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№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
Authors: Advolotkin D., Kalachevskaja N., Verstak G.

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The article describes a variant of the linear railway station model of (which contains two main and two secondary path) on double-track railway section. A common problem is to find modeling evaluation of mathematical expectation indicator simulation system at in real time. Simulation model created by AnyLogic Personal Learning Edition allows to simulate the basic status of the railway station, of external influence exerted by means of destruction of likely enemy. The proposed structure of a model allows to reproduce the logic of functioning railway station, having it ways located on double- track railway section. When it operates in conditions of exposure to the enemy, it will be actually modeled the finding each station way in one of the possible state. The time spent of the station track in one of the conditions and the order of their modification depends on:
• the number of destination station which sets for each train if the number of the station matches number of simulated station;
• the type of the trailing load (practically it reflects the time of execution loading-unloading operations);
• the intensity of defeating means impacting on the enemy expressed in amount of impacts, amount of destruction means used within one action, amount of explosive material in singular destruction mean of trinitrotoluene (TNT) equivalent;
• the recovery time of working capacity railway tracks in case of damage by enemy’s destruction means.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
Authors: Emelyanov A., Bulygina O. V., Emelyanova N., Vlasova E.

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Genetic algorithms are used in various forms to solve scientific and technical problems. They are used to create computational structures. In machine learning, they are used in the design of neural networks or in the control of robots. They are also used to model development in different subject areas, including social, economic and political systems. It is possible and heuristic-mathematical application of genetic algorithms for multiparameter functions optimization. Most real problems can be formulated as the search for the optimal value, where such a value is a complex function, depending on certain input parameters. In cases where the exact optimum is not needed, a solution can be any value that is better than a given value. Then the genetic algorithm is an acceptable method for finding «acceptable » values. The strength of the genetic algorithm lies in its ability to manipulate many parameters simultaneously; this is used in different projects, including even aircraft design. However, the formal, purely mathematical application of such algorithms, without taking into account time characteristics, dynamics and other features of real processes, where they are applied, can either not give a rational effect, or lead to an erroneous decision. One of the ways of linking the appropriate models of decision support to dynamics is a complex modeling of the studied processes on the basis of simulation modeling using genetically-based algorithms.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
Authors: Novikov A., Nikishina A., Surkhaev M.

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The article formulates the foundations of the transition from research and simulation of intelligent behavior subject to research and modelling of natural intelligence. The basic provisions for such a transition are contained in the translation studies research areas artificial intelligence in science positions. A priori is not ambiguous interpretation of «objectively separate entity, objectively initiated by typing» and ‘objective order of several entities». These (interpreted) concepts used in the article in the interpretation of concepts: «objectively separate processing operation knowledge», «objective-initiated typing of operations (formation of species) treatment of knowledge,» «objective ordering of many types of knowledge processing», «feature of epistemological models» and «objectively allocated to a class of models of knowledge.» This shows the existence and possibility of identifying objective characteristics proposed for modeling natural intelligence and epistemological models (components of natural intelligence). The article also shows that the structured network, in computer models of knowledge can not be implemented other than using a pre-typed nodes and links. In case of formation of link types and node types for computer models of the knowledge to be used exclusively objectivism. Convincingly shown that the possibility of implementing a specific set of characteristics forms epistemological model, in computer models of knowledge, corresponds to the correlation of these models is objectively allocated to a particular class. In other words, the knowledge of different classes can and should be implemented vary in their lists of link types and node types. A selection of link types and node types for models of knowledge should be performed solely for the purpose of implementing specific functions, specific a lot of which is one or the other, but the specific operation processing of knowledge.
№ 6(72) 29 december 2017 year
Rubric: Mathematical models in economy
Authors: Gushchina O., Anikina O.

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The implementation of a table-modeling queuing system is based on the algorithm of the simulated system functions without writing the programs code. This was developed by algorithmic models in Microsoft Excel based on the principle of «programming without programming». The simulation algorithm consists of the queuing system changing steps with discreteness in time, and the new state — which the system moves to the next step — is determined by its state in the previous step. Thus, step by step, the state of the queuing system is simulated, which in turn simulates the process functions of the queuing system. When constructing a queuing system table model, only the minimum information necessary is used for solving the problem, which transforms into intermediate results. This is necessary and sufficient to obtain the result. In this paper, we prove the possibility of using spreadsheets as a convenient and effective simulation environment for a class of systems that represent a random process, with discrete states and continuous time. The use of the presented table models in the educational process increase in effectiveness, as it allows demonstrating visual results of the functioning of dynamic systems and processes. It provides ample opportunities for conducting model experiments and visual representation of simulation results. The developed table models of computational algorithms can be used in a practical computerized practical set of disciplines, in which questions of queuing theory are touched upon.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Dli M. I., Salov N.

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Effective business processes become a competitive edge of the organization, and enable it to timely respond to changes in external environment. Research and development (innovation) are the key business process providing the basic value of organization products/services, along information system lifecycle management is one of components of this business process. The goal of this work is software developing and maintenance projects efficiency improving by transaction costs reducing. This article suggests economical information system lifecycle management model based on decentralized application theory, that tries to reduce the cost of information search by securely storing the lifecycle process output and project documentation versions; to reduce the cost of coordination by automating the lifecycle process output verification; to reduce the cost of contracting by using auto-implementing smart contracts and eliminating the dependence on the necessity of establishing «trust» relations between parties to the lifecycle. The practical use of the results is expected in developing information system lifecycle management tools.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Kultygin O.

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Fast and comfortable transportation of passengers, ensuring safety in trains and in the territory occupied by transport infrastructure are the most important factors affecting competitiveness in the market of transportation services of all types of transport, including the Moscow Metro. To solve this problem, it is necessary to plan efficiently the work of the locomotive subway crews on the basis of the application of modern economic and mathematical methods, which ensures the fulfillment of a given scope of work by the minimum possible number of brigades. The Metropolitan as the most important element of the transport infrastructure of the capital in its work needs to apply effective economic and mathematical methods, in particular, in the planning and distribution of work between locomotive brigades. The specified scope of work of the electro depot must be carried out as far as possible by a minimum contingent of locomotive crews. For this distribution, one of the methods of industrial management «Material cutting problem» is most suitable, which allows to reduce the time of planning procedures execution, to reduce the number of team orderers, to ensure the optimal distribution of locomotive brigades by composition, to reduce their list composition.