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№ 1(67) 27 february 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Gavrishev A., Zhuk A.

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In this paper, the authors, on the basis of a software package ScicosLab, carried out simulation of apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals, aimed at the substantiation of its practical use for secure information exchange between the sensors and the control unit in the radio fire alarm systems. In the result of a simulation when changes in the parameters of a chaotic signal on the basis of quality indicators in the form of graphs found that the simulated apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals in general copes with the task of encryption (the output signal has a noise-like appearance) and recovery of the information signal (source information signal and the recovered information signal have almost identical appearance). The distinctive feature of this apparatus for protection against imitation of controlled objects with high structural security of carrier signals is the possibility of using different chaotic signals that are recorded in rewritable drives chaotic sequences. This fact allows to significantly increase the security of the radio link from unauthorized access by third parties.
№ 1(67) 27 february 2017 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Eremenko A., Fedotov A., Mishin D., Sulavko A.

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The article considers the problem of data protection from unauthorized access by means of user identification by keyboard handwriting. The estimation of informativeness of different features that characterize the keyboard handwriting of subjects, including the dynamics of change in pressure when you press the keys and keyboard settings vibration. The category of new features, based on using of wavelet transform Daubechies D6 to function of the pressure fingers on the keys and keyboard functions of vibration while typing, was proposed. The laws of distribution of basic and additional features of keyboard handwriting were determined. To form the base of biometric samples a keyboard was designed with the use of special sensors. The estimation of the correlation dependence of features was made. It is determined that the correlation between basic features (temporal characteristics of keystrokes) and additional features (pressure on the keys and the keyboard vibration) in more than 80% of cases is weak. Thus, in the proposed new attributes contain information about the subject. An assessment of the probability of identification errors based on the Bayesian strategy using the various features of the spaces was made. It is found that additional features can reduce the average number of errors is more than 7 times.
№ 1(67) 27 february 2017 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Keyno P., Yarmukhametov P.

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The article considers the architecture of validation and data-transformation module used in BML interpreter. BML is declarative modeling domain-specific language created by authors for web-developing. The article discusses about theoretical basis and practical implementation of Block element. Definition of the architecture class inheritance and search for a universal solution are considered for writing the corresponding module using some design patterns one of them is «abstract factory». The pattern allows making of universal architecture of Block class. There is a problem related with Block nature. The block can be declared in BML language with different data types, so that data must be validated and transformed in different ways. In case of integer data type we need to check that it has only digits, but string type has no limits with allowed characters. The string consisted digits in integer type should be converted to number by internal algorithms. So, we need to develop architecture with universal input with different ways to process data depended on their type. The solution of using the «abstract factory» pattern is the best way to that task. Authors developed abstract class named «Block» with virtual methods and different concrete classes for each block of different data type. Each concrete class has a standard set of methods inherited of abstract class.
№ 1(67) 27 february 2017 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Kravchenko T.

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Problem statement: solutions analytical justification by using a decision support system (DSS) significantly increases the quality of decisions. The existing DSS generally employs methods analytic hierarchy process and analytical networks. It does not always lead to the desired results as each method is based on certain assumptions and is not universal. The creation of the DSS, including ELECTRE collection methods, will allow to obtain additional information about the relative importance of different variants of the solution for the task. Methodological basis for the creation the DSS «ELECTRE»: the family of ELECTRE methods, which include ELECTRE I, ELECTRE Iv, ELECTRE IS, ELECTRE II, ELECTRE III and others. Their key feature consists in the fact that they do not use the convolution operation of evaluation of the alternatives specified in different scales on different criteria. Results: developed software of DSS «ELECTRE», allowing to use any of the methods of this family to select the preferred alternatives based on multiple criteria and evaluations of their relative importance. Practical relevance: unlike other developments, the research results allow to analytically justify solutions using a variety of methods of collection in one software environment.
№ 1(67) 27 february 2017 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Krakovskij Y., Luzgin A.

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The feature of forecasting in the process of management decision-making is the lack of constant need to know an actual future value of the indicator. Most often, it is enough to know: will the future value of the indicator exceed a predetermined value or not? The predetermined value divides the range of possible future indicator values into two intervals. Since, in this case, we define the range in which will be the future value of the indicator we call this method «interval forecasting». The article proposes algorithmic and software of interval forecasting of dynamic indicators based on an adaptive probabilistic statistical cluster model, where instead of the unknown probabilities are taken account their point and interval estimates for the selected confidence probability. Authors show that such a combined approach leads to improve interval forecasting accuracy and, as a result, improves the quality of decision-making. The consequence of the combined approach is the increase of the number of cases when the interval forecasting is not carried out. This is due to the fact, that some of point estimates of probabilities are statistically indistinguishable. The number of these cases depends on statistical characteristics, volume retrospective values of dynamic indicators and parameter values of the cluster model. All the results in the article were obtained with the use of open-source programming language «R», based on which was created a special software package for the end user. Improving the accuracy of the interval forecasting is aimed at improving the efficiency of management decision-making, so the software package can be used as a tool for the preparation of information for decision support system.
№ 1(67) 27 february 2017 year
Rubric: Methodology of science
Authors: Novikov A., Nikishina A., Smolyaninova V., Surkhaev M.

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Article is focused to disclose not feasibility of the systematic highly effective not slowed down advance to creation of the artificial intelligence (AI) if researches are conducted by highly specialized researchers in the AI scientific direction (SD_AI) and in NN «representation of knowledge in computer systems» (SD_RKinCS), not obliged and not persons interested to burden itself with problems of tandem NN. For НН_ИИ the escalating level of intensity of researches and scale of achievements of theoretical character is characteristic. At the same time the regularity of almost significant results of researches leaves to wish bigger. In article of the first on the importance and the removed cause of current situation mutual isolation of a concrete set of researches in НН_ИИ and in SD_RKinCS is called. Also historical conditionality of this dissociation of two massifs of researches is noted. Then the possible reasons and conditions of admissibility of division of a set of researches on two or bigger quantity of the isolated NN are noted. Thereby inadmissibility of division of a concrete set of researches into two NN is shown: НН_ИИ and SD_RKinCS. Attenuation of initiatives of advance of researches on the next step as is described from developers of covers of the systems based on knowledge (SBK) and from developers of concrete SBK. And also the concrete technology of step-by-step, serial advance of researches is given to two NN. Thereby need and a possibility of association of a set of researches, now mistakenly isolated is shown. All statements and conclusions in article are executed in relation to researches on natural-science positions, that is in relation to modeling of natural intelligence and to modeling of gnoseological model.