Key words
ontological models, precedent approach, fuzzy inference, linguistic variables, energy-intensive systems, decision support
ontological models, precedent approach, fuzzy inference, linguistic variables, energy-intensive systems, decision support
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Information Technologies in Economics and Management Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk, Smolensk; Leading Researcher, Synergy University
Smolensk, Russia
Method for intellectual management of industrial enterprise information resources
Constructing integrated model for risk management of metallurgical enterprise
Information and transport networks projects management under uncertainty
A three-level fuzzy cognitive model for region innovation development analysis
Simulation modeling and fuzzy logic in real-time decision-making of airport services
Outsource-using integration methods of business entities information systems
Economical information system lifecycle management based on decentralized application theory
Developing the economic information system for automated analysis of unstructured text documents
Algorithms for the formation of images of the states of objects for their analysis by dee
Algorithmic and information support of innovative project management in conditions of uncertainty
Fuzzy cognitive modeling of heterogeneous electromechanical systems
Algorithms and soft for adapting the knowledge base of project management information systems
Fuzzy case models for project management using a multi-ontology approach
Network fuzzy situational precedent models of control systems for complex technical objects
Postgraduate, Department of Applied Mathematics and Artifi Intelligence, National Research University "MPEI"
Moscow, Russia
Leading Engineer, Scientific Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk
Smolensk, Russia
Creation of a chemical-technological system digital twin using the Python language
Rubrication of text information based on the voting of intellectual classifiers
Computer program for modeling of technical state indicators of electromechanical systems
Neural network analysis method of heat treatment processes of pelletized phosphate ore raw materials