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№ 4(70) 31 august 2017 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Gavrishev A., Zhuk A.

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In this paper, the authors, on the basis of a software package ScicosLab, carried out a simulation of the apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals with new set of chaotic signals. In the result of a simulation, when changes in the parameters of a chaotic signal, based on qualitative indicators representing time and spectral diagrams found that the simulated apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals in general copes with the task of encryption (the output signal has a noise-like appearance) and recovery of the information signal (source information signal and the recovered information signal have almost identical appearance). The distinctive feature of this apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals is the possibility of using different chaotic signals that are recorded in rewritable drives chaotic sequences. This fact allows to significantly increase the security of the radio link from unauthorized access by third parties and opens the way for application of this technology not only in wireless fire alarm, but in other areas as wireless security systems. In the authors’ opinion, further research in this area should be conducted in the field of studying the applicability of other classes of chaotic signals for the transfer of a protected communication and use of various pseudo-random sequences limited by the range [ –1; 1] as an information signal.
№ 4(70) 31 august 2017 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Tikhanychev O.

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The article analyzes the current status of the description of the subject area of decision support systems in terms of decision support algorithms. It was concluded that the current situation is determined by the absence of well-established views on the standard algorithms of decision-making support, it slows down the process of creating and putting into practice management decision support systems. In order to regulate the domain held formalized description of management decision-making process and introduced the concept of «small» and «extended» decision-making cycles. By «small» cycle suggested understand search for the optimal solution in a given target function and constraints. By «extended » refers to the cycle Search nontrivial solution, which can not be obtained without modifying the objective function or the removal of the restrictions. On the basis of the approach proposed to abolish the definition of an automated decision-making system and to clarify the classification of such systems. The proposed algorithmic approach fully corresponds to the current understanding of an automated decision support system in the modern sense, and will accelerate the process of implementing such systems in management practices.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Romanova E., Davletkireeva L., Novikova T.

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Today, more and more managers and IT analysts are beginning to feel the need for an integrated description and planning for the development of their organization. Enterprise architecture management creates the basis for synchronization of all objects within the organization and, at the same time, launches a cycle of their continuous change for the purposes of business optimization, which increasingly determines the success of the operation of any enterprise as a whole. Within the framework of this article, the authors present brief results of a study on the development of new approaches (the result of improved previously developed authors’ approaches) in the construction of an enterprise architecture model that are examined on examples of web interface, datum and logic models enterprise infrastructure, including software and organization units. The material of this article can be used in the activities of IT professionals, system analysts, programmers, web designers, students of the areas of training «Business Informatics», «Applied Informatics».
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Authors: Kurennoy D., Golembiovskiy D.

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One of the modern procedures, which are recommended to banks for risk assessment, is reverse stress testing. It is a procedure of building of scenarios, which lead to a specified loss level. Knowledge of such scenarios allows banks to mitigate the consequences of their implementation. In the context of credit risk, reverse stress testing makes it possible to identify macroeconomic conditions leading to a given level of credit portfolio losses. However, the current credit risk assessment models are not suitable for solving the problems of reverse stress testing. Widely known models do not take into account the structure of specific companies, do not allow investigating the development of crisis scenarios in time and need a large sample of data on similar enterprises. This article is devoted to the construction of system dynamics models of enterprises in commercial and agricultural sectors of the Russian economy. Research demonstrates the possibility of using system dynamics models to determine the macroeconomic scenarios, leading to the default of a company. In system dynamics enterprises are represented by system consisting of constantly interacting elements and external parameters. The links between system elements express in terms of functions and differential equations, which specify the dynamics of the model. Thus, the company’s stability in relation to different macroeconomic scenarios can be considered. The models of investigated enterprises are implemented in the Insightmaker system.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Bajnev V.

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The paper considers the problem of design of modern light devices based on LED and its optical systems. The main stage in its development is the calculation and modeling of the optical system. The results of this process are largely determined by the complex of lighting, thermal and functional characteristics of light devices. The development of modern LED light devices is inextricably linked with the use of specialized software. The article describes a mathematical model of the geometry of an optical system that allows to specify its shape for further design and provides a fast and accurate lighting calculation. The developed software allows you to build optical surface models, perform ray tracing and calculate photometric body. The article describes the simulation of LED optical systems by the example of secondary LED optics. Application and development of specialized software for the calculation and simulation of light devices significantly facilitates and speeds up the process of their design. The paper presents a mathematical model developed by the software system, described in the hierarchical structure of the simulation geometry LED modules and light devices. Light device in a hierarchical structure represented by the root element of the tree, where the housing, the optical system, a light source, protective glass, suspension assembly, and others are nodes. The affine transformation using for the calculate of the absolute position of nodes. The geometry of the nodes is modeled using triangulation grids.
№ 5(71) 31 october 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Chekanin V., Chekanin A.

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In the paper is considered a well-known NP-completed orthogonal packing problem which has many applications in industry and economics. The orthogonal packing problem is a problem related with the searching of the optimal placement of a given set of small orthogonal items (objects) into a set of large orthogonal items (containers). The effective approach to solve NP-completed problems is application of heuristic methods which provide obtaining of suboptimal decisions. The maximal efficiency of such will be achieved when delays on packing generation will be minimized. In the paper is considered a multilevel linked data structure which provides the possibility of fast management of free spaces into orthogonal containers during the process of filling them with objects. The program realization of the proposed data structure, which is implemented invariantly on the dimension of the considered packing problem, makes it universal and applicable for solving of rectangular packing and orthogonal packing problems of arbitrary dimension. The paper presents results of the carried out computational experiment. The results demonstrate that the efficiency of proposed data structure increases with the number of objects and it tends to double the effectiveness of the time compared with the simple linear linked list. In paper is also given a description of the developed applied software intended for various types of rectangular cutting and orthogonal packing problems. This work was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation in the framework of the state task in the field of scientific activity of MGTU «STANKIN» (No. 1.7706.2017/8.9).