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№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Virtual reality
The author: Gorbunov A. L.

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The air traffic becomes more and more intensive and the number of emergency situations on flying fields increases correspondingly. Thus a problem of controller’s readiness to act properly in the alert condition becomes the urgent issue. However until recent time the development of effective training tools for air traffic controllers in an airport tower encountered an insurmountable safety barrier since there is no way to train controllers on the flying fields of today’s big airports without the risk of a crash. As a result nowadays training systems for controllers are realized as computer simulators. Such simulators have serious drawback: — training is carried out on a virtual airport flying field, whereas effective training may take place only on a real field of a real airport. The paper describes the augmented reality training system for air traffic controllers. The system allows a safe modeling of emergency situations on the real flying field. An example: the model for the collision of A380 and CRJ700 in JFK airport in April, 2011.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
Authors: Lyudomir A., Orlov V.

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Paper deals with the solutions of dynamical airspace environment development. The aircraft simulator models generate airspace environment. Each aircraft model simulates an aircraft flight according to its flight plan. The article presents the air traffic control system structure and determines the aircraft simulation model, which includes air navigation, and aircraft movement submodels. Objectoriented implementation allows air navigation submodel to perform several different modes of aircraft control. There are modes of aircraft control that are implemented in simulation model: aircraft flight along its flight path, flight under flight rules, flight with reactions on the air traffic control dispatcher commands, self-separation between aircraft and dangerous meteo areas during flight and various combinations of these modes. Aircraft movement submodel simulates aircraft flight as mass point and imply restrictions and characteristics according to aircraft type. It applies flight dynamics specified by Eurocontrol Base of Aircraft Data. The article describes equations taking into account flight characteristics. The aircraft model simulates navigation deviations based on performance-based navigation concept. The paper presents an example of air navigation under Air Traffic Control with aircraft reactions to Controller — Pilot Data Link Communications commands. Simulation of dynamical environment model implemented in Delphi object-oriented programming environment with Oracle database tools. There are researches, which were conducted using this model: flight safety assessment for new structure of Russian Federation airspace, implementation of airborne ADS-B applications, including conflict detection and resolution application.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
Authors: Emelyanov A., Shil’nikova O.

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Emergencies that sometimes arise in the chemical industry (for example, in Sivezo and Bhopal), which caused the human casualties and pollution of the environment, cause the introduction of increased requirements for the qualification of Chemical Engineers. The methodology of designing chemical reactors should include the monitoring and analysis of security. Therefore, the process design of chemical reactors consists not only of perform calculations, drawing creation and writing technical documentation of the reactor. Construction of the reactors is not possible without creating process models and simulators for personnel, taking into account risk situations. Thus, when constructing the reactor are required: chemical kinetic model that can be represented by means of differential equations, and model of discrete control system, which, as a rule, can’t be described by differential equations. Therefore there is a need for a comprehensive discrete-continuous computer models. V. V. Kafarov was one of the world’s greatest scientists, who created a powerful scientific impetus for the development of chemical cybernetics. His works became the foundation for further research in our country and abroad. The unified method of discrete-continuous simulation applied for controlled chemical reactions is considered in this paper. Simulation model includes two components: the continuous and discrete components. Continuous component performs modeling of chemical kinetics. Discrete components is used to simulate and optimize the system control of the reactor. Matrix of tuples is used for easy selection optimal conditions of the reactor operating. Optimization is performed by varying two parameters: the reaction temperature and pressure in the reactor.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
The author: Perevaryukha A.

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Ecological processes in the face of rapid changes in the environment as an object for the computer simulation requires a flexible approach to the analysis. Article devoted to applications of the conceptual structuring of ideas about the interaction natural and anthropogenous factors on the basis of cognitive models. The formal analysis of pulses in the sign graph in the context of the situation degradation bioresources of Caspian Sea has promoted the development of original hybrid dynamic systems for modeling sturgeon fish reproduction. It is shown that the choice of the mathematical approach to the description of the situation can be based on the results of cognitive analysis of the ecological relationships. At the conclusion of results of computational studies should logically follow the newly theoretical interpretation of the observed changes in behavior of models. Chosen structure of the new models allows us to consider various scenarios of environmental emergencies. In cognitive oriented graph possible to make hypotheses, but to assess the abrupt changes necessary to investigate the nonlinear dynamics of the trajectory of some key characteristics, which for the Caspian Sea is the effectiveness of fish spawning. In such models often arise bifurcations of attractors with the appearance of cycles that effect on environmental implications.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Kravchenko T.

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The article deals with one of the types of advertising campaigns, namely, — ICB-broadcast (Interactive Cell Broadcast, or «advertising sleeping screens») to convey to the subscribers of any information. Content services in the telecommunications environment is a rather young field of service, require thorough justification for funding of such projects. Existing approaches for comparative evaluation of efficiency of investment projects in practice is not always applicable due to the uncertainty of the input data, the external environment of the project requirements. In this paper we propose a new approach based on the methods of the theory of decision making. As tools for the analytical justification of the alternatives are used Decision support systems (DSS). In the process of scientific research are identified, collected and structured data for later analysis of advertising campaigns. For optimal storage of information after the broadcast are modified database «portal subscriptions». To identify dependencies between cost, time and theme of promotion of the services and forecasting profit from advertising companies are performed statistical data analysis. Variants of investment projects were designed aimed at increasing the profits from advertising campaigns (ICB-broadcasting): «Development of services with low interest»; «Supporting Organization popular services»; «The development of media services»; «Conducting targeted advertising, targeted at different groups of users.» Using publicly available DSS Expert Choice 11.5 and Expert decision support systems (EDSS), developed under the guidance of the author, was selected the most effective and least risky project «Supporting Organization popular services.» That this project has the minimum cost, minimum risk of failure of the timing of the project management and profit that is closest predicted.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Mathematical models in economy
Authors: Smirnov O. A., Haritonov S.

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It is shown in the article that the architecture of the information system is primarily determined by the specifics of the current state of the object of research. Practice development and functioning of information systems suggests that the transformation of the object change and methods of its study, therefore, the construction of the processing rules necessary to determine the most likely forecast the state of the object.
It is shown that more objective data have the reservation system, so how can on-line to determine the number in the sale of tickets of each type of tariff. Therefore, the presentation layer information system can be based on the appeal to the reservation systems and established by government agencies bets ground service. 
Layer the business logic of the conceptual architecture of the information system should be data-handling procedures. Including them can make such indicators as the weighted average cost of the air ticket of economic class, the comparison of the weighted average price of air tickets for the flight with the same indicators in a comparable number of passengers and the distance of the internal and external transportation, mapping the dynamics of changes in the weighted average ticket prices, changes in the weighted average price of the air ticket for a flight before and after the arrival of new airlines or after exit from the market competitors.
Thus the application architecture, allowing the use of a system based on collecting, storing and processing information simultaneously to multiple Federal agencies with the development of forms of representation data in accordance with the objectives of the authority, allows to significantly reduce the cost of their implementation.