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№ 3(81) 26 june 2019 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
Authors: Keyno P., Kozyrev N., Kvashnin V., Novikov A.

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The article discusses the features of the permissions system in the BlockSet project. Its principles is shown both from the position of administration and from the position of its internal organization. The authors have shown the possibility of implementing access control of various levels of complexity with simple and accessible tools of the BlockSet project. In the classical development of a dynamic web-application, the obvious solution is often to write the business-logic of permissions as part of the server side itself, that is, such code will be written in advance taking into account the specificity of the resource being developed, will have opportunities, the need for which was described in advance and, perhaps, can afford the disadvantages, the presence of which will not be so critical due to the fact that it was determined in advance again which aspects of the final system would not be so important. The complexity of developing such system for big projects like BlockSet lies precisely in the fact that the requirements are not known in advance. And considering the paradigm of flexibility of this project, it is necessary to take into account all, or almost all possible requirements for creating such systems and create tools for their implementation. To solve the problem of flexibility, the stored permissions are located directly in the database itself so that each piece of information can be associated with a separate set of permission properties. For storage of such a complex structure PostgreSQL is used. It uses composite data types that allow avoiding high productivity costs when storing structures in the JSON form when creating additional entities. Thus, all attributes except primary keys are composite and consist of a block of information value of the required data type and two blocks of rights: dynamic dynamic_p, described below and static static_p, the data type that stores an array of strings. Due to the possibility to set a separate set of permissions for each piece of information, the necessary flexibility is achieved. However, if we’ll take an analogy with users and groups, permissions set for each cell is a very time-consuming and inefficient practice in most situations. To refer to a group of blocks, there are simultaneously block-interfaces and dynamic permissions. The usage example is very simple. With the task to create a forum, it may often be necessary to manage all the posts of the same topic simultaneously. The permission system in the BlockSet project allows describing in detail the distinctions between operations and rights over various pieces of information between users and groups, which corresponds to the project’s paradigms on flexibility and low entry threshold, and also significantly optimizes the development process.
№ 3(81) 26 june 2019 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
Authors: Bulygina O. V., Emelyanov A., Selyavskiy Y.

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The article discusses some new results obtained in the problem solving process of developing new tools for assessing the viability of large innovative multiprojects in the metallurgical industry for the new metal products issue. Accordingly, methods have been created for predicting the performance indicators of enterprises participat-ing in such multiprojects. The results obtained are important to development of economic-mathematical and instrumental methods for analyzing the effectiveness of in-novation in the dynamic environment. A model has been created for the implementation of a large innovative multiproject as part of the new metal production creation with the ability to carry out this project stages by several participants. An assessment was made of the various components of the metallurgical enterprises innovation potential and their external environment using dynamic growing pyramidal networks and Kalman filtering. A computer actor-simulation model for implementation of the organizational stage of production in the metallurgical complex has been developed. An organizational- computational procedure and an information system for decision-making support to managing a large innovative multiproject in the metallurgy and approving technical tasks for its subprojects. An organizational-computational procedure and an information system for decision-making support to managing a large innovative multiproject in the metallurgy and approving technical tasks for its subprojects. The created economic and mathematical tools were used to develop recommendations for the implementation of an innovative project carried out at the stage of semi-finished production for future metal-made products.
№ 3(81) 26 june 2019 year
Rubric: Data protection
Authors: Yurshev A., Smirnov M.

