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№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Smirnov O. A., Haritonov S.

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The article analyzes the approaches to the formation of information system of knowledge management in public administration of this important branch of transport civil aviation. In particular, it is shown that the application of algorithmic elements of knowledge management, including lifecycle management of knowledge — use of existing concepts and the creation of new knowledge, allows to increase the objectivity and transparency when making decisions regarding the regulation of development of the airport network. For example, data analysis of the dynamics of passenger flows using the tools of analysis of principal components and discriminant analysis, and also applications in public administration such concepts as creating an airport network on the basis of a system of airports-hubs shown that existing approaches of choice has a significant limitation. Therefore, the information of a knowledge management system should include information about how theoretical modeling and algorithm data mining tools.
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Belyj V. M., Mayidanov A.

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The article defines the objectives, principles and priorities of Informatization of University of Technology, on which to base long-term prospects of corporate information infrastructure. On the basis of the analysis determined the main directions and priorities of Informatization. It is based on that needs to be developed new learning theories such as constructivism, learning without time and space boundaries. Traditional circuit training is outdated and needs to be replaced with new and progressive forms. Needs to be developed new learning theories such as constructivism, learning without time and space boundaries. To improve the quality of education and training of highly qualified specialists for industrial and economic structures of the country, it is necessary to intensively use new educational information technologies. The article shows that to improve the quality of education and training of highly qualified specialists for industrial and economic structures of the country, it is necessary to intensively use new educational technologies. Basis must be information technology, which is one of the most important factors determining the development of modern society. The development and application of information and communication technologies clearly show that the Informatization of high school, is a key condition for the subsequent accelerated development of science, economy and culture. Today, highly skilled workers shape economic and social development level of the country. Therefore, the Informatization of higher and secondary professional education is becoming very important element of Informatization of Russia. The transition to a qualitatively new level of education is particularly necessary Technological University, brings together in a single educational complex: University, College and technical school. It is therefore necessary to determine the objectives, fundamental principles and priorities of the University Informatization, on which to base long-term prospects of the corporate information infrastructure necessary concept of the University.
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Information security
Authors: Gavrishev A., Burmistrov V., Osipov D.

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Nowadays, the world has witnessed a significant increase in the number of stolen vehicles. One of the main reasons for the high number of thefts is the use of wireless alarm systems. One of the vulnerabilities of wireless signaling is between the mobile radio remotes control and alarm stationary control unit that carries control commands that may be intercepted, viewed or tampered with. Currently, there are many ways of ensuring information security of the radio channel. However, there are no methods for assessing signaling radio bearer security from unauthorized access. The purpose of this paper is to provide a method of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of security radio signals from unauthorized access. The analysis showed that at present there are no perfect valuation techniques protected from unauthorized access. In addition to the drawbacks of each method individually, many of them have a common negative feature is the fact, not security assessment is comprehensive and focused on one or more threats to information security. The authors proposed a method of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of security against unauthorized wireless access, including automotive, signaling, based on the concepts of fuzzy logic. To substantiate the results obtained evaluated radio alarm security against unauthorized access three different wireless car alarms that have different methods of protection against threats such as browsing, interception and substitution. The proposed method of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of security radio signal from unauthorized access different: a comprehensive assessment of security wireless alarm radio from unauthorized access, simple math, simple software implementation and adequate representation of the probability of different types of wireless alarm counter threats to information security in the radio channel.
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Oleynik P.

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The article presents a unified object system metamodel, developed by the author and used them in the development of large software systems over the past few years. This paper is the development of the material, briefly presented in the article «The Concept Creation Service Corporate Information Systems of Economic Industrial Energy Cluster», published in the Applied Informatics journal in № 6 from 2014. The urgency of the problem is reasonable overview of existing work presented in this article. The article presents the latest to date version of the metamodel and describes the main constituent elements. Attention is paid to the hierarchy of metaclasses used in the simulation application domain entities. Also considered metaclass hierarchy representing the different types of atomic and class attributes. Attention is given to the description and dynamic (behavioral) component by implementing the methods and events classes. Finally, conclusions are made about the future development work. Behavioral characteristics are implemented through various validation rules. The article deals with the decisions relating to the management of visibility and accessibility of the individual elements of graphic controls. All elements of the metamodel was tested under a variety of complex database applications. Further development of this paper is the development of custom UML-profile that allows to simplify the process of designing the program and database structure. This profile can be used in teaching students the design and implementation of software.
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Fedorov I. G.

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The Bunge–Wand–Weber ontology is widely used in object-oriented development of IT applications. It shows how a real world objects are mapped to the ontology concepts. Wand and Weber suppose that the ontological expressiveness of a modeling language used to describe the world around us, can be assessed by investigating the mapping from a set of language primitives to a set of constructs of the proposed ontology. One of the main success factors of the use of modeling language or notation is its ability to provide a set of modeling primitives, which can be directly mapped to the relevant concepts of Bunge–Wand–Weber ontology. However, the existing Bunge–Wand–Weber ontology is not fully suitable for describing business processes. The analysis shows that the ontology misses the concept of time, the mapping of logical operators of modeling language on the concepts ontology remains unclear, ontology contains no concept necessary to map a performer of process operations. The paper proposes to clarify the distinction between internal and external events, thus introduce a category of time; adds the concept of the actor who initiates the start of the execution or completion of the process operations; change the definition of the transformation, adding the meaning of unit of work that doesn’t change the object, but rout it to the next operation thus allowing to map logical operators. As a result of the proposed adaptation the Bunge — Wanda — Weber ontology becomes adequate to the task of business processes modeling.
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Shakirov V. A., Artemyev A.

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The problem of estimating the wind energy potential of the region in view of the terrain with the assistance of software tools for modeling and calculation is formulated. Currently there are no readymade software solutions for the implementation of the whole set of terrain and wind flow modeling procedures. A description of the difficulties encountered in the integrated use of heterogeneous software solutions for the problem of evaluation of wind power potential in the areas is given. The authors propose a methodical approach to search places efficient allocation of wind power plants, considering the use of software products. Methodical approach consists of three stages — preliminary analysis of the terrain, terrain modeling, simulation of wind flow. Approbation of the methodical approach to the creation of simple terrain models, as well as with the creation of a model of the real terrain near the Ayan village of Khabarovsk Territory is conducted. Application of methodical approach allows to realize computer airflow simulation over the terrain and thus solve important practical problem of defining the sites of effective placement of wind turbines. According to calculations at these sites the wind speed increases substantially: from 5 to 8 meters per second. This allows to take this areas for further analysis.