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№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Electronic bank
The author: Savelyev I.

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The purpose of this paper is to review the Blockchain-technology and its practical application. Blockchain essence of technology lies in the decentralised storage system that does not allow to make adjustments to the already recorded data. The main properties of the technology — decentralised, protection and preservation of information, Privacy or openness. At the moment, there are several basic models Blockchain application -private, public and Blockchain-services. At article highlighted several problems in the current implementation, the practical application of technology Blockchain. The most common algorithm Proof-of-work with the growth of the volume leads to major energy costs. Low Blockchain scrutiny of the practical application of technology outside the financial sector of the economy. In the case of Blockchain in the financial sector, the role of banks and the presence of life will decline — Blockchain users will be able to perform financial transactions with each other, without intermediaries. To implement this functionality will require the implementation of Smart Blockchain contracts. It is proposed to use Blockchain in the following areas: Insurance, taxation, sign transfers, automatisation of penalties. Blockchain technology perfectly realises functional notary system. The idea of private Blockchain is ideal for the development of ECM-systems.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Romanova E., Davletkireeva L., Novikova T.

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This article analyzes the ARIS methodology diagram of an example of diagrams: Cause-and-Effect Diagram, Value-added Chain Diagram, Communications diagram, Organizational Chart. Present new approaches to the development of diagrams, templates that allow analysts and designers to carry out an effective analysis of the subject area. Any study begins with an analysis of business processes and their compliance with business strategy as a whole. Of special importance is the presence of a common language perception of the current and final results of this work to make an informed management decision. The basis for the efficient management of the organization is a formalized description of its business processes, which is necessary for the analysis of «bottlenecks», the transfer of accumulated skills, standardization activities, audits, benchmarking. If business processes are not regulated, which means that work is being done on the basis of established rules and regulations, which are kept in the minds of employees. If such an arrangement is inevitable loss of various types of resources: financial, material, labor, time, and others. The company has an effective method of regulation is the most important factor in the success of any project.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Dyakin V.

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The need for strict selection and prioritization of innovation arises in the mind of the limited own financial resources. The first task in the definition of optimal set of measures in the framework of a rolling medium-term plan that delivers the maximum increase to the values of the KPIs of the corporation under the terms of financial feasibility. The second challenge is scheduling and managing the execution of medium-term plans, implementation of measures to control target dates to achieve the required results and funding. To solve such a problem without the development of specific modules of enterprise information system is not possible. The algorithm of the medium-term plan, taking into account the needs in co-financing for the state support in the framework of the federal target programs, is proposed. Describes the information model of the data, giving an idea of the structure of electronic directories and documents in automated system. The greatest effect from the use of the proposed tools will be achieved by integration of the described subsystems in management information system with provision of discharging current data and methods of calculation of KPIs and the delivery of the results for users.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
The author: Shemetova A.

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In the article actual problems of teaching parallel programming in technical universities in terms of the formation of the necessary competencies for the successful positioning of the future experts of IT-trends in the labor market. 
Ability to develop software solutions in parallel processing of tasks is a necessary condition for the formation of the subject competence of students of IT-trends and qualification is an important characteristic of the modern specialist in applied mathematics, computer science and computer engineering. 
However, experience shows that when they begin to study the above questions, parallel programming is still difficult to understand students as It is significantly different from the usual methods of logical and structured programming, complementing them with new steps. Thus, there is a need to develop methodological approaches to the development of competencies in the field of parallel programming of future specialists in the direction of preparation «Computer Science and Engineering». 
The author proposes the following technique practical training: 
1. In the first stage, to get acquainted with the construction and architecture of multiprocessor computer systems, as well as the theoretical study of the major parallel methods for solving problems provided the use of a software system «Parallel Laboratory» (abbreviated name ParaLab). 
2. In the second phase, when students will receive theoretical training is already sufficient in the field of parallel methods of solving problems, it is proposed to build the simplest computing cluster on multiple computers on a Microsoft HPC Server 2008‑based. 
3. The third step is proposed execution of parallel tasks to create a computing cluster. Such an approach to the selection and application of methods at different stages of training provides a systematic and successful absorption of the students practical skills of parallel computing for high-performance systems.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Bragin A., Gerasimov M., Logunov M., Navletov N., Pyanzin D., Spirin A.

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The aim is to develop software for the automation of the work of the magneto-optical device. The paper describes the developed automated devices for the study of magneto-optical materials. Materials for this study thin film with a magnetic anisotropy in which the two-dimensional ordered domain structures can be formed. These materials are transparent in the infrared and visible spectral range and exhibit a magneto-optical Faraday effect. Domain structures are of interest for the creation of controlled diffraction gratings, baffles, switches, fiber-optic communication lines, etc. The device can change the external influence on the sample, analyze and recognize objects (digital images), highlight the region with the labyrinthine domain structure. External influences may be magnetic and thermal fields. Formation of ordered two-dimensional domain structures in the material depends on the parameters of the external field: the pulse duration, intensity, direction, offset voltage, the direction of DC offset, etc. The device allows you to get the equilibrium labyrinthine domain structure and register settings of external fields. At present, the developed software is used in conjunction with a magneto-optical device for materials research at the Department of Radio Engineering, National Research Mordovia State University.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Roshchin D.

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created in the process of performing research and development work when new products creating. It is used to reprodutcion or simulate the specific properties of the specified products and is made to verify the principle of its action and characterization. The creation of a model in the process of engineering design the measurement system is an important stage at which the analysis of the achievability of the requirements for the functional purpose of the system is performed, and searches for ways to meet these requirements. Information obtained at this stage will help determine the choice of technical means of the system, its composition, type, and placement of elements. Particular attention is paid to the choice of the software platform, developing and program debugging. During the creation of the coordinate-measuring system model mutual relations were determined between its elements. Operation to achieve the coordinated interaction of technical, methodological, mathematical and software of the system is realized. The functional part of the system is carried out to check its ability to perform the assigned functions. The principle of operation of the system is proved in practice, the methods of the coordinate measurement are worked out, and the technical and metrological characteristics of the created model are evaluated. The results of this work will facilitate the development of solutions to the problems that may arise in the process of engineering design and building coordinate measuring systems in the future.