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The relevance of the work lies in the need to create security systems for critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation, first of all — the process control system of critical and potentially dangerous objects, computer incidents in which can lead to catastrophic consequences, including the death of people. At the same time, such a security system should not have a negative impact on the APCS, and both systems should be functional at the same time. The problem lies in the lack of methods for integrated assessment of compatibility of means of information protection and control systems for engineering systems of safety of objects of critical information infrastructure. A method of assessing the compatibility of information security and APCS by cross-testing using programs and test methods used in the acceptance of such systems. The practical results on the evaluation of compatibility of information security tools with process control systems of different vendors in the course of testing on the stands of process control systems manufacturers and industrial enterprises. Information security equipment manufactured by JSC InfoWatch: InfoWatch ASAP, InfoWatch Traffic Monitor, InfoWatch EndPoint Security on the equipment / software of the following vendors were tested: Schneider Electric, Klinkmann, Siemens, «modular Tornado systems», AMT-Group. The methodology used for the compatibility testing of information security tools and control systems understandable to the producers, and they have taken. The compatibility statements published by the manufacturers of the APCS hardware and software confirm this. Potential customers and engineering companies that produce, implement and provide technical support for APCS are also actively involved in the tests.
№ 3(81) 26 june 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Roshchin D.

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The main direction of increasing the efficiency of computeraided design and, in particular, the design of Railways is the development of scientific methodology for the application of new technologies in the design. The purpose of this work is to expand the capabilities of computeraided design (CAD) systems by using three-dimensional terrain models to assess the volume of soil in the process of construction of the roadbed of the railway section. Despite the presence of a sufficiently large number of CAD in the design of the roadbed, the methods used in them for calculating the volume of excavation, do not take into account the peculiarities of changes in the parameters of the railway, especially on the curves in the plan and profile. A significant disadvantage of the known methods of estimating the volume of excavation is that they do not take into account the influence of complex geometric shapes of the construction of the railway roadbed. In addition, these systems do not have methods for processing three-dimensional terrain models built on the results of aerial photography using laser scanning technology. Since the methods for calculating the volume of excavation work on three-dimensional models of the terrain is quite time-consuming, their implementation should be carried out using computeraided design (CAD), which requires the development of appropriate mathematical and software. Three-dimensional terrain model using gives more accurate results in the calculation of the volume of excavation compared to the results obtained using geodetic plans of the terrain. At the same time, the use of three-dimensional models in CAD can improve the performance of design work, as well as reduce the likelihood of errors at the design stage. Further increase in the efficiency of three-dimensional CAD for earthworks can be achieved through the use of reference and guidance materials as input data, as well as through the introduction of expert systems based on the experience of designers.
№ 3(81) 26 june 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Guryanova O., Filimonova E.

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The article is devoted to the current problem of the study of moiré formation in the reproduction of information using software methods. As a result of the study, the structures that cause the greatest appearance of moiré when rastering the image of the test object were identified. Also, the main regularities were revealed: strong noise of raster structures leads to loss of the image of the test object; the spectra of fields with noticeable moiré formation are modified due to the appearance of extra harmonics, independent of the semantics of the image; the more clearly and noticeably moiré in the image, the more the spectrum view changes, in which additional spectral lines appear; the smaller the difference between the optical density of the background and the optical density of the stroke, the more structural transformations caused by the interaction of the lattice and raster structure. On the basis of the study, the following conclusions were formulated: the use of an irregular raster structure leads to the absence of moiré in the image, blurring on the spectrum; the appearance of moiré when rastering the test object with stochastic structures indicates the presence of a regular component in them. In addition, the field was identified, while maintaining the bar structure, periodicity, lionachescu on the spectrum.
№ 3(81) 26 june 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Cherny R.

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Industrial high-performance routers are essential components for building secure networks for remote control and monitoring of industrial facilities. The main function of the router is to read the packet headers of network protocols received and buffered on each port, and decide on the further route for the packet to follow its network address, including the network number and node number. This article discusses the mathematical model of the processing of segments in the router (switching node). In a fully accessible switching circuit, any input can be connected to any output if the latter is in the idle state (not busy servicing any call). In incomplete schemes, this condition is not fulfilled, all inputs and outputs are divided into groups, and certain groups of inputs have access (connectivity) to certain groups of outputs. If the description of the switching node from the specified positions requires only knowledge of the number of inputs and outputs, then the description of the switching system of incompletely accessible circuits indicates the number of groups of inputs and the ability to access certain groups of inputs to certain groups of outputs.