Leading Engineer, Scientific Department, Branch of the National Research University “MPEI” in Smolensk |
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Smolensk, Russia |
Rubrication of text information based on the voting of intellectual classifiersThe practical implementation of the concept of electronic government is one of the priorities of Russian state policy. The organization of effective interaction between authorities and citizens is an important element of this concept. In addition to providing public services, it should include the processing of electronic appeals (applications, complaints, suggestions, etc.). Research has shown that the speed and efficiency of appeal processing largely depend on the quality of determining the thematic rubric, i.e. solving the rubrication task. The analysis of citizens' appeals received by the e-mail and official websites of public authorities has revealed several specific features (small size, errors in the text, free presentation style, description of several problems) that do not allow the successful application of traditional approaches to their rubrication. To solve this problem, it has been proposed to use various methods of intellectual analysis of unstructured text data (in particular, fuzzy logical algorithms, fuzzy decision trees, fuzzy pyramidal networks, neuro-fuzzy classifi convolutional and recurrent neural networks). The article describes the conditions of the applicability of six intellectual classifiers proposed for rubricating the electronic citizens’ appeals. They are based on such factors as the size of the document, the degree of intersection of thematic rubrics, the dynamics of their thesauruses, and the amount of accumulated statistical information. For a situation where a specific model cannot make an unambiguous choice of a thematic rubric, it is proposed to use the classifier voting method, which can significantly reduce the probability of rubrication errors based on the weighted aggregation of solutions obtained by several models selected using fuzzy inference. Read more... Creation of a chemical-technological system digital twin using the Python languageCurrently, when modeling complex technological processes in cyber-physical systems, procedures for creating so-called "digital twins" (DT) have become widespread. DT are virtual copies of real objects which reflect their main properties at various stages of the life cycle. The use of digital twins allows real-time monitoring of the current state of the simulated system, and also provides additional opportunities for engineering and deeper customization of its components to improve the quality of products. The development of the "digital twin" technology is facilitated by the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by the massive introduction of cyber-physical systems into production process. These systems are based on the use of the latest technologies for data processing and presentation and have a complex structure of information chain between its components. When creating digital twins of such systems elements, it is advisable to use programming languages, that allow visualization of simulated processes and provide a convenient and developed apparatus for working with complex mathematical dependencies. The Python programming language has similar characteristics. In the article, as an example of a cyber- physical system, a chemical-technological system based on a horizontal-grate machine is considered. This system is designed to implement the process of producing pellets from the apatite-nepheline ore mining wastes. The article describes various aspects of creating a digital twin of its elements that carry out the chemical-technological drying process in relation to a single pellet. The digital twin is implemented using the Python 3.7.5 programming language and provides the visualization of the process in the form of a three-dimensional interactive model. Visualization is done using the VPython library. The description of the digital twin software operation algorithm is given, as well as the type of the information system interface, the input and output information type, the results of modeling the investigated chemical-technological process. It is shown that the developed digital twin can be used in three versions: independently (Digital Twin Prototype), as an instance of a digital twin (Digital Twin Instance), and also as part of a digital twins set (Digital Twin Aggregate). Read more... Tools for automated collection and analysis of sociological information on the territorial identity of city residentsThe paper proposes an algorithm for automated search and initial analysis of sociological information aimed at studying the territorial identity of city area residents using Internet sources. Communities of social networks, e.g. VKontakte, are considered as the main data source, and websites of topographic objects found in the territories under study are used as auxiliary information sources. It is demonstrated that, in terms of information support, public pages and groups with open or restricted access walls have the greatest potential. The developed algorithm implies selecting relevant groups, finding content concerning area issues, and determining the indices of community activity in discussing territorial problems. The required information is retrieved through the interaction with a social network server with the use of the official Application Programming Interface (API). To identify communities and posts, it is proposed to apply methods of morphological analysis of textual information. The software implementation of the algorithm is described in Python 3.8.5, including original functions for the acquisition of data on communities by their identification numbers, for the formation of a set of urbanonyms for a specified area, and some other ones. The developed program has been used to analyze territorial groups in three areas of Moscow; the results of the analysis enable us to estimate the degree of the territorial identity of their residents. The analysis of the error in the results of automated data collection and processing shows good agreement of these results with manually obtained ones, i.e. the error is 2.6% in the identification of relevant groups and about 3% in the identification of posts on area issues. Therewith, a much higher speed of response and lower labor effort required to perform routine operations allow the algorithm and the implementing computer program to be viewed as an effective tool for sociological research based on data from social networks. Read more... A computer program for electromechanical system operational diagnostics based on the topological