The article describes implementation (hardware and software) of computing system in automatic
paradigm based on object-attribute (OA) computer system belonging to the class of dataflow machines.
OA-computer is the system of functional unit (FU) collaborating each other. FU is hardware of software
unit. The system named OA-automation emulate behavior of automation. It is discussion of necessary
FU types and FUs cooperation of OA-automation. It is discussion the developed implementation of different
classes of automata (deterministic, nondeterministic, abstract, structural), the implementation of
automatic decomposition (nested and called slot automata) and systems of concurrent automata. The
article involve describing developed formal models of automation decomposition. The implementation
of automatic paradigm on OA-basis widen field of application of OA-approach to computing system
organization by automatic control system, compiler, language semantics analysis system and etc.
The implementation of automation decomposition simplify development of complex automata system.
Key words
dataflow, automation paradigm of computation process, determinierter automaton, indeterministic automaton, nested automaton, called automaton, automaton decomposition, system of concurrent automata.