization of the processing and/or automation using the technical means like VS. Accordingly, it is necessary to the development of contactless measurement methods based on the methods and means aimed at the solution of similar tasks that require processing of large amount of optical data over a short period or in real time.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Instrumental methods of economics
Authors: Yakovenko I., Matveeva L., Streltsova E.

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The article is devoted to creation of IT-based tools in economic-mathematical models of management of the interbudgetary regulation in the structure region — municipality. The object of control is a budgetary Fund of the municipality. The complexity of behavior occurs due to the presence of many modes of operation of the control object caused by a change in the structure of revenues in municipal budgets at the expense of use of means of budgetary regulation. In this case, financial assistance can be replaced by deductions to local budgets from federal and regional taxes on the norms that are set at the regional level. The existence of various modes of operation is due to a change in the list of taxes, part of the proceeds from which are transferred to the municipality according to established standards, which are taken for structural conditions. To formalize the formulation of the problem of managing interbudgetary regulation, the article proposes the principle of coordinate-structural control, which allows one to take into account the variations of discrete structural states. A conceptual model of management of interbudgetary regulation in the form of a complex of interacting dynamic systems is proposed: continuous and discrete. A continuous dynamic system realizes control in the continual region of the finite-dimensional space of income and expenditure and is constructed in a class of simulation models. To formalize the functioning of a discrete dynamical system, a model of a stochastic automaton functioning in random environments has been developed. The article proposes the structure of a stochastic automaton with selective tactics. Formal expressions are obtained for the final probabilities of an automaton in each of its states. The automaton of the proposed structure has the property of expediency of behavior and asymptotic optimality in the choice of the norms for the distribution of taxes between the levels of the budget system. The article presents the results of the software implementation of the simulation model. The use of model tools in practice will make it possible to increase the degree of validity of decisions taken on interbudgetary regulation by means of their quantitative assessment.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Instrumental methods of economics
Authors: Vygodchikova I., Gusyatnikov V.

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Adoption of effective management decisions often involves the need to analyze large amounts of heterogeneous, poorly structured and noisy information. Therefore, urgent task is creation the decision support system, which allows elaborating rational strategy, even in the face of heterogeneous information, and unsustainable trend. In article developed numerical method and algorithm of solving the problem of approximation data by polynomial splines using minimax optimization criterion. By this algorithm the decision support system for finite number of iterations obtains unambiguous result and generates rational proposals to the decision maker.