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№ 6(36) 12 december 2011 year
Rubric: E-learning
The author: Kaganov V. S.

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Information education technology application in the corporate «Norilsk Nickel» university is discussed. Large-scale application of distance learning courses allows satisfying the need for prompt and high quality teaching staff. To maintain the desired level of company staff computer simulators are actively being used. Learning technologies employed improve the efficiency of the educational process giving a positive effect on the competitiveness of the university.

№ 6(36) 12 december 2011 year
Rubric: Training technologies
Authors: Lavrentyev V. S., Sokolov M. A., Tkachenko S. I.

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Testing technology is presented assuming that students input test results immediately after the lecture to the relevant page of the cathedral web server from their personal computers, and the teacher reads the results in automatic mode from the cathedral Web server and processes them. So manual entry of the test results is eliminated and protection against cheating is provided. Software and technological tools requirements as well as specific implementation features are described.

№ 6(36) 12 december 2011 year
Rubric: Hardware and software systems
Authors: Sartakov V. A., Atovmyan I. O., Zaeva M. A.

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The process of developing an embedded operating system based on a GNU/Mach microkernel. The development was carried out by transferring the GNU/ Mach microkernel for the ARM architecture followed by development of the Ethernet driver, and running TCP/IP stack as a separate module servers. The comparative performance evaluation is presented.

№ 6(36) 12 december 2011 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Zaborovskij N. V., Tormasov A. G.

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Today analyzing data-races is a relevant problem because of complex architecture of the modern programs. The article introduces the model of concurrent threads execution that alows analyzing data-races statically. Target algorithms for the model are ones containing custom synchronization machinery and atomic operations. As opposed to known models of a concurrent execution the suggested model analyze the code at a lower level of instructions.

№ 6(36) 12 december 2011 year
Rubric: Information resources processing
The author: Dimitriev A. P.

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The automatic Chuvash into Russian translation package features together with database used are presented.. The translation can be made with different versions of words. Various approaches to the use of semantics in translating Chuvash texts into Russian are investigated. The target language semantics optimization methods are compared.

№ 6(36) 12 december 2011 year
Rubric: Development concepts
The author: Emelyanov A.

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The conference was held on October 19 – 21 in the A. M. Gorky House of Scholars in St. Petersburg. Among the principle tasks were the development and generalization of the theory and simulation models qualimetry, experience exchanging, research results and practical applications discussions, introducing the latest automation and visualization tools, dissemination of theory and practice teaching experience.
