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№ 2(68) 29 april 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Bukharov D.

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The article shows algorithms to determine a position of directional element and compute lengths of bases of the trapezoidal characteristic of automatics for elimination of asynchronous operation. Computing of trapezoidal characteristic is the recurrent process, which is focused on determining of directional element location, trapeze altitude, lengths of trapeze bases. Determining of initial position of the directional element is based on modified edition of mass center method, and correcting of the slope angle of directional element is based on split-half method. These algorithms and methods are implemented as software. Basic data for the software is set of time values, reactance and resistance values, which is a computing result of transient processes with asynchronous operations. Computational experiment shows that correctly determined initial position of the directional element is important point in the problem. If the slope angle of the directional element is a long way from optimal angle, we get a time increment of the problem solving. The computerization of routine is allowed the electric-powered modes specialist to cut problem solving time and to simplify decision making in choosing of the best characteristic for automatics for elimination of asynchronous operation.
№ 2(68) 29 april 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Bajnev V.

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The article deals with the possibilities of three-dimensional modeling in the modern light device design. Light device’s optical system is used to distribute light. They have different construction, functionality, light curve types, and calculation methods. Light distribution defines purpose and class of light device. The optical calculation is based on tracing of light rays through light device’s optical system model. The calculation quality depends on the number of emitted rays. It’s necessary to trace (reflect, refract, absorb) each light ray over light device model. It is usually set by triangular meshes. However usage of the large number of small triangles slows the calculation process. Thereby a new optical system geometry model was developed. It allows to determine light device and provides fast and high-precision calculation using combination of usual triangular mesh model and simple shapes, i.e. planes, spheres, cones, torus, etc, or its parts. Also the algorithm to transform one model type to another is described. It is based on heuristic analysis of sequential shape imposition and uses the support vector machine. The developed model and algorithm can accelerate the calculation of complex light device several times.
№ 2(68) 29 april 2017 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Salibekyan S.

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The article describes implementation (hardware and software) of computing system in automatic paradigm based on object-attribute (OA) computer system belonging to the class of dataflow machines. OA-computer is the system of functional unit (FU) collaborating each other. FU is hardware of software unit. The system named OA-automation emulate behavior of automation. It is discussion of necessary FU types and FUs cooperation of OA-automation. It is discussion the developed implementation of different classes of automata (deterministic, nondeterministic, abstract, structural), the implementation of automatic decomposition (nested and called slot automata) and systems of concurrent automata. The article involve describing developed formal models of automation decomposition. The implementation of automatic paradigm on OA-basis widen field of application of OA-approach to computing system organization by automatic control system, compiler, language semantics analysis system and etc. The implementation of automation decomposition simplify development of complex automata system.
№ 2(68) 29 april 2017 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Mytsko Е., Kim V., Malchukov A., Ryzova S., Zoev I.

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The paper is about structure development of the fast BCH decoder (15, 7, 5) based on modified cyclic decoding method. Cyclic decoding method based on iterative process of division by modulo 2 of codeword by generator polynomial [21]. Decoder are presented in paper [2, 3] has low performance and the main purpose of the paper is improving decoding speed using cyclic decoding method. For the purpose it is necessary to perform tasks such as parallel computation of syndromes (remainder of division of codeword by generator polynomial) and matrix algorithm of polynomial division implementation. The principle of matrix algorithm is vector by matrix multiplication wherein codeword acts as a vector, and matrix is pre-calculated matrix of predetermined lengths of the codewords and generator polynomials. The codewords are generated in parallel for each shift and is sent to weights computation block. The weight of codeword is computed for each codeword in parallel. The decoding block receives weights, codewords and remainders and adds by modulo 2 codeword and remainder the weight of which satisfied the condition weight <= t, where t is error count. Thus, proposed structure of high-speed BCH code decoder, based on the modified cyclic method for decoding, can decode for 1 – 2 clock cycles and improves performance to ~1182 times.
№ 2(68) 29 april 2017 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Namiot D.

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This article discusses issues related to the databases for time series. Time series are widely used in various applications. Accordingly, the theme of time series persistence is very important. The description of time series persistence and processing from the perspective of the database is the subject of this article. This paper deals with the use of traditional relational databases to store time series, as well as solutions that are classified as NoSQL systems. Of course, under certain conditions, which are discussed in this article, we can use traditional relational databases. Possible limitations are primarily associated with the new data accumulation rate. In this connection, we discuss fractal trees as optimal indexes for time series in relational databases. As the useful data processing tool, we describe widow functions and other SQL extensions for time series processing. On the other hand, possible limitations and peculiarities of processing time series lead to the need to use specialized systems for storing time series. NoSQL solutions present a rich set of tools for time series processing. We discuss data models (structured files, column-based databases) as well as data formats and network protocols for time series. As a general result of our survey, it can be concluded that the choice of solutions for time series databases is determined, primarily, by the rate of arrival of new data. From NoSQL solutions, Cassandra is the preferred choice.
№ 2(68) 29 april 2017 year
Rubric: Software and hardware
Authors: Andreev V., Senko O.

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Cardiovascular system performs important functions in the human body. At the same time, according to statistics of the World Health Organization the diseases of cardiovascular system hold the first place in the world among reasons of death. In this regard, in medicine of critical states the development of diagnostic methods of cardiovascular system functioning, including computer-supported technologies, is very important. In studies presented in this paper, the device, including software for data processing, is developed for tracking in a continuous mode of the cardiovascular system functioning of person. The new approach is that the device monitors continuously the heart rhythms of a person without his or her direct active targeted actions in this area. This eliminates the factors that depend on the human subconscious and which may affect on the monitoring result. The device, if at some point in time there are abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, informs the person about this. The system does not put medically accurate diagnosis, but it is an instrument of early warning. Based on this information the person has the ability to promptly seek medical attention. The prototype was developed on the base of Arduino + Bluetooth HC-04. The interface was written in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Data analysis is carried out on a PC using MATLAB package.