approachThe paper presents a method, a mathematical model, and a computer program for the operational diagnostics of an electromechanical system (EMS). During EMS operation, service aging changes the properties of the parametric matrices of the windings and, as a consequence, the characteristics of the EMS vector space. Periodic testing of the vector space offers relevant and reliable data on the current health of the EMS, its changes during operation, and the risk of loss of function. The object of the study is an asynchronous electric motor (AEM). It is urgent to automate the process of assessing the current health of an AEM and to organize the storage of information on its states at different stages of its life cycle. To solve the problem, software (SW) for accumulation of information on AEM operation and for evaluation of its basic performance metrics has been developed in the Python programming language. The SW is based on the topological approach to diagnostics, which implies the analysis of the current responses of motor rotor windings to phase voltage pulses. The SW enables one to determine the rate of the service aging of an item, the probability of its survival and residual life, to obtain access to the history of previous diagnostics, and to visualize the in-service history of the above-mentioned performance metrics. The developed SW can be used to increase the AEM operation efficiency and to plan engineering or repair work; it can also be used as an information source for re- engineering and modification of existing AEMs. The described SW can be extended to perform operational diagnostics based on the topological approach of devices of various types. Also, this SW can be considered as a separate information component of the digital twin of a complex EMS, which will allow us to study the main indicators of its reliability, fault tolerance and operational efficiency at all stages of the life cycle. Read more... Computer program for modeling of technical state indicators of electromechanical systemsThe article is aimed at solving the problem of scientific justification of criteria and methods for assessing the technical state of electromechanical systems based on the topological diagnostic method. Mathematical model and computer program for simulation of technical state indices of asynchronous electric motors (AEM) are presented. Functions and Green matrices, as well as deviation matrices, are considered as such indicators. The basis of the program is the mathematical model of the AEM with a non-accelerated rotor and non-homogeneous windings. AEM is supplied from pulse voltage source. The action is carried out in different directions of the vector space of the motor in order to determine its characteristics and degree of homogeneity. Based on the reactions of the object, the program calculates and analyzes technical indicators for intact and damaged states of the AEM. A computer program for mathematical modeling of the technical state indicators of the AEM was carried out using the Maple package of symbolic and numerical calculations, which provides extensive opportunities for mathematical studies of various levels. A description of a software implementation of the proposed mathematical model is given. An example of using a program to model the performance of a serial motor with specified technical characteristics is given. The article presents the results of modeling the object indicators corresponding to the object different operational states. A reference state, a damaged state characterized by a change in the properties of the vector space during long-term operation, as well as a limit state, which corresponds to a break in one of the phases of the rotor winding, were defined as these states. Conclusions on each of the given electric motor states are given. Read more... Solving the inverse kinematics problem for sequential robot manipulators based on fuzzy numerical methodsNowadays the introduction of robotic systems is one of the most common forms of the technological operations automation in various spheres of human activity. Among the robotic systems a special place is occupied by sequential multi-link robotic manipulators (SRM). SRM have become widespread due to relatively small dimensions and high maneuverability, which makes their use indispensable to solve various tasks. In practice, the effectiveness of the functioning of the SRM can be influenced by various types of external environment fuzzy factors. Among the external factors there is a group affecting the ability to determine the exact target position. Such factors often affect technical vision systems. This problem is especially relevant for special purpose mobile robots operating in aggressive environmental conditions. A situation similar to the described one also occurs when a medical robot manipulator is used for minimally invasive surgery, when the role of the control and monitoring system is assumed by an operator. In this regard, the organization of effective control taking into account influence of the external fuzzy factors, that prevent the correct recognition of the target position of the SRM instrument, is an urgent problem. The authors consider the solution of the inverse kinematics problem for SRM based on the use of fuzzy numerical methods, taking into account the possible occurrence of singular configurations in the process of solving. Read more... Neural network analysis method of heat treatment processes of pelletized phosphate ore raw materialsCurrently, there is an acute problem of waste disposal of mining and processing plants, which accumulate in significant volumes in the territories adjacent to them and pose a serious threat to the environment. In this regard, the creation of technological systems for processing ore waste and the improvement of their information support represent an urgent area of research. An example of such a system is a complex chemical and energy technology system for the production of yellow phosphorus from waste apatite-nepheline ores. The purpose of the study was to develop a model for collecting data on the parameters of the processes of heat treatment of pelletized phosphate ore raw materials in such a system, as well as a method for identifying dependencies between these parameters. The identification of dependencies in the information support of the yellow phosphorus production system will improve the quality of its functioning in terms of management criteria, energy and resource efficiency. To achieve this goal, the tasks of choosing a mathematical concept for the basis of the method being developed, constructing an algorithm and creating software implementing this method, conducting model