Key words
machine learning, hierarchical fuzzy inference systems, fine ore processing
machine learning, hierarchical fuzzy inference systems, fine ore processing
Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Information Technologies in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk
Smolensk, Russia
Algorithm for predicting the parameters of a system for processing waste apatite-nepheline ores
Neural network analysis method of heat treatment processes of pelletized phosphate ore raw materials
Fuzzy model of a multi-stage chemical-energy-technological processing system fine ore raw materials
Neuroregulator of the complex technological system for processing ore was
Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk
Smolensk, Russia
Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Information Technologies in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk
Smolensk, Russia
Senior Lecturer, Information Technology in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk
Smolensk, Russia