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№ 1(49) 24 february 2014 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
Authors: Devyatkov V., Nazmeev M., Vlasov S.

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The article deals with expertise of the simulation using the special computer technology. The state of affairs in the industry is analyzed. The simulation expertise types are classified. The practical examples of simulation expertise and express detailed simulation expertise are demonstrated. Some main directions of expansion of market simulation expertise are formulated.
№ 1(49) 24 february 2014 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Tel`nov Y. F.

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The article describes the principles of composition services and objects of knowledge for the formation of educational programs with the use of methods of ontological engineering. Novelty of the proposed approach consists in interrelation ontology content and ontology of scientific and educational services, that allows to carry out an effective composition of services and objects of knowledge in accordance with the models of professional competencies and needs of students. As a result of application of methods of composition services and objects of knowledge ensures the efficient and flexible creation of educational programs.
№ 1(49) 24 february 2014 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Keleynikova V., Romanova Е.

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The Smart Education technologies own the huge potential directed on satisfaction of scientific re- quirements to society, consumers, producers, providers. It is necessary to proceed a difficult way for Smart Education technology development, involving a lot of participants, including the organizations for development of standards, the national research centers, higher education institutions, service providers, operators of networks, and users. This article contains overview of process development of e-leaning platforms, which is the beginning in new conditions for researches, formalization and engineering of business process IT specialist education. Also it was formulated some competences requirements of the IT specialist.
№ 1(49) 24 february 2014 year
Rubric: Mathematical models in economy
Authors: Kosorukova I. V., Prokimnov N.

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The paper deals with the impact of activity significant facts disclosure on the company capitalization level. The results of analysis performed on data for four major Russian public companies for the period from December 2002 to May 2013 and encompassed the items of the significant facts list included in the Federal Law «On the Securities Market» are presented.
№ 1(49) 24 february 2014 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
Authors: Bolotova L. S., Danchul А., Nikishina A., Novikov A.

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In this article the features of non-uniform knowledge reflected in construction of models in the field of an artificial intellect are considered, and the description of the mechanism of a location on their structure is offered. It allows to express further work of the corresponding mechanism of a logic conclusion at program level.
№ 2(50) 21 april 2014 year
Rubric: Business information systems
The author: Volkov A.

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Revue of aspects of implementation of process management in IT companies; the aims and requirements for technology modeling business processes, are considered a means of describing busi‑ ness processes. The examples of internal processes of IT companies and the processes of «cross‑linking» activities. Shown, how its optimization significantly affects the efficiency of the company, the process approach allows creating new and effective mechanisms, to reduce costs.