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№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Salibekyan S., Petrova S.

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The research goal was initially to develop a network (graph) database (DB) of wide applicability for representing the meaning obtained from a text in a natural language (general DB). Since the meaning descriptions of the physical world are often encountered in texts, it was required to separate the DB part (named the physical DB) intended to describe the spatio-temporal and cause-effect relationships between objects. The article draws attention to this part of DB because it can be used not only in NLP but also in many other areas: automatic systems of mobile technical objects for orientation in space, virtual reality, etc. The physical DB describes the physical world from the standpoint of subjective perception by a person or a technical object. The object-attribute approach to the data structure underlies the general and physical DB. An organization principle and a rigid format were developed for the general DB, and the information search technology and a principle for obtaining new information on the basis of the already existing information are additionally developed for the physical DB. The physical DB can describe practically all possible characteristics of objects and relations between objects in the real world: relative position of objects, direction, shapes and dimensions of objects, metrics, relationships between cause and effect. The real world perception subjectivity is ensured by the application of the theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic variables.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Researching of processes and systems
The author: Malinovskaya E.

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Presented research problem of moving objects behavior as applied to the analysis of images from surveillance cameras. Analyzed possibility of solving the problems of mathematical modeling in the field of security with using of scientific data and research from the field of psychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. Used the theory of reflexive processes V. A. Lefebvre into account characteristics of situational behavior of moving objects for account causes of the defects of the system. Proposed to form a typical behavior scenario of the moving observed group objects. Selected defective behavior scenario as probabilistic source security threats, based on the analysis of several subsystems specially. The principle of structural classification of situational behavior in accordance with possible violations of safety and classification systems of the type of interaction of the object — system. Defined 9 basic types of dynamic systems, the objects of which have internal motives decision. The analysis of the transitions from one state to another, from which you can select different transitions, some of which are potentially dangerous.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Researching of processes and systems
Authors: Anikina O., Gushchina O.

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The article shows the feasibility of genetic and evolutionary algorithms, based on the technique of creating iterative models tabular means Microsoft Excel on a «programming without programming,» without the use of software code in VBA language. Genetic algorithms in conjunction with evolutionary strategies are two main directions of evolutionary modeling. With their help can be found solving many complex problems in various areas, such as software development, systems of artificial intelligence, optimization, artificial neural networks, and other branches of knowledge. Presented in the article table model genetic algorithm proves that the tabular method, you can create simulation models of algorithms that were previously implemented only with the use of specialized simulation systems, or by programming. It should be noted that the above table model can be easily modified and extended (the size of chromosomes and the number of individuals in the population), and the proposed technique table simulation genetic algorithms can be successfully used for other, more complex optimization problems. Developed with the help of the proposed simulation models allow technology to virtualize laboratory training course in many disciplines — scientific and economic profiles, increase the efficiency of educational process in high schools, as characterized by exceptional clarity, ease of analysis, the implementation of experiments, a visual representation of the results. The results are of interest to specialists in the optimization of systems and processes, as well as for teachers, advanced students and students of higher educational institutions.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: For the anniversary of the scientist
Authors: Rubin Y., Emelyanov A.

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This publication is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of professor Valery P. Meshalkin, the famous Russian scientist, co-chairman of editorial board of our edition entitled «The Journal of Applied Informatics». Professor Valery P. Meshalkin is a Doctor of Technique, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Director of the Institute of Logistics and Resource Technology Innovation in D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Head of Logistics and Economic Information Chair. All his colleagues and the editorial board congratulate Professor Valery P. Meshalkin on the 75th anniversary and wish him all the best!
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: For the anniversary of the scientist
Authors: Volkova V., Chernyy Y.

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The article is devoted to the 110th anniversary of prof. F. E Temnikov, one of the founders of the Soviet and Russian schools of informatics, centertechnics and systems engineering. These terms were introduced in Russian by F. E. Temnikov and entered in the history of the development of informatics and systems research in our country.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Computer modeling
The author: Meshalkin V. P.

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The scientific and technical basis of the computer-aided analysis, optimization methods and techniques to ensure the structural and parametrical reliability of energy and resource saving Complex Gas Supply Pipeline Systems (CGSPS) are generalized and developed. The methodology for support and optimizing the performance reliability of CGSPS is presented. Оriginal techniques for engineering and technological failure analysis of facilities and complex gas pipelines, forcasting, reliability diagnostics and troubleshooting the causes of CGSPS are developed. New engineering techniques to ensure the reliability and safety of CGSPS systems are proposed. The technique for construction and practical application of the original topological (graph) models of gas supply pipeline systems reliability is briefly stated. On the basis of these models original methods of reliability factors calculating, including a qualitative analysis method of «the reliability of gas supply pipeline system topology» and decomposition methods of reliability multi-criteria optimization for CGSPS, are developed. Special program complexes for calculation and optimization of reliability, security risk management, integrated logistic support of gas pipelines and facilities of CGSPS, environmental monitoring and CGSPS impact assessment on the environment are developed.