experiments were solved. The method is based on the use of deep recurrent neural networks of long-term short-term memory, which have a high generalizing ability and are used in solving problems of regression and classification of multidimensional time sequences, in the form of which, as a rule, the parameters of a chemical and energy technology system are presented. The method is implemented as an application created in the MatLab 2021 environment. The application interface allows you to interactively conduct experiments with various sets of input and output parameters to identify the relationship between them, as well as change the hyperparameters of neural networks. As a result of the application, a repository of trained neural networks is created that simulate the relationships found between the specified parameters of the technological system and can be applied in decision support systems, management and engineering. Read more... An intelligent model for managing the risks of violation of the characteristics of electromechanical devices in a multi-stage system for processing ore raw materialsThe results of studies on the development of the structure of an intelligent model for managing the risks of violation of the characteristics of electromechanical devices in a multi-stage system for processing ore raw materials are presented. Such devices are involved in all cycles of the technological process, so the assessment of this risk for them is an urgent task. A method for assessing such risks is proposed, which is based on the assessment of the useful life of equipment, performed on the basis of the prediction of characteristics by a deep recurrent neural network, with further generalization of the results of such an assessment in a fuzzy inference block. Recurrent neural networks with long short-term memory were used, which are one of the most powerful tools for solving time series regression problems, including predicting their values for long intervals. The use of deep neural networks to predict the characteristics of electromechanical devices made it possible to obtain a high prediction accuracy, which made it possible to apply a relatively less accurate recurrent least squares method for the iterative process of estimating the useful life of equipment. This approach made it possible to build a computational evaluation process with its constant refinement as new results of measurements of the characteristics of electromechanical devices become available. The results of a model experiment with a software implementation of the proposed method, performed in the MatLab 2021a environment, are presented, which showed the consistency of the program modules and obtaining a risk assessment result that is consistent with the expected dynamics of its change. Read more... Algorithm for identifying threats to information security in distributed multiservice networks of government bodiesThe results of studies are presented, the purpose of which was to develop an algorithm for identifying information security threats in distributed multiservice networks that provide information interaction of regional government bodies, as well as their communication with the population of the region. The relevance of the research topic is due to a significant increase in various types of cyber attacks on the computer networks of public authorities and the need to increase the level of security of these networks by intellectualizing methods for combating information security threats. The algorithm is based on the use of machine learning methods to analyze incoming traffic in order to identify events that affect the state of information security of public authorities. The algorithm provides for input traffic preprocessing, as a result of which a set of images (signatures) obtained from Wasm binary files is formed, and then the image classifier is launched. It contains a sequential inclusion of deep neural networks – a convolutional neural network for signature classification and a recurrent network that processes the sequences obtained at the output of the convolutional network. Features of the formation of signatures in the proposed algorithm, as well as sequences at the input to the recurrent network, make it possible to obtain the resulting assessment of information security, taking into account the history of its current state. The output of the recurrent network is aggregated with the result of comparing the actual signatures with those available in the database. The aggregation is performed by the fuzzy inference system of the second type, using the implication according to the Mamdani algorithm, which generates the final assessment of information security threats. Software was developed that implements the proposed algorithm, experiments were carried out on a synthetic data set, which showed the efficiency of the algorithm, confirmed the feasibility of its further improvement. Read more... Fuzzy dynamic ontological model for decision support of energy-intensive systems management based on precedentsThe article discusses the features of applying the precedent approach when managing complex energy-intensive systems in the context of the need to take into account various energy, technical, environmental and operational indicators, as well as the uncertainty of many internal and external factors influence. This leads to the presence of a large amount of semi-structured information that can be presented using various scales, which determines the prospects of using the precedent approach. The proposed fuzzy ontological model for supporting decision support based on precedents is described, characterized by the use of dynamic concepts, as well as concepts in the form of different scale numerical and linguistic variables. An algorithm for assessing the proximity of precedents based on an ontological model is proposed, which differs by taking into account the dynamic aspects of changes in the state of controlled systems. The developed algorithms for fuzzy inference for decision support based on precedents are presented, which allow the use of both linguistic and numerical variables as input characteristics of the fuzzy production model, as well as using various logical connections between the rules pre-requisites. The software that implements the developed model and algorithms is described. Particular attention is paid to the modified fuzzy inference component, implemented using Python 3.8.7 language tools. To implement the user interface of the specified component, the cross-platform graphic library Tkinter was used. The results of computational experiments using real data obtained during the operation of an energy-intensive system for processing fine