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№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
The author: Devyatkov V.

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The need to improve the methodology for simulation studies is justified in this article. Directions of perfection the traditional methodology of complex systems (SSCS) simulation studies based on the paradigm of abstract levels of study are considered. Set-theoretic approach to modeling of SSCS-process is proposed. «Desired» user image simulation tool formulated. Some examples of the new methodology applications are presented in the conclusion of this article.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Drevs Y. G., Sergeev M.

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Impotence of geomagnetic activity row investigation and some of its features are underlined. Wavlet transform advantages over Fourier transform while analysis of non-stationary processes takes place are recognized. Results of comparative analysis or different wavlet functions to test signals are given. Real geomagnetic activity signals have been investigated and appropriate conclusions are made.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Authors: Streltsova E., Borodin A. I., Fursov S.

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Covers creating a model set of tools to support decision-making in the management of the strategic guidelines of the industrial enterprises in the face of stochastic uncertainty. Built economic and mathematical models to predict the profitability of the enterprise value of the choice of a particular strategy. The software product, which implements built economic and mathematical models.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Karpov V. I., Gracheva C., Korsunov S.

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The task of the calendar planning of complex of associate works is examined in the article. The mathematical raising of task of drafting of optimal calendar plan of associate works is presented. The method of decision, based on the ideas of the dynamic programming, offers. The algorithm of incremental construction of decision is worked out as a count of the possible states with the use of rules of screening-out of not perspective variants, that simplifies realization of method on a modern computer. Work of Algorithm is demonstrated by an example. Information technology of the use of method of optimization of the calendar planning is considered in the system of support of decision-making.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
Authors: Bolotova L. S., Nikishina A., Novikov A.

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In article the new view on positioning of the theory of creation of systems of situational management as the artificial intelligence one of directions possess mechanisms of generation are described. The foreshortening of an offer sight allowing to reveal the problems which decision made develop- ment of this theory with possibility of creation of program systems of new type.
№ 5(53) 27 october 2014 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Peshkova О., Minenkov R.

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The article analyzes the structure of the effect of using automated management systems. The analysis is performed on a structural approach. This article contains two parts. In the first one lists a number of problems that are universal character and faced researchers in the performance evaluation of the effectiveness. For each problem there is a brief description. The following is a brief overview of the most common approaches and methods by which the estimate of effectiveness. Their number and methodological breadth requires additional approaches to select the right tools to measure performance. In the second part of this article provides examples of the structure of the IT effect that can be detected in the works of different researchers. For notes, other researchers of this domain does not accentuate focus the structure of the IT effect. Then describes the author’s vision structure of the IT effect and briefly describes possible approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of MIS in accordance with the proposed structure. In conclusion, the authors again emphasize the special role of the structure IT effects, it plays in the effectiveness evaluation.