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№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Tikhanychev O.

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One of the main problems of using automation tools — assessment of the expected effectiveness of their implementation. In full, this issue applies to support automation of decision-making. Currently, there is a fairly wide range of tools to assess the effectiveness of the control system operation, but none of these tools do not provide a comprehensive integrated assessment on the criterion of «cost — effectiveness ». This is a significant problem, which hinders the development of automated decision support systems and their implementation in practice of management. The paper proposes, based on the methods of similarity theory, used to evaluate the effectiveness of management automation device control theory. An example of a practical calculation of management efficiency. Analysis of testing results show the practical applicability of the proposed method of calculation and the ability to use it to evaluate ways to improve the effectiveness of management automation. The proposed method is not just a theory, its practical application is to provide an operative evaluation of options for the development of management automation. Implementing the proposed approach in the long term, serve as an impetus for the practical implementation of decision support systems.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Gavrishev A., Zhuk A.

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In this paper, the authors continue the experimental analysis of secure communication systems from [5] using other known methods of nonlinear dynamics, namely, using recurrence plots. The time diagrams of the signals transmitted in the communication channel [5] and the corresponding recurrence plots are given. Their similarity to «white noise» is noted (except for the case of a communication system based on chaotic masking, which uses the Rossler attractor as a generator). The obtained data are consistent with the data obtained in [5]. Also, the simulation of communication systems with simple signals on the example of a sine wave was carried out. The analysis shows that the communication systems with simple signals have obvious structure and are potentially detected by recurrence plots. Thus, qualitative analysis based on recurrence plots allows to determine the communication system with simple signals and communication systems based on noise-like signals, as well as to detect the structure for some communication systems based on noise-like signals. However, it does not sufficiently distinguish between classical communication systems based on noise-like signals and communication systems based on chaotic signals. It can be concluded that recurrence plots should be used in combination with other known methods of nonlinear dynamics (time and spectral diagrams, phase portraits, Hurst exponent, maximal Lyapunov exponent, BDS-statistics) and their joint use will allow more adequate analysis of secure communication systems [4, 5]. Continue...
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Guryanova O., Filimonova E.

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The article is devoted to the current problem of sharpening the reproduced image. The article describes the processing of image information with the aim of sharpening. To increase the sharpness of the image, it is proposed to use the method of selection of the contour information of the original with its subsequent preservation and combination with the original image. To highlight the contour information offers the choice of the optimal operator for image segmentation. Image segmentation using information extraction operators was carried out in the MATLAB software environment. The work investigated the quality of the Sobel operator, the Prewitt operator, and the laplacian gaussian, since other operators do not meet the necessary requirements for the accuracy of contour reproduction. To assess the quality of work and accuracy of reproduction by the operators of part contours, a test object was created and used, which was created using the Adobe Illustrator software environment. The article presents the main stages of the proposed technique: image discretization, selection of contour information, combination of contour information with the original image. As a result of the work carried out, the criteria for obtaining contour information were determined, at which image sharpness would be enhanced: high resolution of the original source; lack of coarse discretization of contour lines; precise alignment of the contour information with the original image. For the selection of contours, the Sobel operator was chosen as the most accurately selecting contour. For the selected images, the proposed method is applied, prints are obtained. Prints are evaluated by a group of experts. Expert evaluation of impressions shows that the use of methods to improve the sharpness of the image gives unambiguously positive results.
№ 2(80) 27 april 2019 year
Rubric: Resource management
Authors: Ross G., Emelyanov A.

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The analysis of the problems arising while creating new information technologies for forecasting economic processes of financial bubbles controls based on simulation models is carried out. The need to develop such technologies is caused by the growing influence of financial bubbles in the economy, primarily digital, which use artificial intelligence and the Internet utilizing raw data. The proposed information technology is justified by theoretically grounded models as well as decision-making methods and techniques. The proposed approach is based on the theory of equilibrium random processes and nowadays approaches for measuring and managing financial bubbles are suggested. In particular complex simulation model of economic agents based on technology of an evolutionary-simulation model approach is introduced. This approach provides the framework within which a set of interconnected simulation models and algorithms for optimizing the risks in the dialogue mode is used. To calculate a financial bubble share an indicator SFB (share of financial bubble) that measures the share of the secured portion in the nominal value of a currency or security is suggested. This indicator can be used as a basis for information technology for managing financial bubbles. Finally, some solutions of the current Russia economic problems based on financial bubbles control are considered.
№ 2(80) 27 april 2019 year
Rubric: Market analysis
Authors: Kistanov E., Alekseeva T. V., Strakhov O.

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The work is devoted to the analysis of the modern market of mobile applications for business. The purpose of this study is to identify promising technologies for developing mobile applications for business, to study the directions for the development of mobile business applications. For this, the state of the market at the moment, its development and prospects were considered. The analysis of the dynamics of the development of the Russian and global market of mobile business applications has been carried out, the most significant developments in this field today have been considered. The main advantages and disadvantages of existing solutions are identified. According to the results of the analysis, a universal approach was proposed that allows the use of mobile applications in conjunction with desktop information systems to improve overall business performance. The demand for this study lies in the fact that currently there is an active digitization of society, increasing the mobility of members of society, as well as the need for new and modern technological solutions. The scientific novelty of the work is to justify a new approach to the development of mobile applications for use in conjunction with existing systems for automating business processes and business functions, which consists in separating the data presentation tools in a mobile application from the business logic of interacting systems. The proposed approach to the development will allow the use of the mobile application in different directions and areas of activity, since it provides flexible customization for any end user requests. Due to the potentially large interest from users, the proposed approach will reduce the price for a single application — due to the expected popularity of the product and the breadth of its distribution.
№ 2(80) 27 april 2019 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Petrov S.

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The purpose of the article is to provide the reader with general information about the capabilities and interrelationships of the program modules that are part of the «Orders» system, developed and implemented at the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (MPEI), to automate the preparation and approval of orders. The text refers to the growth of the russian market of electronic document management systems (EDMS), as well as an increase in the interest of universities in the solutions of such a plan. The examples of the most popular EDMS and projects of their implementation are given. The references to examples of universities own developments as applied to the problem of electronic document circulation are given. The workflow specifics of orders are noted, consisting in the need to automatically generate the text of the document, and after coordination to update the related data in the information systems (IS) of the enterprise. These features make it difficult to use the «boxed» EDMS presented on the modern market. As a solution to the problem, the software system «Orders» and its constituent modules are considered: template editor, route editor, order editor. The template editor is used to create templates for order paragraphs, the description of which includes components (text template), parameters (user-defined fields), executors (instructions for updating data), and operations (auxiliary functions). The route editor provides the formation of valid routes for order coordination. The order editor uses the prepared templates and routes, dynamically forms the user interface for entering parameters, allows to generate an order text and to pass an order along the route, and executes instructions that make changes to the IS according of the order. Separate copies of the presented solution cover three IS functioning in MPEI for several years. This fact confirms the theoretical and practical significance of the developed mechanisms.