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№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Defense software
Authors: Lavrenkov Y., Komarcova L. G.

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The article refers to the possibility of using neural network security methods of digital transmission in wireless networks. Analyzed the organization of information transfer and synchronization signals by two groups of transmitters operating in different frequency ranges. Organization of the system involves the transfer of synchronization signals by a group of transmitters with the same characteristics, but located at certain points in space. As a result, the correct information sequences can be accepted only if you know the area of the intersection of coverage zones of all clock transmitters. For protection of the transmitted information, it is proposed to use two neural network structures. The first neural network is constructed of two modified dynamic neural modules and a neuron with excitatory- inhibition dynamics. Its main purpose is to produce a background of the information signal, which is applied to conceal the information transmission, and also does not allow to determine activity times of transmitting stations. A modified Hungarian algorithm was used to configure the neural network and identify entry points of feedback signals was used. The second neural network structure consist of a dynamic digital neuron. One of the structures of a neuron is a block of memory, the content of its cells completely determines the dynamics of the development of states of the neuron. Its primary purpose is to generate a unique signal to synchronize the whole wireless network. Configuring of the neuron was carried out using a random search algorithm with self-learning. The main purpose of the algorithm was to initialize the memory block of a neural element. The joint functioning of the two developed neural network structures can protect the transmitted information without using of scrambling methods.
№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Defense software
The author: Tumbinskaya M. V.

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In the paper we propose a generalized block diagram of an information system of Internet banking, which reflects the modular architecture of the system, the relationship of users and the control loop. We propose a system model of information system of Internet banking, the use of which will help minimize the number of cybercriminals, optimize and improve the comprehensive system of information security organizations of economic and social development, improve the efficiency of secure information systems Internet banking, choose the right strategy for the development of Internet banking services. Model of information system of Internet banking will assess the level of security of the system, which is determined by solving the problem of decision support in poorly structured domain, characterized by heterogeneous characteristics. Proposed a set-theoretic model of decision support in Information Security Management Information Systems Internet banking, allowing accumulate analytical information about ongoing threats cybercriminals provide automated support for decisions on matters of neutralization cybercriminals, measures to ensure the protection of confidential information, facilitate the development of operating influences. The article presents a formalization of the model cybercriminals, characterized by personal parameters offender and scenarios for the theft of confidential information in the information system of Internet banking. The basis of the model laid down by cybercriminals typical images of cybercriminals, who will determine the potential intruder in the information system of Internet banking. The proposed solutions will increase the power of information security information system of Internet banking, to increase the efficiency and quality of management decision-making for the protection of confidential information.
№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Oshkalo D.

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Model-driven engineering approach considers the software project as a set of interrelated models representing the main artifacts of a development process, such as source code, configurational files, schemes of data warehouses, user interface, program architecture, etc. A relation between the models comes either from design dependencies (when one model is generated from another), or from the actual purpose of the models (when several models describe the same feature of the system). Both cases imply the related models to be consistent, i. e. the information is one model is somehow corresponds the information in another. Since the models are being modified, the consistency relation between them is broken and needs to be restored to maintain the development process. The article describes the activity called model synchronization, which handles the changes made to the models and correctly propagates them to the related ones, making them consistent. The activity is proposed to be built upon the well-defined model transformation techniques, which consist of a transformation engine and a set of transformation rules. Model synchronization properties and requirements are defined. Much consideration is given to incremental change propagation, conflict resolution and change verification. The classification of the model transformation methods and its vital parts is presented to define the most suitable approach as a basis for further model synchronization process development.
№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Evdoshenko O., Kravets А., Petrova I.

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Engineers have to use special methods for improvement of value of operational characteristics (parameters) of the technical device. The design engineer is to carry out the analysis of arrays of scientific and technical documents in a certain subject subarea for search of such methods. To be guided in the huge volume of the documents used for the purpose of search of methods to the expert is difficult, and search and the analysis of each document can be long. The purpose of work is to create the databases project for storing data of scientific and technical documentation in the structured view and to organize effective search in this database with use of ontologies. Authors have developed the logical model of the document and have described stages of database design. Authors created the ontology for the automated processing of semantics of information and its effective use. Classification of classes, subclasses is formed. Characteristics are identified that describe these concepts. Conceptual structure of the ontology is developed and designed in Ontorion Fluent Editor. Process of creation of classes of ontology, instances of classes and relations between instances is described. The created ontology is integrated with ontology «generalized methods of improvement of operational characteristics, system «Intelligence» and allows the user to receive not only information on reception of improvement of the characteristic (the name, the link to the document), but also detailed information on the most scientific and technical document.
№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
Authors: Emelyanov A., Emelyanova N., Shil’nikova O.

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The objectives of the company, including the improving the quality of processes and products, changes in the internal and external environment — these are the main reasons for the continuous modernization of automation with the aim of enhancing the efficiency, automate processes throughout the enterprise. Vitality — is an opportunity to realize the goal of management information system (MIS) operation in cases of adverse effects. Mechanisms to ensure vitality while can be very diverse. For example, it can be generated the new information process, which implements the purpose of the information system. Such an opportunity will characterize the information system the possession of properties vitality. Some mechanisms of adaptation, compensation, recognition, reconstruction, reconfiguration and reengineering are the technological basis of the dynamic functional MIS-system reorganizations. Obviously, vitality information system may, on the one hand, be considered as its objective property that depends on the subject, audience, time, and on the other hand — as a characteristic that they want to give it in the case of artificial formation, such as during the information operations. At every stage of the life cycle the MIS-system its corresponding version is used. The new versions bring new defects in the system in addition to the positive properties. Evolution is the process of structural and functional changes during its life cycle at the system. This article deals with the evolution model of the management information system in presence of defects, diagnose and extract them. Modelling of developing information management system and supporting of its working ability is an actual problem to be solving.
№ 5(59) 27 october 2015 year
Rubric: Researching of processes and systems
The author: Smentsarev G.

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The article discusses the role of formalization’s methods as a prerequisite for automated analysis of human social and cultural systems and for development of appropriate research methods and algorithms. It is describes those goals and objectives for the study of human social and cultural systems, that can use automated analysis methods based on formalized presentations. The article analyzes the characteristics and purpose of the two types of formalization: the humanitarian and mathematical. It describes the mathematical methods of human social and cultural systems formalizing for solving various classes of problems, such as evaluating the level of development of human social and cultural systems and analysis of its social efficiency, evaluating the effectiveness of individual organizations and cultural institutions, forecasting the directions of evolution for human social and cultural systems and identifying factors, that influence on the human social and cultural systems evolution. The article describes the author’s model of evaluation of the two types human social and cultural system’s effectiveness: the sphere of culture and the sphere of national security, that depends from the factors of the cultural environment. This model is based on the provisions and principles of qualimetry as a science that studies the methods for measuring the qualitative effects by using of quantitative indicators. Using the method of regression analysis and real statistical data the author determined the kind of dependence between these species of human social and cultural systems. When describing mathematical models of the effectiveness of individual organizations and institutions of culture, that are elements of the sphere of culture, the author paid special attention to the description of its own model. This is a universal model for evaluating the effectiveness of organizations and cultural institutions, based on the concept of monetization of free time, which is spent by individuals to visit institutions of culture in the conditions of competition between the different sources of information for the attention of individuals.