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№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Information sistems
Authors: Volkova V., Efremov A., Paklin N., Vasiliev A., Yuriev V. N.

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Information technology (IT) is a set of methods, processes, tools and hardware that provide for the decision makers in the various fields of activity the ability to access any required information. Currently, there is no established classification IT. A variety of technologies are studied in different disciplines. At the same time, in order to help to navigate the variety of information technologies they need to be ordered in some way. This paper offers a multi-level classification of the IT based on the allocation to strata from the bottom up techniques, tools and equipment to the work with information depending on their degree of complexity — from the means of communication human with a computer, collection, storage, retrieval, different ways of processing information to the IT for extract the knowledge and to the emergence of new information as a result of the complex methods. The paper uses the information models of F. E. Temnikov and A. A. Denisov to describe the principles of the proposed classification. The hierarchical structure of the IT in this paper is presented within two levels of itemization — a general one which comprises the whole specter of the existing IT and a detailed one which consists of the second level technologies that are specific for every particular general technology branch.
№ 6(60) 30 december 2015 year
Rubric: Resource management
Authors: Nissen V., von Rennenkampff A.

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A company’s ability to change increasingly depends on the ability to change its IT, something referred to as «IT agility» here. High IT agility can contribute to increased business agility and thus create a competitive advantage. In this paper we look at which factors influence IT agility and how the IT agility can be increased. The main body of the paper, however, is devoted to the research question how IT agility can be measured and actively managed. Here, the focus is on the IT application systems landscape, a resource of significant importance for the IT agility and competitiveness of a company.
№ 6(60) 30 december 2015 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
The author: Stelzer D.

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The study explores characteristics of the German academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik ». It is based on a literature review of fourteen publications on the history of the discipline and on a comparison of research approaches of «Wirtschaftsinformatik» and the North-American sister discipline «Information systems». The study identifies four characteristics of the academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik» and derives six challenges and opportunities for the business informatics community worldwide.
№ 6(60) 30 december 2015 year
Rubric: Defense software
Authors: Eremenko A., Sulavko A.

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authentication server. The method of two-factor authentication of users of computer systems on the remote server using personal biometric data is proposed. The method based on error-correcting coding and other conversion of biometric data. The developed method is based on «fuzzy extractors» and allows to store only fragments of biometric standard on the server and does not allow to restore the standard if this fragments were stolen. As the biometric features of a person is proposed to use the keystroke dynamics: duration of retention and the time intervals between keystrokes as a person type the passphrase on the keypad. An original way to use information about the stability of biometric features is proposed. The information about biometric features stability is used to choose the best ones for preparing a cryptographic key and decrease errors of key generation. Also it is a part of a secret information that storages on the server side and used in key recovery procedure. As a part of the future research for «combining» and «subtraction» bit sequences of PRN code and biometric data for cryptographic key generation it is planned to use fuzzy implication operation, adapting one of the fuzzy inference algorithms (Tsukamoto, Sugeno, Mamdani, Larsen et al.)
№ 6(60) 30 december 2015 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Roshchin D.

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This article describes the work performed by the author on the modernization of software of the standards complex of time and frequency. New software is developed; there were made improvements to the algorithm of formation of the analytical time scales. This work was performed with the aim of developing technical means for fundamental support of the GLONASS system for modernization of systems for national time scale keeping on the basis of hydrogen masers to achieve the tactical and technical characteristics of the GLONASS system on the harmonization of the national time scale with the International scale of coordinated universal time. Developing standards complex of time and frequency must be part of modernized complexes of national time scale and is intended to ensure that time scales of modernized complexes for national time scale keeping. In the process of upgrading software of the standards complex, there was done the work on improving the methods of forming group hydrogen keeper of the frequency and calculation of the national time scale. There were applied weight coefficients to reduce the error of the mean relative changes in the frequency of the hydrogen standard, on a monthly measurement interval. The sliding interval estimation of the frequency model parameters of hydrogen masers was used for reducing the frequency instability of the analytical frequency of group hydrogen keeper. During use of the program in the State metrological centre «State service of time, frequency and the Earth rotation parameters determination», it was concluded that the application of weight coefficients when determining the parameters of the regression model of frequency changing of the reference standard allows slightly reduce the average relative errors on annual time interval of the observations on average by 1%. It was found that the use of a sliding interval estimation of the frequency model parameters of hydrogen masers at each day of measurements can considerably reduce the instability of the analytical frequency of group hydrogen keeper. Using the new method the relative decrease of the frequency instability was approximately 10% for a threemonth time interval of observations.
№ 6(60) 30 december 2015 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Pirogov V.

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As the title implies the paper considers 64‑bit enhancement of x86 (x86-64) and features of the 64‑bit operating systems. There are some new characteristics of the architecture x86–64 such as 64‑bit integer capability, additional registers, larger physical address space, RIP-relative addressing, additional XMM registers, etc. Some of these issues are reflected in our article. We focus on the main features of this specification with the point of view of programming. Much attention in our paper is given to such concepts as «red zone» and «shadow space», which are associated with calling conventions. The paper speaks in detail on the differences in the approaches (regarding calling conventions) adopted in families of 64‑bit operating systems Windows and UNIX. We compare the low-level program architecture for different operating systems supporting the x86–64 specification. The paper gives examples of analysis of the executable code, which are compiled for operating systems with different calling conventions. For the purity of the experiment the programs for different operating systems are translated by compilers of C from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). For the study of executable code for 64‑bit operating systems Windows and UNIX, we used the disassembler IDA PRO version 5.5.