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№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Rebus N., Spivakova N.

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The article is devoted to the problem of fresh IT-graduate’s unemployment. This problem is not specifically Russian. The increase in the number of students receiving higher education has a significant social impact. However, higher education requires significant investment by both the state and students. The lack of demand for young professionals in the labor market leads to social tensions and the inefficiency of investing budget funds. Using the statistic data, the authors analyze the reasons for career failures of young IT-graduates, despite the fact that there are enough vacancies for them. The graduates’ access the labor market depends not only on the objective economic factors, but also on how they are trained to work in real life. The authors consider various measures taken by the interested parties of this problem — by the state, universities, employers and graduates. The state is trying by legislative measures to reduce the number of budget places or to return the institution of compulsory distribution of graduates. Higher education institutions opened to innovation are trying to reduce the cost of education and attract business to teaching in the basic departments or targeted educational complexes. The employer accepted the fact that every young graduate recruited must undergo retraining before starting work. Students try to find a job and start working during full-time education. The pros and cons of these initiatives are discussed.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Karpov D., Struchenkov V.

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In linear structures routing we have the following problem: find the extremal of given functional, i.e 2D or 3D curve, which must consist of a special type elements. The parameters of elements are limited and their number is unknown. At first we must determine number of elements and after this we can find their optimal parameters.In the case of 2D extremal we shall consider a broken line and parabolic spline. The broken line is used as a longitudinal profile of railways and the parabolic spline is used as a longitudinal profile of roads. Initial problem was solved as multi-stage process using the methods of dynamic and nonlinear programming. On each stage we consider the different mathematical models of unknown extremal line: 1. A broken line with short elements similar to longitudinal profile of ground. This model allow us to find the initial approximation of unknown line using nonlinear programming. 2. The result of first stage give us opportunity to find number of elements using dynamic programming. 3. We use a special algorithm of nonlinear programming for solving initial problem with fixed number of elements and the result of second stage as initial approximation. In this article our purpose is to give a new algorithm for transformation a broken line to another line, which is the following spline: straight, clotoida, circle, clotoida, straight and so on.This algorithm is one of the implementations of dynamic programming. It can be used both in the design of new roads and in their reconstruction, as well as in the design of trenches for pipelines of various purposes.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Zhumazhanova S.

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Biometrics is a field of computer science that studies the way of creating computer models of physiological (hand geometry, fingerprints, iris, etc.) and behavioral (signature dynamics, handwriting, gait, etc.) human characteristics for identification of one or several subjects, as well as their psychophysiological state. Thermal imaging methods are perspective from this point of view for monitoring of subjects’ state. The result of recognition of the subject or their state depends on the effectiveness of each stage of the identification system. This article provides an overview of the results of research on the automatic recognition of subjects’ states using thermal facial images, focusing on the used identification features and the most promising decision-making algorithms. Nowadays, «deep» neural networks are becoming popular. Results of research show that this network architecture is not optimal. «Wide» neural networks, built on the basis of various functionals, have advantages over «deep» neural networks. Some proximity measures work more efficiently with features that have a high crosscorrelation, while other functionals focus on its absence. Experimental data confirm the effectiveness of «wide hybrid» neural networks consisting of subnets of various functionals and capable of training from a small number of examples of biometric images. The task that needs to be solved is to test such networks on the identification features of thermal images of the face and neck regions.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Information infrastructure
Authors: Volkova V., Chernyy Y., Leonova A., Loginova A.

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In the near future, the development of industry based on the mutual penetration of industrial and information technologies is predicted. For large-scale industry, it is planned to widely introduce cyberphysical systems into factory processes, which are the result of further development of information technologies. At the same time, the introduction of innovative technologies can have both positive and negative effects on the activities of the enterprise (organization), and the task of managing the choice and introduction of new technologies arises, taking into account their features, capabilities, usefulness and consequences of implementation. The purpose of this article is to analyze the development of new technologies — Internet technologies, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, etc., and to substantiate the hypothesis about the possibility of using the concept of cyber-physical system as the basis for the emergent properties of technologies, that is, the emergence of new quality. The proposed concept can be considered as a means to resist undesirable results, since the Cyber-physical system, combining new technologies and the physical element (who make decisions on the selection and implementation of innovations), is developed not as separate technologies, but as a system, which the that involves the control of a complex of technologies, and one can hope that that the physical element, that is the person will retain the control functions. When developing models to analysis and control the choice of innovative technologies on creating cyber-physical systems for specific enterprises and organizations, it is proposed to use systems theory and systems analysis methods.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Data protection
Authors: Dmitriev I., Zamyatina E.

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This article is devoted to a preventing of harmful information spreading in social networks. Currently, social networks are widespread. Their popularity is growing every day. For this reason, they can be used not only by managers and marketers for the dissemination of advertising, product promotion, but also attackers for the dissemination of prohibited information. So it is necessary to predict harmful information propagation and intervention. One of the ways to solve this problem is to model social networks. This paper examines the main approaches to social network modeling as well as the domain of their application and practical results. Two approaches: static and dynamic are considered. Static approach suppose an analyses of the structural characteristics of the online networks. Dynamic approach considers changes in networks and characteristics depending on time. Dynamic approach (agent based simulation) may examine the diffusion of information in online social networks more adequately and more precisely. Authors discuss several problems dealing with social networks and several examples of these problems decision. In addition, the simulation toolkit Triad.Net is considered. Simulation toolkit allows to analyze the structural characteristics of social network and to carry out simulation experiment and fulfill an analyses of the dynamic characteristics of online social networks. And in conclusion authors describes a problem of a preventing of harmful information diffusion and discuss how to solve this problem using simulation toolkit Triad.Net.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Data protection
Authors: Mukhamatkhanov R., Bayanov B., Mikhailov A., Tumbinskaya M. V.

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This article describes a trend of DDoS-attacks development, gives classification of such attacks and specifies some of the most popular types of DDoS-attacks. Also, this work looks statistical methodologies of analysis of malicious traffic, which can be used in modern security provision systems. Methodology, which based on multiple simulations with neurolink models, was chosen as a main in this article. The major problem of this study is to develop an architecture of such models and choose the most perspective with an assessment of the adequacy of this model. The purpose of this article is to gaining results of use neurolink model in case of classification of DDoS-attacks. Thereby, based on the raw data that were obtained through multiple simulations of different types of traffic, we found the most perspective architecture of neurolink model that has both: the least complex learning sample and at the same time provides high quality of classifying traffic. On the basis of results, which were gained as a result of work with developed mathematic model and assessment of its adequacy, we can approve that considered methodology carrying out its purpose, classification of DDoS-attacks, completely, and could be used in security algorithms or that kind of software.