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№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Сhemical technologies
Authors: Galaev A. B., Butusov O. B., Meshalkin V. P., Orlova L. A., Sevast`yanov V. G.

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Logical and statistical algorithm based on Boolean, morphological and statistical operations to determine through-pore and using micro still images of composite nonmaterial cross sections is presented. Algorithm was applied for micro still images sequence analysis at different section depths of the silicon carbide composite nanomaterial / yttrium aluminum garnet (SiC/Y3Al5O12) sample, obtained by X-ray tomography.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Nazarova O., Davletkireeva L., Maslennikova O.

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The rapid information technology development increasingly determines the success of any enterprise and enhances the importance of graduates competences formation enrolled in the 230700.62 «Applied computer science» educational program. The preparation of competitive IT-Experts in the field of IS is carried out in consideration taking in account the taught courses succession and the participation of vendors in the training process.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Defense software
Authors: CHernyshuk S. V., Pisarchuk A. A., SHestakov V. I.

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The article suggests the technique of structural and parametric synthesis of cyber threats detection system using information and telecommunication systems monitoring data. It is based on multiple criteria analysis methods application and considers peculiarities of cyber threats detection system operation. Calculated example proves the effectiveness of suggested solution.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Defense software
Authors: Antonov A. E., Fedulov A. S.

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The article discussed the various ways to compare executable files based on their structure, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages. A new way of comparing files different from previous ones with usage blocks of varying size for file descriptions and a new measure of calculating the degree of similarity is suggested. It is experimentally proved the superiority of the method in comparison with existing ones.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Baranov M. A.

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There are many clustering methods using different approaches to the cluster analysis problem. This paper deals with the greedy cluster algorithm modification. The essence of the modification is that the decision on whether to add a new document to the cluster or not is made on the basis of its similarity to the previously included in a cluster documents. The different optimization versions are discussed. The computing results are presented.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Borisoglebskij D. A., CHepin E. V.

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This paper describes an approach to the vectoring problem presenting the contours in an analytical form as a series of parameterized primitives. This kind of transformation is needed in such areas as robotics, CAD, geographic information systems, machines with numerical control and in others.