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№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Strategic planning
The author: Maksimov K.

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This article discusses the planning of the IT company’s activities taking into account the use of cloud services. The definition of the company in the IT industry is analyzed. The existing definition of the IT company is added to the question under consideration. Various aspects of the company’s operational and strategic planning are considered, taking into account the use of cloud services. Comparison of operational and strategic management is given. In conditions of uncertainty, a game model is constructed with an analysis of the IT strategy of the company planning to use cloud services. We consider a model of game with nature, where the second side is external factors. On the basis of an optimistic and pessimistic criterion, optimal solutions are chosen in the constructed model for cloud services. An example is given based on existing cloud services and the model built.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Automated control systems
The author: Klochkov M.

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This article contains the description of process of creation of an information system for the production enterprise. A key feature of this enterprise is the organization of technological process for production of the metal anodized profile. Problem definition included carrying out the following types of works: creation of several automated jobs for the administrator, the manager, the technologist, workers of the shop, packing and a warehouse, realization of the intelligent technological interface, the automated formation of reports and export of data to MS Excel. In the considered subject domain the main role is carried out by the technologist who has to store and process rather large volume of production information the main sources of which are: the issued orders, removable tasks, results of work in shops and on the site of packing of finished goods. In conditions when the nomenclature of goods exceeds 20 thousand units, the number of customers more than 190 it is impossible to do without reliable information system which helps the technologist with a decision making by drawing up a new removable task. As a result of performance of work on automation of a production cycle of release of the anodized metal profile at the Izhevsk plant of anodizing the original information system for support of informational processes of management of production in general and technological process in particular was developed and introduced.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Humanitarian Informatics
Authors: Lapteva M., Gordeeva E.

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The development of information technologies in the modern world is changing a lot, including methodological approaches to scientific research. They are becoming an important part of interdisciplinary research, which is a synthesis of humanitarian and technical knowledge. The paper discusses tools and administrative instruments used in Digital Humanities for national projects. The authors also consider the projects of building Digital Humanities centers and applying digital tools to research in various humanitarian fields. The authors give the results of an expert survey among the leading Russian specialists in the field of Digital Humanities. The paper discusses the impact of Digital Humanities in humanities and its development prospects using several national projects as case studies. An interesting experience has been accumulated, the results of similar projects of foreign colleagues have been studied, there are many new ideas that require a competent definition of scientific tools and are open for participation. The next stage of development is the establishment of effective communication mechanisms within the new scientific community Digital Humanities.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Virtual reality
Authors: Entina A., Entina E.

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The paper is devoted to the idea of creating of the «Virtual Museum of the Future» project. The idea of this work was to develop unique computer 3D game, occurring a hybrid of the drawn virtual 3D museum space and 2D digitized real compositions of art, using as exhibits. Our program is also aimed at the possibility of gallery creation and space design, speaking other words — at the possibility of building of the imaginary museums. The choice of software tools of the program product is described in the article. Object oriented multiplatform Java language was chosen for codding. The program allows the users to get acquainted with the masterpieces of fine art, enjoy them, improve their cultural level and get new knowledge in the field of fine arts. This program will also be useful for professionals in creating educational cycles for children, youth and adults, and may be used by museum workers and gallerists in the preparation and holding of thematic exhibitions. This application is simple, interactive tool that allows easy modeling of virtual exhibitions, to hang and position artworks within 3D spaces and serves as educational computer game.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Lishtvan А., Kacuba V.

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Together with the progressive development of information systems, methods and approaches to their use in the educational process are changing. The volume of independent student’s work and the importance of the autonomy of training are becoming more and more. Information technologies are the basis for the development of the electronic educational resources, which contribute to a better and faster learning of the materials by students, as well as the formation of research skills. During the development of the electronic educational resource for the discipline «Mathematical analysis», the task was set to implement a software for solving problems with the drafting of the equation and plotting the tangent plane and the normal to the surface at its given point. The following requirements were put to the software product: cross-platform and the possibility of the distribution on local media — for the convenience of using the program both in the computer classes of the university and on the personal computer, interactivity — ensuring the interaction of the program and the user (control of the input values and checking the calculated results), visualization of the solution, as well as the availability of reference information and compliance with technical requirements for software. To implement the solution to the problem, various approaches can be applied, for example: a high-level language C++ with the standard library «Math. h» and the OpenGL API for working with the 3‑D graphics; mathematical libraries, such as «Mathematica» and «MatLab». To develop an electronic educational resources mathematical package «Matlab» contains a complete set build-in tools and algorithms necessary in the development and implementation of the declare functionality.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Zeno B.

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In unconstrained facial images, large visual variations such as those due to pose, scale, presence of occlusions, expressions and lighting cause difficulties in discriminating faces from the background accurately, so as a result, there are non-face regions that are recognized as faces (false positive), whereas the effectiveness of face detection algorithms is characterized by low false positive (FP) rate, high detection rate and high speed of processing. So, to reduce these non-face regions, instead of developing accurate face detection algorithm that needs much time for processing, face validation step will be added after the detection. In this paper, new fast face validation method is proposed. It consists of two steps, the first one is skin detection using YCbCr color method. The second step is eyes and mouth detection using Cascading approach; In this step, region of candidate face is divided into two overlapping regions, one for the eye detection model and the other for mouth detection model. For evaluation our method, SVM face detection algorithm is used as a baseline validation algorithm. The experimental results on FDDB dataset showed a better performance of our proposed method (2 ms validation time compared to 500 ms in the SVM algorithm) and a similar number of rejected FP.