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№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Gavrishev A.

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In this paper, the author uses the software package ScicosLab to conduct experimental modeling of common secure communication systems and their experimental analysis using known methods of nonlinear dynamics (time and spectral diagrams, phase portraits, Hurst exponent, maximal Lyapunov exponent, BDS-statistics). As a common secure communication systems was chosen as the communication system based on direct spread spectrum communications, system on the basis of the noise signals, the proposed Shagarova A. A., communication system based on chaotic masking and communication system based on chaotic modulation, represented by apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals. As a result of researches it was established that: BDS-statistics explicitly identifies communication systems on the basis of classical approaches of formation of noise-like signals and their derivatives; communication systems on the basis of classical approaches of formation of noise-like signals and their derivatives possess positive maximal Lyapunov exponent and thus possess chaotic properties; the obtained quantitative values of BDS-statistics, maximal Lyapunov exponent, the Hurst exponent indicate that communication systems based on chaotic signals in general are more preferable for secure communication systems than communication systems based on classical approaches to the formation of noise-like signals and their derivatives; of the considered communication systems based on chaotic signals, the system based on chaotic modulation is more preferable for secure communication systems, since it has the highest maximal Lyapunov exponent, which is an indicator of greater protection against unauthorized access than the considered analogues, as it is indicated by the obtained values of BDS-statistics.
№ 5(77) 30 october 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Veselov A.

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The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effectiveness of the application of distributed models in comparison with their monolithic analogs. As a basic model, models based on the mathematical apparatus of Petri nets are used. In particular, special expansion of ordinary, temporary Petri nets with inhibitory arcs, oriented to modeling of digital devices of automation and computer facilities. A description of the indicators used to evaluate the effectiveness of monolithic and distributed models is given. The advantages and disadvantages of these types of models are discussed. The short description of this model, indexes for assessment of effectiveness and conditions of carrying out an experiment is given. Analysis of effectiveness of the distributed models allowed to select two feature. The first is that, in process of increase in their size, the efficiency factor of the distributed models continuously increases. At the same time, models with the smaller number of hierarchical levels are more efficient. The second feature is that, in process of further increase in the sizes of the distributed models, the effectiveness on speed of models with a large number of hierarchical levels becomes not only equal, but to exceed effectiveness of models with their smaller quantity. It is shown, that high-speed performance of the distributed models can be two orders more, and time of their loading is tens times less, than similar indices at monolithic models.
№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: Automated control systems
Authors: Stepanenko N., Alekseeva T. V., Gubina L.

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Automating a company’s business processes is an important part of optimizing its operations. The automation process is a project activity based on the principles of achieving the goal, spending resources and meeting deadlines. The choice of automation method depends on many criteria (preferences, desires, technical and cost components) that must be considered in the planning of the project. The method of analyzing hierarchies will make it possible to organize in the best way the decisionmaking process regarding the choice of an automation method. The hierarchy analysis method, developed by the American mathematician Thomas Saaty about 30 years ago, is still widely used in practice for making decisions in all subject areas. In matters of choosing how to automate business processes of a company, this method is the best fit, because It makes it possible in the best way to take into account in the project all the requirements for the future system, to ensure the most acceptable functionality, to organize the most effective implementation and further support. The effectiveness of its use in the selection of automation systems is demonstrated by the example of the construction company PSK «Dom-skazka» engaged in automatization of business processes. To solve our problem, six criteria were chosen. As a result of the analysis, a response was received, allowing to decide on the choice of how to automate the production process. In the article, the authors consider an example of applying the hierarchy analysis method in solving the problem of choosing an automation method. The task has been set, alternatives have been chosen, selection criteria have been described, mathematical calculations have been carried out and the results have been obtained, on the basis of which a reasonable choice of the best alternative (automation method) has been made for the company in question.
№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: E-commerce
Authors: Lipatov A., Yurkov A.

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Today, almost every commercial organization has its own website. And every owner of his web resource aims to generate income from it. You can increase revenue from your site as a business tool in various ways. One of such methods is search engine optimization (SEO), which is a complex website promotion in search engines (SE) by increasing its visibility on specific search phrases (keywords). The result of this optimization is an increase in traffic to the site. The article shows what indicators need to be used to assess the quality of SEO-promotion of online shopping sites.
№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: Resource management
The author: Dushkin R.

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The presented article describes a functional approach and methodology to managing the internal environment of an intelligent building (or «smart building»), which implies the use and transfer between the peripheral equipment and central engineering and (or) automated systems of unchangeable states, the absence of side effects and uncertainty in the implementation of control actions and the construction of a decentralized network of computations and decision making at the edge side based on the so-called «Internet of things». The mathematical foundations of the organization of a distributed computing environment for the realization of a functional approach are considered. Brief descriptions of possible control scenarios in various modes of operation of engineering and automated systems of intelligent buildings are described. A theoretical basis is provided for recommendations on changing the paradigm of design and constructing a general centralized automated control system for an intelligent building from the automation of engineering processes to the intellectualization of management and the creation of an artificial intelligence system that implements a complete and autonomous cycle of building management and exploitation. The paper would be of interest for designers, system architects, software engineers and scientists, who work in the area of implementing of smart solutions on various levels of automation.
№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: Training technologies
The author: Kultygin O.

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Testing students is one way to verify their knowledge. Any person, one way or another, meets with the passage of tests related to his professional activities, training or re-certification. Of course, tests are a serious psychological strain on the subjects, especially in conditions of limited testing time and the number of attempts. Therefore, the actual question is: how to properly organize testing to obtain the maximum positive effect. For comparison: in order to pass the professional tests Microsoft or Oracle companies to receive the certificates of experts or professionals in software these companies need to respond to 75% of the questions correctly. Moreover, the delivery of such tests is carried out in specially equipped, isolated rooms, in the complete absence of mobile phones, tablets, iPads and other similar means. Having tried various methods of testing, the author, having considerable professional experience in the field of programming and creating users’ workplaces, decided to develop a testing system on his own. Software development for testing was carried out using the RAD programming environment Embarcadero Delphi, which made it possible to create an interface convenient for the end user. The main business logic of the testing system was implemented as Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures, which ensured high performance, system scalability and reliable information protection from unauthorized access.