Ph. D. (Math.), Associate Professor, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Informatics, South Ural State University |
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Cheliabinsk |
Optimization of resources usage for technological preprocessingCutting-packing problems are usually formulated using two statements: optimal placement of definite size and form details and optimal trajectory of cutter moving for given placement of details on a plane. Both tasks are part of cutting process preprocessing. Normally these tasks are disconnected. But during cutting process projecting the sequential solving of these two problems is used. The paper is mostly aimed to solution of the second problem and its connection with the first one. Read more...Paths with local restrictions: algorithms and software implementationProblem of allowed path construction for a graph is considered. It is shown that in the Euler graph is possible to build a valid Euler tour and in arbitrary chosen graph it’s possible to build a valid network. The algorithms presented are complimented by examples using software developed by the authors.