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№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Bulygina O. V., Emelyanov A.

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Qualitative and quantitative analysis of functional parameters, performance properties and survivability in distributed multi-level information management system is performed using computer modeling tools, including simulation. The models take into account the heterogeneity and variability of structures, network bandwidth and distributed database features. In recent years, become topical investigating the properties of evolving information systems in holding’s management. This article deals with the evolution of management information systems (MIS). Modeling of support MIS performance process is carried out with the use of the optimal composition of the resources required in the first stage. The model takes into account that the parameters of the system gradually drift far enough away from the optimum, and the phase trajectory is «attracted» to the stable, but non-optimal point in the evolution. All this testifies to the fact that the necessary features to achieve the bifurcation point are performed, and the validity of the hypothesis made earlier about the need to release a new version of MIS proved. Bringing the system to even more efficient state without interrupting the life cycle requires some special solutions, one of which is the release of the next version of the MIS. Some scientific research and consulting unit in the holdings can carry out systematic analytical study of MIS on their own, or setting targets for outside organizations — universities or research institutes.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Quality management
Authors: Kuznetsov A., Agayants I., Goncharov I., Kornyushko V.

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In this article from the standpoint of system analysis the questions of creation of an information management system to support the process of structuring elastomeric systems are observed. It is necessary to analyze, control and monitor the process of the structuring of elastomers products for the product with desired properties and characteristics obtaining and defect product obtaining prevention. Rheometer curves nowadays are widely used for the mixing and structuring process controlling and monitoring. The functional diagrams of mixing and structuring process are built and also their further decomposition is carried out. For all given functional diagrams all functional blocks are being discussed, the specific operation performers of all technological processes are listed. All necessary equipment for technological operations are named. By example of the products from elastomers manufacture information models for the processes of mixing and structuring were built. For the structuring process description there is also a verbal model in text and table forms is also proposed. The expediency of rheometer curves in the analysis, control and monitoring of the processes of mixing and structuring is shown. Given information model and functional diagramms are represent the basis of the information management system of the mixing and structurig processes support.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Automated control systems
Authors: Ponomarev V., Strakhov A., Strakhov O.

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Ways of increase of efficiency of permission of the emergency situations arising on samples of arms, military and special equipment (AME) of Aerospace defense of the Russian Federation with use of an experimental sample of the Center of situational management of JSC «GPTP «Granit» (CSM) are considered. CSM is a comprehensive distributed automated information management system in the area of responsibility of which is the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the CSM is the information support of the activities of all participants in the work to provide the required level of readiness AME aerospace defense groups. The key task solved by enterprise’s situational management system is to ensure the continuity of the production process. This task includes the implementation of condition monitoring of work for all contracts and a comparison of this condition with the approved production plan. It is necessary to continuously monitor the presence and location of all resources, as well as the financial performance of each order, the deviation from the schedule planning, etc. CSM provides display of geographically distributed objects in relation to the respective orders as icons on the map. This provides the ability to view the main parameters characterizing the state of the service facilities or work progress. For effective implementation of complex information technology, on which the work is considered the CSM, it requires skilled engineering staff. «GPTP «Granit» solves this problem on the basis of targeted training in cooperation with the Faculty of Information Technologies of Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy».
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
The author: Press release

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Press-release reflects the stages of formation and development of the Faculty of Information Technology, as well as the evolution of the areas of training highly qualified specialists in the field of information systems and technology at the Synergy University. Material is timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of Yury B. Rubin, rector of the Synergy University.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Shigina N.

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Cloud computing relieves the user of the burden of hardware and software installation and management and can be used at the university to enhance curricula and student experience. When cloud computing is considered in literature, the focus is typically on implementing administrative functions. Yet, SaaS and PaaS can make more immediate and substantial contributions to the content of IT-professional course in educational offerings. This paper describes restrictions and requirements of educational process to cloud software development tools, provides the analysis of the cloud IDE’s and cloud databases, reports on experiences using Oracle Application Express and Vertabelo in courses «Databases» at Penza State Technological University, offers the directions of its use in other courses, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud services at university. Further, it may enable more educators and students to benefit from this emerging technology.
№ 2(62) 29 april 2016 year
Rubric: Defense software
The author: Denisov D.

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Today using of the Internet involves various external threats, pose a risk to the finance, life, health and mental status of users. Active «criminalization» of Internet space, as well as the rapid growth in the number of users of children’s and youthful age led to the emergence of new threats requiring adequate means of protection to which consideration of this article. Special attention is given to threats such as ransomware, require payment to unlock the computer or decrypt files on your hard drive; fraud using social network and e-mail, trolling and cyberbullying, i. e. aggressive actions of users with the purpose of causing the victim moral damages; sexting and grooming, i. e. communicating with minors on the topics of sex and dating for the purpose of sexual exploitation or blackmail. The main remedies are: compliance with caution when communicating and posting any material on the network; a set of software tools (backup, data encryption, antivirus protection, parental control, content filtering and so forth); reference to the administration of resources and in law enforcement. In connection with the ongoing trend of integration of social networks and cloud services are offered additional protection measures such as the tightening of registration rules and content filtering in social networks and monitoring Internet activity of users under the age of 14 years.