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№ 5(41) 01 november 2012 year
Rubric: Bioengineering technologies
Authors: Suvorova Y. M., Korotkov E., Korotkova M. A.

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It is known that during evolution process new genes may be constructed by a combination of existing genes. The combination mainly based on two processes: fusionиof genes or parts of genes and insertion of one gene or part of gene into another. Triplet periodicity of coding sequences is a common property of most living organisms. The fusion and insertion events may give triplet periodicity change points in a corresponding position of the gene. For the change point analysis measures of difference and similarity of triplet periodicity were introduced. Based on these measures the mathematical method for paired and single change point search in genes was developed.
№ 5(41) 01 november 2012 year
Rubric: Hardware and software systems
Authors: Koval`chuk S. V., Buhanovskij A. V., CHurov T. N., Knyaz`kov K. V., Smirnov P. A.

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Several classes of user interfaces for cloud simulation are presented. Key features of human-computer interaction using interfaces of presented classes, main capabilities of such interfaces, methodological principles of theirs implementation and typical users’ characteristics are considered. The article presents example implementations of defined classes using CLAVIRE multifunctional platform.
№ 5(41) 01 november 2012 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Zen`kovich M. V., Drevs Y. G.

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Methods and software enabling the estimation of efficiency and the comparisons of alternative designs of foundry plants on the basis of moulding lines are discussed. Discrete-event simulation model using objectoriented approach for estimation of technological and constructional decisions is the main feature was developed.
№ 5(41) 01 november 2012 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Butusov O. B., Dubin M. E., Meshalkin V. P., Nikiforova O. P.

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Developed fuzzy-logic algorithm and software and information management decision support system for rational choice of supplier in the supply chain by using the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy set theory operations. The numerical experiments results confirm the efficiency of the algorithm for making logistics management solutions.
№ 5(41) 01 november 2012 year
Rubric: Information theory
Authors: Volkova V., Yuriev V. N.

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This paper presents a historical overview of the process of formation and development of informatics, as well as the formation of concepts. Considered several options for treatment of the concept of «informatics» as a field of scientific knowledge. Recommendations are given for the construction of training programs for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in information technology, in particular, for periodic updating according with the development of concepts and technologies.
№ 5(41) 01 november 2012 year
Rubric: Software
The author: Kazakova I. A.

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The historic aspects of first high-level programming language creation are considered. Also Konrad Zuse’s another works — computer’s creation and works in artificial intelligence — is described.