ore raw materials, including a conveyor-type roasting machine, are presented. Minimization of specific total costs for thermal and electrical energy was considered as a criterion for the effectiveness of management decisions. The outcome obtained showed that the proposed model and software make it possible to obtain a result comparable to the one of using complex analytical dependencies, while ensuring a reduction in time and financial costs. Read more... Modeling of the operation features of remote protection of backup transformers for the own needs of power units of a nuclear power plant during self-start of powerful motor loadsIn the article, using computer modeling, an analysis of the operation of distance protection of backup transformers is carried out, providing alternative power supply for the own needs of a nuclear power plant through a backup busbar when disconnected from the power system. During the transition from the main network to the backup network, there is a short period of power off to the sections. At the same time, the powerful motor loads of the sections that have received power begin to operate in the freewheel braking mode. Then the reserve is automatically switched on, which can occur at a more or less favorable moment. At an unfavorable moment, self-starting may be electrically more severe than a short circuit on the busbar. When combining a new network from a backup auxiliary transformer and an autonomous circuit of running machines, transient processes of electromagnetic interaction between machines switching to generator mode and the new network arise. There are some optimal favorable moments for merging networks when it is advisable to carry out self-starting. Due to the complexity of the mathematical description with a high order system of equations and a large number of interaction objects, it is advisable to study these processes using computer modeling. A practical question, which is answered by the calculations and computer modeling, concerns the value of the distance protection setting for the backup transformer for auxiliary needs. Using the developed structural simulation model in MatLab, a series of experiments was carried out on the run-down and self-starting of auxiliary sections with their given composition and load. The range of self-start time corresponded to the operation of automatic switching on of the reserve sections by distance protection. Calculations and modeling show that the adopted setting can be adjusted, ensuring protection of a larger length of the busbar with possible options for connecting auxiliary sections to it. The model is supplemented with an add-on in the form of an external program for detailed processing and visualization of data obtained from oscilloscopes of the MatLab structural model. Read more... Network fuzzy situational precedent models of control systems for complex technical objectsThe control of complex technical objects is often hampered by the lack of information necessary to build probabilistic models of the control process. An alternative approach is based on models in which elements of fuzzy set theory are used to identify an effective control strategy from the point of view of the selected criterion. The disadvantages of fuzzy situational models include the subjective nature due to the expert data used for their construction, as well as the inability to distinguish in sufficient detail the reactions of an object to the same control actions, which is most clearly manifested in complex technical objects, the functioning of which is influenced by many situational factors. The paper proposes an approach to the construction of fuzzy situational models based on precedents and allows for the ambiguity of the transition with the same control action from one situation to another in cases where it is impossible to ensure the stability of both the uncertainty factors of the external environment and the parameters of the object itself. The method of constructing models based on the consideration of accumulated historical data regarding the operated object is described. This principle largely eliminates the subjectivity inherent in expert methods. In addition, programs implementing the method are distinguished by significantly shorter execution time, which is important for process control systems. A Python program has been developed for conducting computational experiments. The verification, which was carried out using the example of a control system for a conveyor-type roasting machine, confirmed the operability of the proposed method and model. Read more... Model of control of a multi-link robot manipulator under conditions of environmental uncertaintyThe structure of the control model of a multi-link robot manipulator is proposed, the distinctive feature of which is the inclusion of blocks for solving problems of direct and inverse dynamics using the fuzzy interval method. The relevance of the research topic is characterized by the need to develop and implement robotic systems to replace human labor in hazardous and harmful industries, as well as to improve the algorithmic support of robot control systems in conditions of environmental uncertainty. Algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems of the dynamics of multi-link robot manipulators have been developed, based on a description of the motion of MLRM links in the form of a system of equations that take into account the uncertainties of the external environment, modeled by fuzzy logic methods. The object of the study was the process zones in the immediate vicinity of small-ore pelletizing units and ore heating furnaces of mining and processing plants, where there are uncertainty factors of the external environment of two main groups: the first includes factors that complicate the determination of the coordinates of the target object of the MLRM capture (for example, as a result of the dustiness of the environment), the second – factors affecting the movement of the moving parts of the MLRM (for example, caused by wear or heating of parts of the mechanisms). Testing of the proposed algorithms was carried out in a model experiment in the MatLab environment using the Simscape physical modeling tools, as well as the Robotics System Toolbox for designing, modeling and testing robotic applications. The experiment showed that the accuracy of positioning the end effector of the MRM in the case of using the proposed interval method, although it is not a fraction, but several percent of the specified terminal position, but exceeds the solutions obtained using the standard Robotics System Toolbox tools, which are not adapted to work in conditions of environmental uncertainty. Read more... |