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№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Mathematical models in economy
Authors: Haritonov S., Plyasova S.

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This article discusses the possibility of MS Excel tools in conducting regression analysis. In particular, based on the previous article discussed the stages of this analysis, carried out the selection and justification of the cost factors of the website, which were attributed credibility index and age indicator.
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Models and methods
The author: Lyubomudrov A.

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The variant of approach to the definition of algebra logical functions belonging to the class of linear functions is suggested. This approach dictates laying out of function meanings on domains and the next visible and if it’s necessary supplementary analytical analysis of the domains.
№ 3(51) 27 june 2014 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
Authors: Bolotova L. S., Nikishina A., Novikov A.

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In article the new view on positioning of the theory of creation of systems of situational management as the artificial intelligence one of directions possess mechanisms of generation are describ. The foreshortening of an offer sight allowing to reveal the problems which decision made development of this theory with possibility of creation of program systems of new type.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Mescherin S., Kakauridze D., Pustozerov E., Volkov А.

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This article is dedicated to analytical review of data warehouses technology and loading of heterogeneous data into it. Article describes how OWL ontologies could be used to facilitate operations with heterogeneous data. Our approach extensively uses ontology during loading external data phase and during obtaining analytical data phase.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Resource management
The author: ZHdanovich O. A.

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The task of the management system formation with collective employment of research-production enterprise equipment is formulated. It is theoretical-multitude model proposed. It is on the private cloud base of type iaas with the cloud brokerage the information system architecture proposed that the support of management in conditions of information influence ensured and make possible in a dynamic conditions of activities realization managerial decision to take.
№ 4(52) 17 august 2014 year
Rubric: Chemical and physical techniques
The author: Pyzhov A. V.

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The article presents the stages of development of special software for the initial registration of radioactive waste, the basic issues of data integration initial registration of radioactive waste storage facilities with the information system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste.