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Authors: Kurilin S., Fedotov V.     Published in № 4(112) 31 july 2024 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency

Application of mathematical modeling apparatus to the problem of diagnosing the state of the mechanical circuit of an asynchronous electric motor

The research is aimed at improving the reliability of complex technical systems, including a component such as an asynchronous electric motor, by monitoring their current state. The general objective of the study is to substantiate the possibility of using such a factor as the stator current vector, the oscillations of which are taken as an observable parameter, to diagnose a fault in the mechanical circuit of an electric motor. To substantiate the legitimacy of such a decision, a mathematical modeling apparatus was used with a computational experiment. For this purpose, the purpose and conditions for its implementation were preliminarily formulated, which made it possible to obtain a sufficient evidence base. The mathematical model of an asynchronous electric motor is supplemented with pulse load functions in the form of Fourier series, represented by rectangular alternating and constant sign pulses, the repetition frequency of which is equal to the rotational speed of the electric motor shaft. To conduct a computational experiment, a problem-­oriented algorithm and a Maple program were developed. An original feature of the mathematical model, algorithm and program is the linking of the load torque with the angle of rotation of the rotor, which is typical for damaged mechanical circuits of asynchronous electric motors. Using a mathematical model, the effects on a serial asynchronous electric motor of load torque pulses from a damaged bearing are revealed, as well as the effects of torque pulses from periodic impacts occurring in a damaged mechanical circuit. In both cases, oscillations of the modulus of the stator current vector were recorded, coinciding with the rotor rotation frequency. The results of the computational experiment indicate that stator current fluctuations make it possible to reliably judge the state of the mechanical circuit of the electric motor. The research materials can be used by operating organizations to create systems for instrumental monitoring of the current technical condition of a fleet of asynchronous electric motors.

Key words

asynchronous electric motor, diagnostics, computational experiment, algorithm, program

The author:

Kurilin S.


Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Electromechanical Systems, Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk


Smolensk, Russia

The author:

Fedotov V.


Master’s Student, Electromechanical Systems Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk


Smolensk, Russia