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№ 3(39) 14 june 2012 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Manahov P. A., Kovshov E. E.

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The article examines the issue of developing models of the text input methods. The urgency of this matter is dictated by the reduction of financial costs of designing new input methods and upgrading existing ones. The article suggests a modeling method, which is verified by a series of experiments. Also the article gives recommendations on the use of the suggested modeling method. Continue...
№ 3(39) 14 june 2012 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Panyukova T. A.

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Cutting-packing problems are usually formulated using two statements: optimal placement of definite size and form details and optimal trajectory of cutter moving for given placement of details on a plane. Both tasks are part of cutting process preprocessing. Normally these tasks are disconnected. But during cutting process projecting the sequential solving of these two problems is used. The paper is mostly aimed to solution of the second problem and its connection with the first one.

№ 3(39) 14 june 2012 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Grishina N. V., Ruseckaya I. A.

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A research on «Developing and analysis the model of information relationships entities in a single information competitive space in order to ensure information security» is being conducted within the project supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. In this paper, which represents the first stage of the work, an overview of basic research in this area is given.

№ 3(39) 14 june 2012 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Vilisov V. Y.

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The paper proposed and investigated an algorithm for solving the inverse transport problem (TP), which allows accumulating the positive decision making experience in situations that can be represented by transport models. On emerging situations and decisions adopted by the DM algorithm allows obtaining estimates of the elements of the generalized payoff matrix (PM) TP. With sufficient accuracy of the estimates the PM can be used in new situations for the optimal solutions corresponding to the preferences of decision-makers avoiding his participation.

№ 3(39) 14 june 2012 year
Rubric: Mathematical methods
The author: Kacman V. E.

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Modern economies are characterized by high dimensionality which makes their modeling difficult even with the use of powerful computers. An effective method of solving this problem is the method of multilevel decomposition. The proposed technique allows accounting information and administrative communication between employees of the organization.

№ 3(39) 14 june 2012 year
Rubric: Mathematical methods
Authors: Timofeev V. S., Hajlenko E. A., Har`kovskij D. V., SHCHekoldin V. Y.

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The estimation’s problem for sagging of the overhead circuit with adherence to the specifications of the measurement’s precision keeping is devoted. The 3D laser scanning technology for the high-precision data obtainment is used. The robust estimation’s methods for processing of the experimental data are used. Two types of sag curves models depending on the geophysical conditions are considered. The testing of the relative positions for overhead circuits to the requirements of «The rules of electrical facilities maintenance» is carried out.
